Trucker Health & Fitness Tips From Mother Trucker Yoga

Neck Pain: 7 Ways to Drive Pain-Free
Trucker Fitness, Yoga for TruckersNeck pain can be a royal pain when it comes to driving. And when you are a professional truck driver a pain in the neck can absolutely put a halt on your plan to keep rolling.
Neck pain has an annual prevalence rate exceeding 30% among adults…

Corporate Yoga for Drivers and Desk Employees
Trucker Fitness, Trucker News, Yoga for TruckersWhen people hear about the benefits of yoga most are still imaging a yoga mat, yoga pants, and serene yoga music. But bringing yoga to your company doesn't look quite like that. Mother Trucker Yoga's corporate wellness programming brings amazing…

10 Ways to Stay Healthy During an Outbreak - COVID-19
Lifestyle, Trucker NewsWe understand that during this time our drivers must still keep on rolling. And as you roll on from city to city, and state to state. We appreciate you and your continued service to keep our country moving. 10 Ways to Stay Healthy
And although…

Drivers Fight COVID-19 with Homemade Hand Sanitizer
Lifestyle, Truck Driver RecipesDrivers fight COVID-19 with homemade hand sanitizer. You are out there, on the go, transporting toilet paper to the masses (insert humor). And we appreciate you. But we do want you to be healthy and use safe practices when it comes to keeping…

Constipation: 3 Ways to get Relief on the Go
Healthy Eating for Truckers, LifestyleConstipation. Not exactly a conversation ANY of us want to have. But yesterday I spent the day with drivers at the Petro in Wilmington, IL and the topic of fiber, digestion, and constipation just kept coming up.
It struggles for anyone who…

Put Back Pain in Your Rear-View Mirror
Yoga for TruckersOperating a truck day in and day out takes a toll on a person’s body. It’s not a secret that if you are a trucker, you sit a lot. It’s just the nature of the job. Stops to move around and stretch usually don’t happen. There just…

10 Tips for a Functional Body
Trucker Fitness, Yoga for Truckers
Did you know that there are over 7 million truck drivers on our roads? Sadly, truckers are one of the unhealthiest populations in our country. The long work hours, little to no time to rest or stretch throughout the day, and the obvious requirement…

10 Steps to Goal Setting as a Truck Driver
Lifestyle, Yoga for TruckersGoal setting can seem like a mountain to climb, but it doesn't have to be. So much of what we want to accomplish, achieve and get to is available to us. But it is in m experience that if we right from the start don't set ourselves up for a successful…

Choosing Healthy Food On The Road
Healthy Eating for Truckers, Truck Driver RecipesChoosing healthy fuel for your body is hard for anyone. It is even harder for truck drivers who are constantly on the road for days or even weeks at a time. Choosing Healthy Food
Eating healthy starts with you saying to yourself, “I can…

4 Tips To Start Eating Healthy Today
Healthy Eating for Truckers, Trucker FitnessEating healthy in today's world seems to be similar to solving a complicated murder mystery with multiple conflicting witnesses.
The people over here say this.
The people over there say that.
The people up in front are saying no to…