12 Things to Say to Yourself Everyday
12 Things to Say to Yourself Everyday
What we say to ourselves might be the most powerful thing we can do for our health and well-being.
Some joke about the current state of their health.
Some pretend it’s not an issue.
Some respond they had no idea.
But the truth is, bottom line, we know. We know if we are in a healthy state of being or not. I’m not talking about being a fitness model or professional athlete or size zero. The state of health I am speaking of says you can move, breathe and live with ease. You sleep well, feel good, and have a good attitude towards life and yourself.
Your Health Is Not a Means of Punishment
After spending more than half my life struggling deeply with addition, I 100% understand how the conversation inside your head plays into how you live life and the choices and actions you make that play into that.
It might seem silly, but you are enough. And many use their health as a means for punishment. Many choose everyone else and everything else over their health even when the reality is they can’t be 100% all-in when their health is less than optimal.
Today I’m not here to tell you to eat healthy, because correct me if I’m wrong. We all know we need to eat more fruits and vegetables, less processed and greasy foods. We all know we should be drinking more water and less soda. We know that! You know that! I know you do. So the big question is, why don’t we?
When I began my journey into recovery, I realized my choices were directly related to how I felt about myself. When I felt like I was a loser, ugly, a nobody, I made choices that reflected that. But when I had a moment that I felt good about myself, I made choices that reflected that.
On days that I am stressed, the moment I allow myself to “think about it,” I choose the couch, a snack, other needs above mine. But when I catch myself and act accordingly when I get up and move, eat the damn salad, I find I am a better version of myself. I have better internal conversations. And that is worth something.
If push-ups, sit-ups, and squats were the answer, then we’d all be fit.
If meal plans, food apps, and simply eliminating a food group were the answer, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
But it has to start with you.
The Link Between Thoughts, Feelings, And Behavior
An article on Forbes said: “Your thoughts are a catalyst for self-perpetuating cycles. What you think influences directly how you feel and how you behave. So if you think you’re a failure, you’ll feel like a failure. Then, you’ll act like a failure, reinforcing your belief that you must be a failure.”
The article discussed that once we draw a conclusion for ourselves, we are likely to do two things:
- Look for evidence that reinforces your belief.
- And discount anything that runs contrary to your belief.
Once you do that, you are going to act based on the above. It’s your thoughts that are determining your actions, your choices, not a fancy app or workout program. Those can help, but if they don’t help address the mental and emotional, you may find yourself spinning your wheels and wondering why nothing is changing.
Shift Gears
When you find yourself stuck in a corner, reinforcing negative beliefs or thoughts that hurt you rather than help you challenge yourself, there are several things you can do that include self-talk.
- Talk out loud to yourself.
- Say CANCEL CANCEL; when you say that within 20 seconds of thinking or saying those negative thoughts, you can rewire your brain away from those thoughts.
- Do it right away in the morning. When you start the day out on the right foot, the rest of your day is more likely to go that way. Drink a large glass of water, go for a quick 10-minute walk, deep breathe, recite positive affirmations like, I love myself, I am enough, I got this.
- Engage in activities, programs, and groups that don’t overwhelm you where they mean well, but you feel like you won’t be able to do that in the end. To figure this out, you have to listen to the conversation in your head. Sometimes, you need to push through, but make sure the pushing is through an overwhelm of information that you aren’t even applying. (Mother Trucker Yoga Program)
It must start with how you talk to yourself.
You are worth it.
You are good enough.
You can work out.
You can eat healthily.
You have what it takes!
That self-talk is the first conversation you should be paying attention to in your daily life and the one that creates all other conversations you have here on out.
Notice your internal response after reading those statements?
Are you rejecting them?
Embracing them?
Do they inspire you?
Or make you feel uncomfortable?
Get clear on that, and you, my friend, have your next step!
If you think this is too simple. You are right. It is, and that is why most think it’s not worth it. But the truth is. What you say to yourself is worth focusing on. If your kids listen to everything you say, is your brain not listening to everything you say too?
If you want to learn why Mother Trucker Yoga and how we are different than the rest. CLICK HERE
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