Trucker Health & Fitness Tips From Mother Trucker Yoga

10 Quick Ways to Reduce Stress Today
Lifestyle10 Quick Ways to Reduce Stress Today
Living over the road where your home, office, kitchen, and the vehicle is all one can be overwhelming and stressful. Stress can cause headaches, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and negatively…

8 Amazing Benefits of Eating Dark Leafy Greens
Healthy Eating for TruckersBenefits of Eating Dark Leafy Greens
If you ask my kids they will tell you many things, but one thing I have always said since they were young has been:
"Eat your greens; they keep you healthy!"
Your body needs…

Benefits of a Chiropractor for Travel
LifestyleBenefits of a Chiropractor for Travel
Natural and holistic therapies have taken the whole medical field on a roller coaster. There are many therapies under natural healing, which is commonly known as Chiropractic.
The seekers for…

How Chiropractic Can Help Truck Drivers
Lifestyle, UncategorizedSitting for hours, lifting heavy objects, having to work long nights - these are important duties that truck drivers do, but they can take a toll on their health. This can lead to many serious problems, including tension and back pain. This article will explore more behind what a chiropractor can do to assist truck drivers.

6 Rules for Over the Road Fitness
Lifestyle, Trucker Fitness6 Rules for Over the Road Fitness
The idea of over the road fitness is not the norm for some. And for others, they think of it only as taking their traditional workout with them. And that is great. But for the rest of us, being smart…

A Truckers Workout: Resistance Bands Exercises
Lifestyle, Trucker FitnessIt can be hard to get moving, stay fit, and be active whether you are a truck driver, a traveler, or a commuter. Being in the driver's seat all day long sucks. And when we can't be active, that can also wear on our mental state. Resistance bands…

What is Plantar Fasciitis & What to Do About It
Trucker Fitness, Yoga for TruckersWhat is Plantar Fasciitis & What to Do About It
I never had ANY issues with my feet until I was pregnant. Plantar Fasci.. Who? And it was right about that time that I began my journey of diving into the body. Not yoga poses. Not…

The Benefits of Capsicum for Natural Pain Relief
Lifestyle, Trucker FitnessThe Benefits of Capsicum for Natural Pain Relief
When I set out to create my pain relief cream, I had a list of ingredients I wanted in my pain cream and a list of what I didn't. For the past 20 years I have been using, searching, and…

4 Simple Steps to Mindfulness In A Stressful World
LifestyleThe idea of being "mindful" is now just as common language as "ya all" or "selfie". What used to be the art of paying attention has morphed into the art of mindfulness. But what exactly is mindfulness? But what does mindful mean? And I know…

5 Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief
Trucker Fitness, Yoga for TruckersSeveral years ago I had sciatica for nearly a year straight. I was seeking sciatica pain relief in the worst way.
It hurt to bend, it hurt to sit, it hurt to stand, it hurt to sleep, it hurt to do just about everything. I thought to myself…