Trucker Health Tips from Mother Trucker Yoga®

Common Issues From Sitting In A Truck All Day And How To Fix Them
Trucker FitnessCommon Issues From Sitting In A Truck All Day And How To Fix Them
When you are on the road all the time, you are at increased risk for certain medical conditions. Of course, not every trucker is going to experience the same things, but there…

Stress Management: HowTo Do Deep Abdominal Breathing
Yoga for TruckersStress Management: How to Do Deep Abdominal Breathing
Breathing is one of those things we all do, yet we rarely think about it; when a system like the respiratory works without us having to think about it or make it happen, it's called "involuntary."…

Stay Healthy While on the Go with These 6 Top Tips for Truckers
Lifestyle, UncategorizedWorking as a long-haul truck driver is indeed a challenging and demanding job. Not many people can travel long distances and stay for long periods without seeing their family. With the sedentary and autonomous nature of the job, working as a…