Resting & Relaxing Is An Essential Part Of Getting Fit As A Driver

Resting & Relaxing Is An Essential Part Of Getting Fit As A Driver Mother Trucker Yoga BLog

It might seem as though relaxing and sleeping well are totally opposed to getting fit as a driver. After all, you’re not building muscle, flexibility, or endurance when laying down and resting, and certainly not when you’re snoozing.

Actually, you are. Lifting weights, for example, doesn’t build muscle. It tears your muscles down incrementally so that you can then recover with a higher protein diet. It provides a stress response t that builds then said muscle in your rest and relaxation periods.

For this reason, then, any excellent fitness habit, be that yoga, running, cycling, rowing, swimming, or lifting weights, is simply incomplete and will burn you out quickly if you find you’re unable to get the rest you need.

How should we regard this truth, then? Well, it’s important to make a worthwhile schedule regarding your fitness habits. This should include rest days. In this post, we’ll discuss the value of that, some advice to help you along, and suggestions for what to do on your rest days to aid your future workouts.

Without further ado, let’s consider:

A Worthwhile Diet

Many people think getting fit means limiting your diet and basically only ever eating rabbit food, but that’s not true. Sure, eating is often indulgent, but a proper diet helps you balance some of those issues. For instance, eating a high protein, relatively low carb diet with plenty of green vegetables, both fibrous and leafy, can help you feel more satiated. And when it comes to truck driver health, you must monitor what you eat because you aren’t moving much during the day.

That lack of movement can add weight when you consume more than you are burning. Switching up your morning breakfast for steel-cut oats can help you feel fuller for longer. And truck driver health foods that are travel friendly and can be made with little effort like steel-cut oats make eating healthy for a driver easy. Foods like this can be the start of a fantastic relationship with food,, learning to cook wholesome meals, and feeling amazing as a result.

With the holidays around the corner, it can be stressful to figure out what to eat. Check out our blog – Healthy Holiday Survival Guide: 5 Simple Strategies.

Light Walking & Stretching

Of course, avoiding all physical activity on your rest days isn’t necessarily what we’re going for here. A nice light walk with the dog, some light stretching, and using equipment like foam rollers can be a big helper here. Perhaps you could even use this time to practice your discipline and learn more about it. For instance, understanding the best yoga phrases to use can help you understand this discipline more intimately. That kind of approach can work wonders for all those reasons and more.

If you are looking for ways to motivate yourself to get out and away and aren’t sure how to structure your activities check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s Walking Challenge. THIS IS a FREE 30 Day guide to getting out and walking more. This is the perfect way to start your new path towards trucking fitness.

Perfect Your Sleep Habits

Sleep is one of the best things you can get right for staying healthy and fit, but it depends on your schedule. Eight hours is generally recommended for most adult people. Ensure quality sleep by ensuring your bedroom has good ventilation, that you keep a consistent bedtime, and that you give yourself time to wind down before bed. If you can do that, then you’ll be much more able to drift away comfortably. Some people use herbal sleeping tablets to help them get into a good schedule, but what works for you is often more than appropriate. What matters here is consistency.

With this approach, you’re sure to find rest and relaxation are the perfect supplements to your workouts.

Getting fit as a driver doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you are focused on truck driver health or trucking fitness, all the above can help you take that next step so you can feel good again.



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