
Healthy Holiday Survival Guide: 5 Simple Strategies

Between Friendsgiving, Thanksgiving, and the upcoming holidays, the next six weeks might be challenging to stay on track. I know some of you will be home for the holidays, and others will not. But the pressure to “dig in” during this time is everywhere. And I want to share with you some of the best holiday survival tips & tricks so you can all indulge just enough without sacrificing your health. healthy holiday survival

Here are a few of the tried and true tips you can find in our Holiday Survival Guide: 5 Simple Strategies


  • Avoid Skipping Meals To “Save Room For Later”.

Its mentality to “make room” often leaves you eating more than what you have room for. It also sets you up for thinking you can “eat more” than what you typically do. Even with healthy snacks for truck drivers, you can overeat. And when it comes to meals, skipping meal time to “eat more later” is not a healthy approach. If you have a dinner party, still eat breakfast and lunch if that is what you do. Not only will you stop the mind games around the holidays this way, but you will keep your blood sugar stable, and you won’t find yourself overheating due to a blood sugar crash. 


  • Sit Down And Slow Down When You Eat.

For drivers, eating on the go is the norm, so it can be hard for some to shut that approach to food off when you don’t have to. The holidays can be good for a formal dining approach, where you sit down, eat, and have conversations. This can be great to help you slow down and chew your food. Put your fork down between bites and add dialogue throughout the meal. It’s not just about healthy snacks for truck drivers. It’s also about how to approach food more healthily. In most Asian countries, dinner can be up to seven hours long. Because it’s more about conversation and not just about filling up our plates. By chewing and chatting, you can help your body digest what you are eating and allow your mind to catch up with your belly to prevent overeating. 


  • Bring Healthy Dishes To Share, So You Know There Is A Mindful Option To Choose From. 

As someone who has dietary restrictions (not by choice) and tends to lean more on the Pescatarian side, I have had to train myself always to bring a dish to pass, even when I’m not asked. That way, I always have something I can eat. This reduces the eating things that leave me sick for days and helps me avoid binge eating when I get home because I am so hungry. 


  • Build Movement Into Your Day Every Day Throughout The Holidays. 

Traveling may take you out of your daily routine (you know that as a driver), but it doesn’t have to make you sedentary. For drivers and those who often travel, the mindset that comes with it is one you don’t have time for. Or that what you are doing takes up all your time. But in all reality, it doesn’t. Where can you fit more movement into your day? Where can you sneak a quick walk in, even if it’s just 10 minutes? Where can you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Where can you squat, reach, bend and twist? Stop categorizing movement as exercise because they are not the same. 


  • Set Aside 15 Minutes Every Day. 

New habits are created by making it a point to develop new habits. I am not a big believer in elaborate workouts. And as a driver, who has time for that? But everyone has 15 minutes. At Mother Trucker Yoga, I call it The 15 Minute Wellness Method™. How can you move on purpose for 15 minutes? Go for a walk each day, call someone you love, and wish them happy holidays. Stretch and move for 15 Minutes using Mother Trucker Yoga’s Jump Start Video’s inside our app. Bicep curls water jugs until you can’t anymore. Whatever it is, set a timer for 15 minutes and move. Chances are you will exceed that time because you will feel so good. 


And move the new tradition and bring others along, you’ll be surprised how many of your friends and family want to move too after all that sitting and eating. 


We get it! Sometimes our plans don’t allow for the time or space to get a workout in. If that happens, do your best to keep moving. Inviting family or friends to join in can help you get more active and may even start a new healthy tradition. Some of our favorite “just move” tips are:


See our latest blog for these and more of our favorite ‘go-to’ holiday party tips, where I talk more about each of these healthy holiday ideas.
Don’t forget to watch us on STARTUP on PBS this Sunday, November 28th at 12:30 pm CST, where Hope’s entrepreneurial journey and how she is helping truck drivers with health and wellness debuts!

Check your local listing for your area’s exact time HERE

Go Nuts – A Great Snack for Truckers

Go Nuts – Healthy Snacks for Truck Drivers

When it comes to food, many have an all-or-nothing switch. You can’t just eat one piece of cake as a sweet treat, but even when things are labeled healthy, you find yourself thinking more is better. It can be confusing what are healthy snacks for truck drivers and when you walk into a truck stop, and all you see is cookies, candy, chips, and soda, it can feel overwhelming. But healthy snacks for truck drivers are available, and nuts are where it’s at.


Nuts are incredibly healthy, where these nutrient-packed morsels are one of the best foods you can eat, but no one said anything about a handful’s a day, every day. Go nuts! Yes, go nuts; they are a great treat and portion-perfect travel food for your next trip, or for that truck driver trying to avoid the unhealthy options in truck stops and doesn’t want to entire the front doors on an empty stomach. 


Many think that nuts are a fattening food. But the truth is nuts and seeds are some of the best foods you can eat for optimum health, metabolic syndrome, and weight loss. 


The Research Is In!


In 2017 a research study was done through the Global Burden of Disease Study. The most comprehensive analysis of the causes of death ever undertaken involved nearly 500 researchers and examined 100,000 data sources. And this study calculated that not eating enough nuts was a leading dietary risk factor for death and disability worldwide. They found that lack of nutrition taken in through nuts kills more people than processed meat consumption and more than a low intake of fiber and vegetables. The Global Burden of Disease Study estimates that eating more vegetables could save 1.8 million lives, but eating more nuts and seeds could save 2.5 million lives. Just let that sink in for a second. WOW! Right? I had to read that twice myself. 


But it doesn’t stop there; their research also noted that the healthy foods missing from most diets worldwide are nuts and seeds! 


Why Are Nuts Healthy Snacks for Truck Drivers? 


Research from the Mayo Clinic suggests that eating nuts may:

  • Lower your low-density lipoprotein (LDL or “bad”) cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which play a significant role in the buildup of deposits called plaques in your arteries
  • Improve the health of the lining of your arteries
  • Lower levels of inflammation linked to heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of developing blood clots, which can lead to a heart attack and death

Nuts are packed with loads of nutrition. They are suitable for your overall health as they contain protein, fiber, B vitamins, folic acid, niacin, vitamin E, and many other minerals like magnesium, zinc (check out our article on the MTY blog about Zinc), copper, potassium, and antioxidants. And when it comes to heart health, they contain the nonessential amino acid arginine, which helps protect the artery walls’ inner lining.

Nuts also contain a high amount of monounsaturated fats, the same fats found in olive oil. Monounsaturated fats are heart-healthy and not the kind of fat you want to be afraid of. Some nuts are also excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids that our body wants to make sure we get enough. Many truck drivers get an overabundance of Omega-6 and Omega-9’s in their diets due to the plethora of fast foods and processed foods. So nuts are a great go-to in an attempt to turn the tables in the Omega category.


Eating nuts and seeds regularly play a crucial role in managing health concerns like:

  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Heart Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia

But How Much is Too Many Nuts? 

Well, all nuts and seeds have a slightly different nutrition punch to bring to the handful. The key is to take nuts in at ½ ounce to 1-ounce servings daily up to five days a week. 

Check out our Nuts Realistic Serving Size Chart to see just how much you should be grabbing of nuts a day. 

Go Nuts Mother Trucker Yoga Blog How much nuts to eat

Nuts are Heart Healthy

Nuts help reduce coronary heart disease (after adjusting for other coronary heart disease factors) by eating five or more servings (5 ounces) of nuts per week by 35-50%. But I find it is important to note that, like anything, moderation is key. When you read this, you might begin to think, “well, I’ll just eat a ton of nuts then.” Well, that is not what this is suggesting; instead, let this be an excellent push for you to consider swapping out unhealthy heart-compromising foods for a handful of nuts a few times a week. Remember, moderation is the key to improving our health, especially with nuts. 

Nuts can help with weight-loss

Nuts are the unsung hero when it comes to managing our weight. Because many still look at the fat content in nuts and think that will make them fat. They choose to stay away. But that isn’t true. Just a ½ an ounce per day of nutrition-packed nuts is associated with less long-term weight gain. When you replace unhealthy foods like processed meats, fast food, and chips and cakes, nuts become a simple weight management strategy. 

Many researchers believe nuts aid in weight control for the following reasons: 

  • Chewing nuts takes effort.
  • High fiber delays stomach emptying.
  • The body absorbs not all the fat from nuts during the digestion process. 
  • Nuts have prebiotic properties.
  • Nuts help improve gut microbiome and intestinal health.


How To Shop for Nuts

Raw or sprouted and dehydrated nuts are best. Most nuts in the grocery store or truck stop are salted and contain high sodium content. The next time nuts travel well, you are home or can stop at a grocery store to look for raw or unsalted nuts. And at a minimum, eating raw, unsalted nuts will move you light years ahead in a nut-healthy direction. For more information about soaking and sprouting your nuts, check out this great article on Vegetarian Times, breaking down the soaking times and sprouting times by nut type. But don’t be overwhelmed; just switching to raw nuts will make a massive difference in your nut health benefits. 

I like to follow the health approach of Good, Better, Best. What is a good option, what is the better option, and what is the best option? I might not be able to do the best right now, and the better might be out of reach, but is there a good option to choose today? And then go from there. Health is not black or white and not all an all or nothing lifestyle. The same goes for nuts. 

Word of Caution

We are all unique, and our bodies react differently to foods and environments due to our history or current health. If you are allergic, don’t eat them. If you are a compulsive eater or binge-eater, consider prepackaging your nuts into small bags to avoid overeating. Even healthy things can be overconsumed. Ask your doctor or consider an allergy test to get to the bottom of a nut concern when in doubt. Here at Mother Trucker Yoga, we want to empower drivers to build a toolbox of healthy options, but we also encourage drivers to use common sense and, when in doubt, seek medical advice. 


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