Trucker Health Tips from Mother Trucker Yoga®

5 Truck Stop Wellness Hacks

5 Truck Stop Wellness Hacks Every Trucker Needs to Know

Introduction Truck driving is often considered one of the most unhealthy professions. Long hours sitting behind the wheel, lack of sleep, and limited healthy food options can take a toll on truckers' physical and mental wellbeing. 5 Truck Stop…
The Best Workouts for Drivers

The Best Workouts for Drivers: Seat Stretches to Combat Sitting All Day

Introduction Many drivers work long hours and spend most of that time sitting behind the wheel. While providing an essential service, this type of work unfortunately does not promote movement or activity. When sitting for prolonged periods,…

Driving Wellness in the Trucking Industry: Integrating Yoga into a Wellness Program – The Mother Trucker Yoga® Difference

Promoting good health among employees brings manifold benefits, both at an individual level and for companies. When employees are in excellent health, we observe a noticeable reduction in stress levels, an increase in strength, and an improvement…

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