Trucker Health Tips from Mother Trucker Yoga®

World Suicide Prevention Day: 6 Strategies to Improve Driver Mental Wellness
LifestyleEveryone talks about mental health, and unfortunately, the term "mental health" has a more negative connotation than positive. After talking with dozens of people from various backgrounds, most felt the time "mental health" felt there was something…

Healthy Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Special dishes, Truck Driver RecipesSometimes you just need a sweet treat. And when you are over the road there are a lot of sweet treats you can choose from the moment you step inside the truck stop. Healthy Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
The problem with the food selections…

Truck Driver Health: Guided Meditations for A Happy Mind
Lifestyle, Yoga for TruckersA happy, healthy mind is critical to a driver's well-being in truck driver health.
The high amount of stress drivers have to deal with day in and day out is often normalized by the industry and never taken seriously. Telling a driver to "exercise"…