
September Is National Yoga Awareness Month – Here Are 4 Ways to Add Trucking Yoga to Your Life

Did you know that September is National Yoga Awareness Month?

Despite being a US-based awareness month, the movement has gained international recognition and has spread globally. There are now many campaigns around the world offering education, inspiration, and motivation to adopt a healthier lifestyle with yoga being a core component of that transition. National Yoga Awareness Month

Here at Mother Trucker Yoga, we believe that yoga can be simple and easily added into your everyday life with small little bite-size pieces, trucking yoga isn’t like traditional yoga in that you don’t always need to be on a yoga mat to practice yoga. This national (and international) recognition moves yoga one step farther on the global stage to introduce it to the masses as a revolutionary well-being practice, you can be a part of that movement (no yoga pants necessary).

Here are 20 benefits of yoga for truck driver health with DAT

Here Are 4 Ways to Add Trucking Yoga to Your Life During September National Yoga Awareness Month:

Maybe you have never heard of yoga or trucking yoga (well we created it so there’s that) and that’s OK. Because the good news is you are here on our site and we want to share with you the amazing benefits of trucking yoga for National Yoga Awareness Month

1.Strike A Pose

You don’t need a yoga mat or know anything about yoga to give it a try. Stand up tall and focus your gaze on one single point for five breaths. That’s Mountain Pose- you just did yoga!

In your driver’s seat, roll your shoulders down and back ten times, now go the other way, you just did shoulder rolls!

Take a deep breath in and slowly begin to twist to the right as you exhale feel your torso twist, hold that for five breaths and then repeat the other side. You just did seat spinal twist!

Hey there, I’m Hope Zvara E-RYT500, CPT (fancy acronyms that just don’t matter) and as a former yoga studio owner and teacher trainer, I’ve seen it all. I’m not that fancy yoga teacher that only focuses on fancy poses or the trainer who thinks all there is to life is push-ups and fast-moving exercises. I like keeping things simple and easy to access. Here at Mother Trucker Yoga, we believe in the small simple changes that lead to the big results in your life, so that you can feel good again.

Trucking Yoga can be that piece for you if you are willing to give it a try. And I sure hope you do.

2.Enroll in our Mother Trucker Yoga LIFESTYLE JUMPSTART Membership Platform & APP

While everyone else is telling you to just work out, Hope is suggesting you focus on everyday life movements and small simple life enhancement first.

Hope’s work with Mother Trucker yoga® has been featured in countless publications like YahooNews, Trucker News, Overdrive Magazine, Forbes, and dozens of others.

Now, with MOTHER TRUCKER YOGA®, she wants to help as many drivers as possible improve their health fitness in just minutes a day without the use of crazy workouts and diet programs. And you can be a part of that. Use the code MTY30 for a free 30 days!

Mother Trucker Yoga Lifestyle Jumpstart Membership Platform and APP

Grab a quick video class with Hope today right here:


You can also join in on the official 30-Day Walking Challenge to Get Up And Move too!

Don’t forget to grab Hope’s book Trucking Yoga: Simple Fitness for the Long-Haul to get your yoga on every day!

trucking yoga simple fitness for the long haul book mother trucker yoga hope zvara

3. Open Your Mind with the Yamas & Niyamas

Yoga is far, far more than just the physical asana. So for National Yoga Awareness Month, bring your awareness to the more subtle aspects of the yoga practice and its rich philosophy.

Read The Yamas & Niyamas and access the lifestyle of a yogi for the everyday life person (like you and me).

Yoga is what you make it, and yoga is way more than fancy poses on the cover of Yoga Journal Magazine, it’s being present and taking care of yourself in a mindful way. You got this!

4. Meditate

The true essence of the yoga practice lies in meditation. Seen as a pure, unadulterated experience with your highest self, meditation is not only physiologically beneficial, it’s also incredibly beneficial for your mental health.

The practice of meditation doesn’t need to be extravagant, lengthy, or complicated to be beneficial either. Simply sitting with yourself for a brief period of time or following a guided practice can produce significant results.

So in honor of National Yoga Awareness Month, take at least five minutes every day to be with yourself without distraction. You might be surprised by the effects and you may wish to continue with this ritual beyond September.

Try This Guided Meditation for a Calm and Centered Mind

Whether you’re new to meditating or already have an established meditation practice, you can start meditating today!

Check out Hope’s free 9-minute breathing meditation every truck driver can do!
Happy trucking yoga!


