Facing Back Pain and Stretching: 7 Effective Fixes for Driver Fitness 

Facing Back Pain and Stretching: 7 Effective Fixes for Driver Fitness Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Cover Image

Facing Back Pain and Stretching: 7 Effective Fixes for Driver Fitness 

Traveling can be a fun experience if you lead a busy lifestyle. It means you’re going out to meet family after a long time, going wherever the road takes you, and a lot of time to stop and admire the moment alone. But if back pain comes knocking, everything is turned upside down. It can ruin the simplest moments of joy, and if you’re someone who drives for a living, it can make your life miserable. Back pain can be triggered by sitting in the driver’s seat and being unable to stretch for a more extended period. Thankfully, due to modern science, many pain relief creams can be applied externally to help fight back pain.

This article will cover some ways to reduce back pain on the road!

How to Avoid Back Pain? 7 Easy Tips

Use Supports

Creating lumbar support can be quite a relief, and it doesn’t need to be complicated. You can roll a towel and place it against your back to give you the support your hurting back needs. Our favorite here at Mother Trucker Yoga is BackShield (Use code: MTY10). BackShield is perfectly designed with a driver’s most significant needs in mind. 

BackShield is a unique tool to use when facing back pain. There are many reasons for this one-of-a-kind product created to help our customers experience relief from back pain. It is unlike any other product for back support on the market. The BackShield assists in supporting the spine’s natural curvature and works—unlike cushions, beads, and different variations of back support on the market. This is the product drivers, and office workers have been waiting for! Grab yours and let us know what you think!

Move Your Seat Forward

Moving your seat forward can force you out of slouching or awkward lending position as there isn’t too much space between your chest and the steering wheel. It also helps relax your feet from the pedals, which can alleviate pain, when your seat is too far back, the muscles in your leg strain more to keep constant pressure on the pedals and can also leave your arms at an unnatural height and position, causing aggravating shoulder, neck, or when you might be facing back pain. 

Backshield - seat for truck drivers

Use Pain Relief Creams

While it is not advised to be on medicinal drugs, pain relief creams can step in as a major lifesaver. These creams are produced to delve deep into your skin and reach the muscles that are stressed and causing back pain. It is an effective and quick fix for all truck drivers. If you haven’t yet checked out STIFF Mother Trucker pain relief cream, what are you waiting for? We uniquely crafted this pain cream with 12 all-natural ingredients six active ingredients (most name brand creams only have 1-2) so you can get relief fast. 

Stretch Your Body

Whenever you get the break, taking time to stretch your body can do wonders to reduce your back pain. Being cramped in awkward spaces for long durations can increase stress in your muscles, and that can improve your health problems. By 20, we lose about 10% of our flexibility every decade. It might be time to stretch. Stretching doesn’t have to mean you are in yoga pants or own a yoga mat. It’s simple moves you can do right from the driver’s seat when you have just a few minutes to find relief. That’s all it takes. Twist your torso, roll your neck, ankles, and wrists, arch your back. All these moves add up and impact your health when done regularly and adequately. Check out Mother Trucker Yoga LIFESTYLE JUMPSTART Membership Platform and APP to get instant access to our driver-focused content so you can keep on moving. (Use the code: MTY30 for a free 30-day trial).

Mother Trucker Yoga LIFESTYLE JUMPSTART App and platform image

Change Your Steering Wheel Grip

Due to the additions of airbags, holding the steering wheel by ten o clock and two o clocks is outdated. Now specialists suggest that you have the steering wheel by nine o clock and three o clock, which allows you to rest your elbows on the armrests, which helps support your spine, reducing back pain. Next time you are at the wheel, check your elbows. Remember: relax the elbows, so they drip down, then slide your shoulders down your back as well—ah, relief. 

Heat Your Seats

If the option is available, heating your seats can be a blessing in disguise. The heat applied will release tension from the body, and the release can remove any signs of an ache in your body. Plus, warm muscles move better, which is a benefit as well. Many people reportedly turn their seat heaters on if they feel any form of ache in their muscles or back.

Use Ice Packs

If you have an immediate injury or strain, consider using ice right away to help reduce inflammation from the body fast. In contrast, you can use ice packs to reduce the inflammation on your back and numb the region so you can’t feel any pain. There are many ice packs available in stores that you can take on your travels and alternate between, making it a relatively accessible option for the truck drivers who need it most. 


Facing back pain on the road is not as easy of a task as it would seem, but our guide to help you might step in just when you need it. Stretching and pain relief creams are amongst many effective ways to deal with a poor lumber position, and for your truck driver’s health, this guide tells you all that you need to know!

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