
5 Strategies to improve your health in 2022: New Guide

We all resolve for the new year to follow. It can be anything from learning a new language to improving your health in the coming months. If you decide to have excellent health, better driver fitness, or want to do better than last year, this blog is for you! Here, we tackle the five strategies to improve your trucking fitness and make 2022 a year of health. Without further ado, let’s jump right into the five strategies to improve your health in 2022.

Top 5 strategies to improve your health in 2022

Look After Your Mental Health.

Our brain is the powerhouse of our body, and having good mental health can reflect physical and emotional impacts on you. So how do you look after your mental health and driver fitness? Start with meditation and mindfulness. 

Please pick up the habit of unwinding by writing in journals because it provides emotional comfort and stability. Drink green tea because it delays age-related cognitive decline and makes us more agile. Be kinder to yourself and remind yourself that you are only human!

Eat Right

A balanced diet today goes a long way! Enrich yourself in low-fat diets that include plenty of fruits and vegetables and sources of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates. Avoid having excessive sugar as it can lead to a condition known as insulin resistance, a precursor to developing diabetes. 

Find a balanced diet that works for you, and stick to it! Reduce your intake of alcohol, especially after 3 pm. Keep your system free from nicotine and caffeine, as these stimulators yield harmful benefits to your body.

Get Your Body Moving

It shouldn’t come across as a great surprise that exercise is critical to your health. Exercising improves cardiovascular strength and releases endorphins, which are happy hormones. It is linked to improving immunity against diseases, and exercising outdoors can enrich your body with vitamin D from the sun. 

Now here’s the thing: you don’t need to go to the gym to exercise. You could exercise with the help of online blogs or YouTube videos- like Mother Trucker Yoga’s YouTube page, teaching just a few minutes of exercise in your trucking fitness routine.

Be careful there are many people out there with fitness videos, but many of them are not trained to teach. Look for videos and blogs written by experienced professionals and ones geared towards a driver’s pain points.

Get Enough Sleep

Happy sleeping! Busy living has disrupted many of our peaceful lives, but it is critical to have an excellent 8-hour sleep each night. Sleeping well has many proven health benefits, and you’ll be surprised to know so. Sleeping boosts your body’s immunity, increases your cognitive reflexes, reduces aging of the brain, and helps in memory strengthening. You should ensure you’re sleeping and waking up each day simultaneously, don’t eat heavy meals before bed, and turn off devices an hour before sleeping.

Hydrate Yourself

Water is mostly what we are made of, which keeps us healthy. Water aids in alertness, keeping your skin and organs healthy. It helps you remain refreshed and work at the best of your mental abilities. An average adult needs eight glasses of water, and so should you if you want to have the best trucking fitness! This concludes our five strategies to improve your health in 2022.

5 Strategies to improve your health in 2022: New Guide Hydrate Yourself Mother Trucker Yoga blog image


We have brought you some driver fitness tricks to put up your sleeve this year. All you have to do is gather motivation and willpower to stick through and become healthier, happier, and have an excellent trucking fitness routine this year!


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Road Trip Yoga: 6 Poses You Can Do on the Road

Road Trip Yoga: 6 Poses You Can Do on the Road

If you’re on the road, you must be all too familiar with the unhealthy eating, little to no exercise, and long hours in the driving seat with that painful spot in your back and neck. It is no wonder that truck drivers are reported to have an obesity rate twice of an average American. But if you want to live better, trucking yoga poses can be your savior!

Trucking yoga is a specific regime designed for truck drivers who travel great distances for work. It is quick to do, does not require equipment or large space, and effectively aids you in your health building. So let’s read more about the poses you can do on the road.


Top 6 poses to do on the road.

  1. You can always rely on this pose tYou can always rely on this pose tonward FaDog

To relieve the stress os rely on this pose. Placing both your hands on the side of your truck, step back and then hinge yourself forward, allowing your head to droop anax. Make sure that you relax your muscles in this pose for the best result.

  1. Seat Belt Twist

Seat Belt Twists are one of the simplest yoga poses on the road. As you sit straight in your driver’s seat, twist your torso to reach your elbow around your seat. Place your other hand on your knee and take a few deep breaths as you hold this position.

  1. Catchers Stretch Squat

The Catchers Stretch Squat (Malasana variation) is a quick way to engage your muscles flexibly. Take your feet apart and squat down on the floor with your palms pressed to each other. Rock yourself gently in that position and do this trucking yoga pose to improve flexibility.

  1. Figure Four Reclined Variation

Figure four is best before driving. Try this stretch before getting out of bed for an excellent lower back and hip release. Laying down flat (support your head if needed), bend both knees, and cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Press the crossed knee away for a stretch then if you choose, clasp your hands underneath the lower hamstring and draw the legs in a while pressing the lower back and hips back into the bed. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute and repeat the opposite side.

For the Seated Version: Sit in the passenger seat and lift your right ankle over your left knee. Bend slightly forward and flex your foot during it to stretch your legs before a long drive. Do the same for the other leg!

  1. Sun Salutations or Yoga Flow

Sun salutations require you to find a quiet stop, such as a stop in your route. With your feet slightly apart, stand tall and inhale. Then you should lift your hands straight over your head and hold your position, exhaling slowly as you bring your hands down. But even if you don’t know a sun salutation, just make one up and string poses together to move, breathe and feel your best. Try to hold each pose for 5 breaths to maximize the benefit of each move.

  1. Legs up the Wall / Elevated Legs

Finally, when you’re stopping to rest, bring your trucking yoga poses to an end by practicing this move. When you’re on your bed to rest, put yourself against the wall and let your legs rest on the wall for a few. This will regulate blood circulations in your system and uplift any stress in your muscles!


When you’re dreading your road trips as a truck driver, it is time to start paying attention to your physical health. Whilst you are unable to keep a steady exercising routine, it is easy to practice trucking yoga poses on the road. We hope that in your journey, this blog will aid in improving your health and wellness!



4 Skills Every Trucker Should Have To Improve Truck Driver Health


The trucking industry is often more competitive than people think. There can be a lot of individuals applying for the same preposition. Knowing the skills you need is essential beyond standard driving qualifications. And when it comes to skills, drivers should have skills to take care of truck drivers’ health is critical.


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4 Skills Every Trucker Should Have To Improve Truck Driver Health

First Aid


At this point, you might think, wait, I’m going to be alone for most of the trip. While this is true, it is worth considering what might happen if you end up in an accident. If you have a first aid qualification, you could provide vital support to anyone injured. First aid could be a critical skill for a truck driver.

Don’t forget; this does include yourself. It’s easy to forget that skills in first aid will ensure that you can provide primary care for yourself if you are injured too. You’ll know the proper steps to take. You can learn more about this on sites that offer first aid qualifications. Regarding truck driver health, first aid is essential; being certified could save a life or even yours. 


Customer Service


You might also want to consider your customer or client service skills. If you are new to the trucking industry, it’s easy to assume that there are virtually no interactions with other people. While true, you will spend most of your time on the road. You’ll still interact and engage with clients, customers, or colleagues. These interactions will impact how people judge and view your service. As such, you need to know how to interact with people at your final destination and on the road. Remember, your behavior will alter the perception of the business you’re working for. How people perceive you create an energy of how you are treated and when you are treated poorly or negatively, which can alter our mood, state of being, and overall truck driver health status. 

Consider taking a breath before you speak and ask yourself, is what I am about to say necessary and kind? You can be honest and kind at the same time.




You must have patience when you’re a truck driver. There will be many times when you are stuck in traffic or when there are countless factors beyond your control. In times like this, mistakes can and will happen if you are not patient. It would help if you were willing to wait it out and have the mindset that some things can not be changed or fixed by you. This will also help you improve the quality of your driving. 

Consider practicing deep breathing like the 3 and 6 Count Breath to improve your truck driver’s health:

  • Inhale for three counts through the nose. 
  • Exhale for six counts through the mouth. 
  • Repeat this for one minute. 
  • Then observe how you feel. 

Do this whenever you feel stressed, annoyed, or low on patience. Mother Trucker Yoga has audio meditations for drivers to help you with patience! This is just one skill to have to improve truck driver health.

Mechanical Knowledge


Like first aid, you don’t need this skill as a trucker. But it can be helpful to have. Your employer won’t expect you to have mechanical knowledge, but it’s great if you know a little about how your vehicle works for a few reasons. First, it will ensure that you know the signs there’s a problem with the vehicle, which may mean it’s not safe to drive. Catching these signs early will help you avoid an accident. Second, it can ensure that you know what to do if your truck breaks down at the side of the road and may provide you can get it up and running again without waiting for support. 


We hope this helps you understand some of the skills you should have as a truck driver. By learning these skills, you can ensure that you are more likely to be hired for a position. You will also be more effective in any trucking job that you are chosen for.



4 Skills Every Trucker Should Have

The trucking industry is often more competitive than people think. There can be a lot of individuals applying for the same preposition. That’s why knowing the skills you need is essential beyond standard driving qualifications

Pexels Source CCO License

Here Are 4 Skills Every Trucker Should Have:

First Aid


First aid could be a critical skill for a truck driver. At this point, you might think, wait, I’m going to be alone for most of the trip. While this is true, it is worth considering what might happen if you end up in an accident. If you have a first aid qualification, you could provide vital support to anyone injured. Don’t forget; this does include yourself. It’s easy to forget that skills in first aid will ensure that you can provide primary care for yourself if you are injured too. You’ll know the proper steps to take. You can learn more about this on sites that offer first aid qualifications. 


Customer Service


You might also want to consider your customer or client service skills. If you are new to the trucking industry it’s easy to assume that there are virtually no interactions with other people. While it’s true that you will spend most of your time on the road, you’ll still interact and engage with clients, customers, or colleagues. These interactions will impact how people judge and view your service. As such, you need to know how to interact with people at your final destination and on the road. Remember, your behavior will permanently alter the perception of the business you’re working for. 




You must have patience when you’re a truck driver. There will be many times when you are stuck in traffic or when there are countless factors beyond your control. In times like this, mistakes can and will happen if you are not patient. It would help if you were willing to wait it out and have the mindset that some things can not be changed or fixed by you. This will also help you improve the quality of your driving. 


Mechanical Knowledge


Like first aid, you don’t need this skill as a trucker. But it can be helpful to have. Your employer won’t expect you to have mechanical knowledge, but it’s great if you know a little about how your vehicle works for a few reasons. First, it will ensure that you know the signs there’s a problem with the vehicle, which may mean it’s not safe to drive. Catching these signs early will help you avoid an accident. Second, it can ensure that you know what to do if your truck breaks down at the side of the road and may provide you can get it up and running again without waiting for support. 


We hope this helps you understand some of the skills you should have as a truck driver. By learning these skills, you can ensure that you are more likely to be hired for a position. You will also be more effective in any trucking job that you are chosen for.


Trucking Yoga Fitness Mother Trucker Yoga


 Can’t Sleep? Top 3 strategies for better sleep for truck driver health 

 Are you getting enough sleep at night? Do you have trouble staying focused during the day? Not having quality sleep can result in worsened health, and it’s as simple as it sounds. Your cognitive functions, ability to stay alert, assess situations, and handle stress are health qualities that are important in many professions, especially truck driver health and those who have long stressful work shifts. So if you’re suffering through bad nights of sleep, we’ve got you covered with our three strategies for better sleep for truck driver health.

Top 3 strategies for better sleep for truck driver health 

  1. Enforce a sleep schedule.

Your brain requires 7-8 hours of sleep to perform its duties efficiently. Usually, you wouldn’t need more than 8 hours in bed to be fully recharged and ready to go. So how do I enforce a sleep schedule on myself for truck driver health

Now for a person with a typical job, I recommend that they go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. However, if you are a truck driver working long late-night hours, these naps are necessary to cover your sleep debt. Try to minimize the time difference on weekends so your body can get used to a consistent and healthy sleep-wake cycle. Eliminate daytime naps as they interfere with your sleep cycles and impact overall agility. 

I understand the above might not work for most drivers. So you have to get creative and try to find some consistency. If your driver time is all over the place, what about your sleep schedule can you be consistent with. Not having screen time 15 – 30 minutes before bed, exercising and getting movement in, not eating a heavy meal before bed, and listening to a relaxing meditation help you relax before bed. Aromatherapy to relax, all of these things can help you get the sleep you need despite your erratic schedule.

sleep schedule mother trucker yoga blog

Pay attention to what you eat and drink.

Here’s the thing: your body has an intimate relationship with everything you eat and drink, so no wonder these habits may leave you restless throughout the night. It would help if you didn’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. 

Avoid having heavy meals right before bedtime as the discomfort may keep you up. Having a snack before rest is wonderful, so long as you are away from highly energizing meals or meals with foods that require a lot of digestion power.

Here are eight foods and drinks to consider before bed if you need that quick snack:

  1. Almonds.
  2. Turkey. Turkey is delicious and nutritious.
  3. Chamomile tea.
  4. Kiwi.
  5. Tart cherry juice.
  6. Fatty fish.
  7. Walnuts.
  8. Passionflower tea.

As for drinks: alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are not your friends. Stay away from beverages that include any of these if you want to have a good night of sleep. Alcohol may leave you feeling drowsy but will disturb you later in the night. Alcohol can also lead to weight gain, other health issues, and other truck driver health issues. Consider drinking in moderation and never when it would cause problems while out on the road. 

 Nicotine is a stimulant, much like caffeine, and will keep you awake when your body heavily needs sleep. You may want to remember that cigarettes introduce nicotine to your system and keep you awake. If you can’t fall asleep, look at your smoking habits. 

Create a calming environment

Here’s the strategy that will certainly help you wind down before bed. Turn off light-emitting devices like phones and TVs at least an hour before the time you intend to sleep. Create an ideal space for sleeping soundly. 

Pick up reading, writing in journals, taking a bath, or listening to calm music with earbuds to relieve stress. The blue light emitted from these disrupts the sleep-wake cycle of the brain. This is important to note as a truck driver’s health is tied to stressful environments.

Every driver needs to find time to take a break, even if it’s a mini-break, to refuel and recharge your body and mind.

Light some scented candles for relaxing effects or leave the room pitch black, whatever fits you best. Make sure your room is the right temperature and comfortable. Don’t lie in bed awake if you can’t sleep within the next twenty minutes. Read or listen to slow sleep-inducing music until you’re fast asleep.


We have crafted this blog just for you, and if you follow the strategies we’ve mentioned above, you will achieve an A1 truck driver’s health, especially in terms of sleep. With these three strategies for better sleep, you will experience a change; you’ll find yourself at peace and better equipped to do your truck driving duties.


Better sleep for truck driver health is essential and within reach for any driver with just one of the strategies above. But if you are looking for more sleep strategies, support, and driver wellness help, check out our NEW Mother Trucker Yoga LIFESTYLE JUMPSTART Membership Platform & APP. 

You can join for 30 days FREE using the code: MTY30

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What Truck Drivers Need to Know About CBD

Emerging studies on the long-term effects of common prescription drugs (e.g. painkillers, corticosteroids) have raised significant public interest in natural alternatives to conventional medicine. Everything from turmeric capsules to essential oil-infused topical balms are now commonplace in American homes, and understandably so. However, it’s safe to say no natural compound has skyrocketed in popularity quite like cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD.

edited_What Truck Drivers Need to Know About CBD plant mother trucker yoga blog

What is CBD?

CBD is one of several chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. CBD is the primary cannabinoid in non-psychoactive varieties of cannabis, such as hemp. It is distinguishable from tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in that it does not impair judgment or motor function as a side effect, which is commonly known as a “high.” CBD is currently being studied for a range of potential health benefits, which will be discussed in the next section.


There are plenty of different CBD products available today, including oils, tinctures, capsules, and edibles. You can also buy CBD concentrates — which are made from pure CBD extract — or isolates, which are CBD extracts with all other cannabis compounds removed entirely. Isolates come in both oil and powder forms; uses of CBD isolate powder include infusion into everything from smoothies to DIY soap bars.


So what can CBD do for you? In this post, we go over how CBD can benefit a large number of prospective users, as well as whether or not it’s right for truck driver health in particular.


A Look at The Scientific Literature

CBD has been shown to reduce the severity of symptoms of disorders characterized by chronic anxiety, mood disorders and seizures. It is also being studied for its role in relieving associated conditions of common diseases such as persistent nausea or dizziness from cancer treatment, mood swings from Alzheimer’s disease, muscle spasticity from multiple sclerosis or tremors from Parkinson’s disease.


Perhaps the most notable and well-documented aspect of CBD’s therapeutic potential is its natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It can be used as an add-on or supplementarily with conventional therapies and medications for a variety of chronic pain conditions including fibromyalgia, back pain and migraines. Users also report significant relief from chronic inflammatory disorders such as arthritis and gout. Truck driver health issues like these are very common.


How exactly does it work?

CBD is one of several cannabinoids whose effects are derived from their interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a network of receptors categorized into groups; the cannabinoid-type 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid-type 2 (CB2) receptor groups are the most relevant. These receptor groups are primarily located in the nervous system, peripheral organs, and immune system.


The observable therapeutic effects are rooted in its modulatory influence on CB1 and CB2 receptors, which can positively affect the body’s sensitivity, uptake, and response to hormones (e.g. serotonin, dopamine) and neurotransmitters (e.g. cytokines, prostaglandins) which have beneficial implications on everything from pain or anxiety disorders to recurring sleep dysfunction.


Given its significant number of health-positive properties, lack of psychoactivity, and legal status across the United States, CBD has become incredibly popular among consumers from a variety of walks of life. However, it isn’t entirely without risks or downsides for truckers, which we’ll briefly go over below.


Should You Take CBD?

There’s a risk that these products could raise a red flag on an employer’s drug test for controlled substances. This is due to THC’s schedule I drug classification under the DEA’s drug scheduling system. Although CBD enjoys legal status across all 50 states at present, it still is a component of the cannabis plant, so less sophisticated test kits could detect it or other secondary cannabinoids as a false positive.


As of this writing, it’s not recommended to supplement with CBD without consulting your employer about it directly. After doing so, be sure to use only the isolates form. With all other cannabis cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids removed, isolates significantly reduce the chances of a problematic drug test.


When Would CBD Be Right for You?

To completely avoid the risk of drug test issues, it might be best to avoid supplementation altogether until after retirement. Our Stiff Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream or Mini Acupressure Ball are examples of safe, risk-free options for managing pain. For inflammation, sleep dysfunction or tremors, there are also market alternatives to CBD. When it comes to truck driver health issues it’s important to play on the side of safety and never put your career on the line. 

edited_What Truck Drivers Need to Know About CBD STIFF Mother Trucker Marc Springer CBD

CBD is increasingly well established as a natural compound with impressive therapeutic potential. However, it isn’t without its risks in terms of workplace drug tests. Be sure to do your due diligence to find out if CBD supplementation is right for you.

5 Ways to Feel More Confident When Doing Yoga

5 Ways to Feel More Confident When Doing Yoga MTY Blog Image 1

Many people, particularly men, would love to try yoga to calm the mind while strengthening the body. Still, they are too afraid to do so because they worry that they will feel uncomfortable in a room full of what they imagine to be svelte twentysomethings who can bend into the most mind-boggling shapes.

This is such a shame because yoga is for everybody, and it is possible to feel completely confident when doing it.

With that in mind, if you want to try yoga but you’re worried about not feeling comfortable, here are a few things you can do to feel completely confident while you’re doing it:

Try an app

These days, there are many excellent yoga apps (check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s app being released soon) that will teach the basics at home. You won’t get the same hands-on instruction you get at the local studio, but you will learn the basic asanas (poses) and some great routines that you can practice until you gain confidence. And as a driver, trucking yoga isn’t scary, it’s easy and can be done from your truck.

Dress comfortably

One thing that can make people feel uncomfortable about yoga is the perceived requirement to dress in figure-hugging lycra. This is something you do not need to worry about because you can wear whatever you’re most comfortable into your yoga class, whether that be yoga shorts for men or a pair of sweat pants and a comfy -shirt. No one will judge you, and you can wear what makes you feel most comfortable and confident for your workout. And when it comes to trucking yoga every movement counts.

Star slow

The great thing about yoga is that it poses to suit all levels and abilities. If you lack confidence, you can start slow with a few o the more accessible asanas and work your way up as and when you feel able to do so, gaining masses of confidence along the way.

Practice mindfulness

One of the great things about yoga is that although it can be a purely physical exercise to build lean muscle and flexibility, it can also be a mental practice. L If you concentrate on your breathing and the movement you are flowing through, mindfulness meditation.

If you lack confidence, focusing on the breath and flow intensely will help to keep you focused on what you are doing in the present moment so you will be less likely to worry about whether others are watching you or if you’re doing it wrong, which means you will naturally be more confident.

Remember, it takes time.

Yoga is a lifelong practice. You should not expect to be immediately good at all aspects of your practice; If you bear this in mind and start with a beginner’s mind and a willingness to learn, you will not feel like a failure if you can’t quite get into that challenging poses. Still, you will embrace the chance to learn and try again, and that is where true confidence lies.

Yoga is an excellent workout for the mind and body, so don’t let a lack of confidence put you off giving it a go!


We are continuing our Truck Driver Appreciation Spotlight. And we are so excited to feature another female driver! MOTHER TRUCKER YOGA DRIVER SPOTLIGHT

Each of the drivers we feature has been interviewed about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. And today is another great share!

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

There are roughly 10% women truck drivers out on our roads. And although that number is small, the women out there are mighty! And today is no exception!

Trucker Appreciation Jamie Estes Driver Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

Meet Jamie “Sweet Pea” Estes!

Although people call her Wild Flower Blazin Mary


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 4 years and drivers for National Carrier’s under the name Cow Gal Trans LLC (love that name).


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: I love traveling and meeting new people.



Truck drivers can clock in anywhere from 80,000 to 110,000 miles annually. Although, there are certainly truckers on load boards who break closer to 125,000 a year. Free Freight Search noted that truck drivers are expected to drive between 285 and 430 miles per day, or 2,000 and 3,000 miles a week (in accordance with the restriction of 70-hour maximum over eight days in the U.S.). That’s a lot of miles.



QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Because nothing worthwhile in life is easy and you can’t quit when it gets hard.

QUESTION 4: What do you want to say to new upcoming drivers in the industry?

Keep going and never give up even if you feel like quitting, with Gods amazing grace there is nothing you can’t accomplish. Don’t be afraid to ask questions be a sponge and learn all you can and never stop learning. Be patient and respectful to shippers and receivers, they have the power to ruin your day if you are rude, stand up for yourself without being a jerk, firm yet polite. Don’t job hop when you get frustrated take a moment to calm yourself, remove emotion from the problem. Communicate with dispatch as much as possible don’t wait until the hill becomes a mountain.
That’s some good advice, Sweet Pea!

QUESTION: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer: I’d have to say mom and pop truck stops you know that hole-in-the-wall places no one thinks about anymore. If not one of those it would be Sapp brothers if I’m in the area or ta/petro.


Sapp Brothers Logo
Find a Sapp Bros. near you. HERE

QUESTION 7: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: There are a lot of things that would make it easier some of them are more parking, better driver education, and more respect for each other we are all out here for very different reasons and I think if we would all treat each other kindly and help each other it would make a huge difference in life out here. Also, more programs focusing on driver health and awareness I could go on and on but I’ll end that here.


That is great advice and did you know Mother Trucker Yoga is teaming up with various players in the trucking industry to help streamline health and wellness for drivers! Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to get up-to-date information. 


QUESTION 8: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: I park in the back of the truck stop and right now I’m trying to cook in my truck walk more and stretch more I’m also trying to quit drinking soda and eating processed foods that are my biggest weakness.


Driver Tip:

It can be easy to pick up those processed high sugar snacks when you are stressed and short on time. Try this. Next time you are in the truck stop, get in the habit of eating something healthy FIRST. Even if it’s an apple or a handful of nuts. Even if you still eat the other stuff, you have put good nutrition in your body. Remember, small simple changes!

Sweet Pea had a final thought he wanted everyone to know.

Just one more piece of advice, never think you have learned everything no matter how much experience you have. That’s all for me. Over and Out.

Share with us!

What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with Idella or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!

Read our other Driver Spotlights:

VW Lady Trucker

Flatbed Foodie

Marc Iverson 

Idella Hansen






National truck driver appreciation week mother trucker yoga blog

Truck Driver Appreciation Week may have passed, but we still want to celebrate! And what better way than to highlight some of our road heroes. We interviewed drivers and asked them questions about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. Idella Hansen

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

These men and women are out on our roads, carrying all our essential and non-essential products we want and love day in and day out. And here at Mother Trucker Yoga, it’s not just trucking fitness that is important to us. It’s the men and women whom we serve.

idella hansen mother trucker yoga blog

Meet Idella Hansen!

People call Idella MaMA ChooChoo on the CB.


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 52 years


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: First off it’s not a job for me, it’s a way of life, and I love all of it from customer service to do the hardbacks.

Idella works for IBI Security Transport.



IBI is a full-service armored transportation company, operating in all 48 Continental States of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. IBI is a privately held company based in Woodside New York. IBI has been in operation since 1966. IBI is a full-service security company, operating Nationwide and in Canada and Mexico.

In 2001 IBI acquired Securicor Valuables Transport, Inc., a high-value, secured, “over-the-road” transportation company. IBI operates this division as, IBI Secured Transport, Inc. This is a national and international operation, with terminals in Trenton, New Jersey, and Salt Lake City, Utah.


Recognition Well-Deserved!

Back in 2017 Idella Hansen was nominated and chosen as citizen driver of the year.

Known for her signature red cowboy boots, her willingness to help her fellow drivers, her community, and her fellow women, Idella Hansen leads by example. Idella’s ability and dedication have earned her the respect of her fellow drivers, and TA-Petro is proud to honor her as a 2017 Citizen Driver.

In 2013, TA-Petro launched the Citizen Driver Program to honor exceptional drivers who exhibit strong citizenship, community involvement, leadership, health and wellness, and safety. To date, 26 Citizen Driver Honorees have been named as the best of the best. Idella is one of five members of the 2017 class.

idella hansen cowboy boots mother trucker yoga blog

“Idella is a pioneer in our industry and is a great example of what the Citizen Driver Award was created to recognize. She exemplifies the qualities of the award by her words and deeds on a daily basis, and continues to be a shining example of safety, involvement, and passion within our industry,” said Rick Ash, 2015 Citizen Driver Award Recipient, St. Christopher Fund Board Member, Former Chairman Trucking Solutions Group, Chairman Onramp to Health.


idella hansen


QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Because it’s in my blood and it’s pays really great, I work for a super company and they keep telling me not yet don’t retire.


QUESTION 4: What do you want to say to new upcoming drivers in the industry?

The first year is the hardest. Be prepared to change your way of doing things.

QUESTION: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer: Kenley95 North Carolina. I love the update and the facilities

QUESTION 7: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: That the rules and state regulations would be more uniform


QUESTION 8: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: Mother Trucker Yoga and Rolling Strong and St Christopher’s Trucker Relief Fund.

Idella had a final thought he wanted everyone to know.

We are the lifeblood of the Country and will be for many years to come, which helps us to do a good job. I will continue to truck until I drive it off the end of the world and beyond


What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with Idella or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!


Read our other Driver Spotlights:

VW Lady Trucker

Mother Trucker Yoga Driver Spotlight – Mark Iverson

National truck driver appreciation week mother trucker yoga blog

Truck Driver Appreciation Week may have passed, but we still want to celebrate! And what better way than to highlight some of our road heroes. We interviewed drivers and asked them questions about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. Mother Trucker Yoga Driver Spotlight – Mark Iverson

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

These men and women are out on our roads, carrying all our essential and non-essential products we want and love day in and day out. And here at Mother Trucker Yoga, it’s not just trucking fitness that is important to us. It’s the men and women whom we serve.

mother trucker yoga feature driver spotlight mark iversion blog

Meet Marc Iverson!


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 10 years


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: Free, my company, the view, and the adventures.

How awesome is that to hear, that Mark loves the company he works for! Even if you are alone all day for your job when in good company it can make all the difference. Mark drivers for the Canadian company Big Freight Systems and Kelsey Trail



2,500 – Number of truck stops in the U.S., defined by the National Association of Truck Stop Operators as anywhere with at least one shower, 15 parking spaces, and diesel fuel for sale. 6,000 – Number of locations that sell diesel fuel, but don’t have other amenities. That’s a lot of truck stops. When it comes to truck driver fitness that is a lot of park lot to cover, let’s get those steps in!


Recognition Well-Deserved!

Mark has driven over 1 million miles! Way-to-go Mark!

1 million miles mother trucker yoga blog mark iverson


If a driver averages 100,000 to 125,000 miles a year, it may take a driver from eight to 10 years to achieve a million miles.


QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Because it is rewarding and it is an honest day’s work. You feel like you have achieved something. My windscreen is my computer screen and I would much rather be driving on the road than sitting in an office at a desk.


QUESTION 4: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer:  Pilot Flying J- I love the facilities and showers are great.

Pilot flying J


QUESTION 5: What do you want to say to new and upcoming drivers?

ANSWER: You will never look back. You are your own boss, you get to travel and serve country/towns and people. You are valued and are an essential driver. This is an excellent career.


QUESTION 6: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: Automatic logs, healthier food (make sure you read our blog on healthy snacks to pack) on the road, and being more tike efficient.


QUESTION 7: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: Plan, stock up, try to avoid tempting truck stop food such as pizza and cinnamon buns! I make overnight oats, cereal etc.

Mark Iverson had a final thought he wanted everyone to know.

Love my job it is something I am good at and have had zero accidents in over a million miles.
Mark we are proud of you too!




What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with Mark Iverson or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!


Read our other Driver Spotlights:

VW Lady Trucker


