Trucker Health Tips from Mother Trucker Yoga®

A Truckers Workout: Resistance Bands Exercises
Lifestyle, Trucker FitnessIt can be hard to get moving, stay fit, and be active whether you are a truck driver, a traveler, or a commuter. Being in the driver's seat all day long sucks. And when we can't be active, that can also wear on our mental state. Resistance bands…

What is Plantar Fasciitis & What to Do About It
Trucker Fitness, Yoga for TruckersWhat is Plantar Fasciitis & What to Do About It
I never had ANY issues with my feet until I was pregnant. Plantar Fasci.. Who? And it was right about that time that I began my journey of diving into the body. Not yoga poses. Not…

The Benefits of Capsicum for Natural Pain Relief
Lifestyle, Trucker FitnessThe Benefits of Capsicum for Natural Pain Relief
When I set out to create my pain relief cream, I had a list of ingredients I wanted in my pain cream and a list of what I didn't. For the past 20 years I have been using, searching, and…