Trucker Health & Fitness Tips From Mother Trucker Yoga

7 Rules of Life to Stay Positive
7 Rules of life to stay positive and focused on what matters.
Sometimes we need to stop and remember what's important. Now I know that seems a bit cliche, but when we...
We can…

Travel Exercise: Top Things You Need To Have
Lifestyle, Trucker FitnessOver time many of us collect fitness favorites and pile them in a corner to pull out whenever you want when you spend most of your time at your home. But for those that travel a lot and those that live over the road like a truck driver or even…

Topical Pain Relief Just for Truckers
Trucker Fitness, Trucker News
Topical pain relief just for truckers when they need it most.
Have you ever really looked at topical pain relief creams and noticed what they are made with? I have been in the health and fitness industry for nearly 20 years, and pain is…

Highway to Hope Podcast | Trucker's Health Challenge
Events, Trucker NewsIt's here! The St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund (SFC) Highway to Hope Podcast Episode 6 is out! The trucking community is in need of a health and wellness overhaul.
The Trucking Industry Needs A Health Boost:
The trucking industry is in…

Going the Distance Challenge for Truck Drivers
Lifestyle, Trucker FitnessGoing the Distance Truck Driver Challenge starts July 27th!
Truck drivers are one of the largest underserved communities. And with truck drivers' health continually at risk, something needs to change. Other challenges have been displayed…

Can Yoga Help For Travelers With Chronic Back Pain?
Lifestyle, Yoga for TruckersDealing with chronic pain and living on the road is not easy. Beyond struggling with fatigue and being away from family, many travelers and drivers have a hard time finding time for exercise.
But sitting long hours without doing counteractive…

14 Ways to Reduce Overwhelm and Stress | As a Truck Driver
Lifestyle, Yoga for TruckersOverwhelm and stress. Stress can be overwhelming and even debilitating. It can cause headaches, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and negatively affect our immune system. We all know that stress isn’t good for us physically…

Best Core Exercises for Truck Drivers
Trucker Fitness, Yoga for TruckersBest Truck Driver Fitness Core Exercises When You Don't Have a Lot of Time.
When it comes to driver exercises, and truck driver fitness, it's time to update yourself, no more sit-ups, there is a better way. We have all heard how important it…

Benefits of Using a Topical Pain Reliever
Lifestyle, Trucker NewsBenefits Of Using A Topical Pain Reliever
Do you continually drive, and your body becomes stiff because of staying in one place and driving for very long? Do your muscles and body hurt after driving for very long? The solution to your problems…

4 Poses to Banish Stress Instantly While Traveling
Trucker Fitness, Yoga for TruckersStress can be overwhelming and even debilitating. It can cause headaches, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, and irritability. Obviously, we all know that stress isn't good for us physically or mentally. So, how do we banish stress in our…