Attention Driver: 4 Benefits of Yoga for A Better Night’s Sleep

 Attention Driver: Benefits of Yoga for A Better Night’s Sleep Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Cover Image

 Stress and sleep deprivation are closely linked. If you find yourself lacking the quality sleep required in a truck driver’s health, look no further because we’ve got your back. You might be wondering: what trick in the book do they have that I haven’t tried yet? The answer? Trucking yoga! Yoga is an ancient practice of spiritual discipline and scientifically has been proven to benefit those who practice it. It is easy to learn and even easier to teach in your daily life as it takes as few as 10 minutes. Here’s the kicker: you don’t need anything but your body and some space to stretch for you to practice yoga. Let us tell you the benefits of yoga for a better night’s sleep.

Four benefits of yoga for a better night’s sleep

It exhausts your body.

Yoga can be exhaustive to practice as it demands challenging poses that engage your muscles extensively. As your muscles are stretched and held in rigid trucking yoga positions, your energy is focused on the physical excursion. Hence you experience physical fatigue. A tired body will chase sleep, requiring rest, and you’ve already won half the battle.

We suggest practicing Reclined Single-Leg Twist Pose, Savasana (Relaxation Pose), and Legs Up the Wall/Elevated Pose.


Benefits of yoga for better nights sleep relaxation pose mother trucker yoga blog

Relaxation Pose


It calms nerves and disrupts stressful thoughts.

Calmness and patience are two virtues that trucking yoga enforces on you. Focusing on your breath brings your attention to the present and away from misleading thoughts. It establishes your connection to mindfulness, and once you are visibly calmed, your brain can embrace sleep better. Inculcate positions such as Balasana and Supta Baddha Konasana in your nighttime routine for good truck driver health.

It is one of the most recommended forms of stress relief and helps you unwind within a moment, letting you wander to sleep. Yoga can settle the brain, if not empty it.

  1. It relaxes your nervous system.

Trying poses such as the Standing Forward Bend, Legs Up the Wall/Elevated, and Savasana (Relaxation Pose) increases blood flow to the brain’s sleep center and away from the activity in your nervous system. The blood flow would give way to let your nervous system relax, reducing activity in the brain. This would help you sleep better at night once added to your nightly routine. 

Chair Version of Standing Foward Bend

Chair Version of Standing Foward Bend

Yoga revives the body.

There are two methods in which yoga rejuvenates the boy by helping the release of toxins and increasing the circulation of oxygen in your bloodstream. Toxins build up in tissues and different organs within our body. Incorporating trucking yoga before bedtime helps to release the toxins from your organs and tissues, which the kidneys can later filter. 

Pranayama, a form of disciplined breathing yoga, enforces you to time and control your breathing. This introduces ample oxygen in your bloodstream, replenishing your body and establishing better truck driver health.


From the concluded results of many university pieces of research to doctor preferences, trucking yoga is an acclaimed method that helps you battle insomnia and untangles the mess in your brain to let you drift off happily. This is how you attain the truck driver health you are looking for, along with the benefits of yoga for a better night’s sleep.



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