
Easy to Pack Healthy Snacks for Truck Drivers

Healthy snacks for truck drivers that are easy to pack!

Packing your own travel snacks as a driver can be a challenge when it comes to things like storage space, food spoilage, and not to mention where to replace the yummy delicious snacks you have eaten and now need more. Easy to Pack Healthy Snacks

But the good news is, as a truck driver, healthy trucker food doesn’t have to be complicated to find, pack and eat. Everyone else may be telling you you have to cook elaborate meals on the truck to “eat healthy over the road,” but I’m telling you that you can eat healthy in small bites, and even those small snacks count!

Why pack healthy snacks?

Packing healthy snacks can and will help you resist the temptation to buy those unhealthy, greasy, sugary foods at the truck stop that are starting back at you when you walk in. And truth be told, those foods are not going away anytime soon. But that doesn’t mean you have to buy them every time you walk in.

Part of the challenge is many drivers and travelers walk into the truckstop hungry, better yet, hangry, and then make decisions they would otherwise have more self-control from.

You can do this. And the key to avoiding the junk food trap is to have healthy trucker food on your truck ready when you need them. Healthy snacks for truck drivers to pack won’t take a lot of time or even prep when you know what you are looking for.

Easy to pack snacks for truck drivers Mother Trucker Yoga blog post 2

Ideas for Healthy Snacks for Truck Drivers and Travelers

Nuts & Seeds

Nuts, unsalted, or low salted nuts. Look for almonds, pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts, or mixed nuts. Oh, and I love an occasional bag of edamame, crunchy and so good. Yes, there are a few extra packages to throw away, but if you struggle with portion control, consider buying the snack size or travel size bags of nuts or pre-bag your nuts at home before heading out on the road. Rule of thumb an ounce or 28 grams of nuts per day. That’s about as much as what fits in the palm of your hand. And they can be a mixture of nuts or a handful of one kind, like almonds. Add a small dose of dried fruit (small because dried fruit is high in sugar) for a sweet, nutty mixture.

And if you haven’t yet ventured into the wonderful world of seeds I want to encourage you to do so. Seeds like pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, and even apricot are packed with minerals (such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, plant iron, and zinc),
vitamins B1, B2, B3, and vitamin E, and protein, healthy fats, and fiber.

Trail Mix

Now mix your seeds, nuts, and a small handful of dried fruit along with some yummy dark chocolate chips and you have yourself a yummy heart-healthy snack! Don’t forget to bag your mix-up into individual baggies before you get hungry because too much of anything is too much.

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is a great travel snack idea for any driver. Although it doesn’t keep for very long, your body will thank you for the delicious fuel in the time you have. Consider fruits like oranges (large oranges, cuties, or tangerines), grapefruits, apples, plums, bananas, but eat them before they go brown because, in brown bananas, the resistant starch has almost completely transformed into simple sugars. When you eat a brown banana, your blood sugar spikes more quickly than a green one, which means it has a higher glycemic index. Have a designated basket or container to store this fruit in so it doesn’t get bruised. Consider 2-3 servings of fruit per day, and fruit is best eaten on an empty stomach.

Chips Popcorn or Pretzels?

If you require a crunchy snack and are thinking pretzels are better, you might want to think again. Potato chips have a nutritional advantage over pretzels when it comes to sodium content. And potato chips and popcorn are not only lower in salt than pretzels, but they also contain more potassium than pretzels. These snacks are a perfect example of never judge a book by its cover. Studies have shown that eating salt triggers the release of dopamine, a chemical messenger that controls your brain’s pleasure center. Once your brain gets that first reward hit, it starts craving more. This is why you can’t stop when the big back is open for business.

Consider the following:

Look for pretzels that are sprouted or made from ancient grains. There are even pretzels made out of sweet potatoes and cauliflower and taste pretty dang good.

Look for popcorn that is low salt (sea salt) and does not have extra flavoring put onto it, those are often loaded with additives and excitotoxins, which keep your body wanting more, and you can’t figure out why. I love Skinny Pop when I’m on the go, and best of all, most truck stops carry this brand. Just remember not to eat the entire bag in one sitting.

Look for chips that are low sodium, and there are even some amazing brands that now make grain-free chips that, in my opinion, are better than grain-based chips like Siete tortilla chips, or bare sea salt carrot chips, chips made from cauliflower, and of course sweet potatoes and root vegetable chips.

Rice Cakes

I have been eating rice cakes since I was a little kid. My parents were tight on cash most of my growing up years, and my mom made rice cakes so much fun to eat. Rice cakes are low fat, low sodium, and the crunch you have been looking for. Try a rice cake, peanut butter (or almond butter), and homemade jam for a sweet treat. Add a slice of banana on top for a full-on crunchy dessert. Put a thin layer of mustard and then sliced avocado on top, and you have a simple lunch. Dunk them in your soup for an alternative to saltines.

Kale Chips

Still need that salty crunch, consider kale chips. You can make them at home with a dehydrator or in your oven or you can buy them for a quick salty delicious snack packed with kale is high in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A and calcium, as well as B vitamins, vitamin C, and potassium. Kale chips keep well when kept in a sealed container so crunch away. Plus you can crumble them on top of a salad for extra added flavor and nutrition.


Jerky is rich in protein and a great travel snack, even a quick on-the-go meal when you don’t need to bulk up on calories. But beware most jerky brands are loaded with sugar and sodium. And you can get jerky of all kinds: beef, bison, venison (in Wisconsin we love making our own), chicken, turkey, and my personal favorite salmon! The best part is jerky is an easy to pack healthy snack for truck driver that you can get just about anywhere. Just remember to read the label and added ingredients that might be snuck in.

Granola or Oatmeal

Making your own granola is super simple, but if you don’t have time and want a crunch of a bit of sweet, granola is a great grab for a snack on the go. But when buying granola consider the following: look for NON-GMO verified brands and if possible organic. Because remember you are eating whatever has been sprayed on those oats, and more brands are going NON-GMO. And when you flip the bag over check the added sugar content, look at the amount of fat per serving. And most importantly, look at the ingredients being used. Many have hidden colors or flavor additives, as well as unhealthy oils.

And when it comes to oatmeal, consider overnight oats or steel-cut oats versus instant oats. You can easily use your RoadPro crockpot to cook them while you drive. Oatmeal is heart healthy trucker food and if I had to choose sugary cereal or a greasy fast food breakfast sandwich I’d choose oatmeal.


Protein Balls VS Protein Bars

Often times truckers and travelers talk to me about protein bars as their go-to while traveling and I do eat them, but they should be eaten sparingly and not used to regularly replace real food. When choosing a protein bar read the ingredients, many are made with soy, laced with excitotoxins (additives, artificial colors, and flavors), and can be loaded with sugar. And remember protein bulks, and when you fill up on protein yes it will help keep you full longer, but a high intake of protein does require you to be active because protein builds muscle. And you are oftentimes better off with a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts. But here are a few of my favorite brands.

These are all easy to pack snacks for truck drivers and don’t be overwhelmed, the first step is to just choose one to buy and incorporate into your next trip. And don’t forget to make sure you get in your water each day and get enough sleep and movement, and of course, don’t forget to eat REAL FOOD. If you aren’t sure where to start join our Mother Trucker Yoga Family.

The next time you are wondering what to pack, remember Mother Trucker Yoga’s favorite snacks!

Are you a part of the Mother Trucker Yoga Family yet?

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Trucker Fitness: Managing Stress Through Movement – Part 1


As a truck driver feeling the pressure to be ready at any given moment can be stressful and downright irritating. Hurry up and wait seems to be the constant mantra most truck drivers adopt into their lives, and with that comes the added stress of never having control over the situation you are in. But you don’t need to let that keep you from finding ways to feel and stay calm no matter what comes your way. Trucker Fitness: Managing Stress

Do you ever feel as though you are permanently stuck in overdrive? Like it’s zero to sixty in T-10, and you need to stay there until the job is done, only to feel like you want to crash but are never 100% able to recharge your batteries when you need to. 

You are not alone. 

Trucker Fitness: Managing Stress Through Movement: Part 1 Mother trucker yoga blog on stress 1

Truck driver fitness is more than just exercise. While everyone else is focusing on push-ups and mountain climbers, Mother Trucker Yoga is saying let’s learn from what yoga can teach us about living a healthy, happy lifestyle, and yes, that includes truck drivers. 

There are dozens of natural, easy, and effective ways to manage the stress that will help you deal with the day-to-day ups and downs, unexpected delays, and schedule changes with ease. 

The best way to manage stress is to keep moving!

Keep moving. Yes, I know you are a professional driver, but that seat doesn’t mean you can’t move at all. Movement trumps exercise in that movement is not designated to a specific time, a particular style of movement, or outfit choice. Movement is a way of life; if you aren’t moving, you are training yourself not to move. And that lack of movement will leave you feeling stressed, worried, and unable to sleep. 

Movement and exercise encourage the brain to release “feel-good” chemicals called endorphins. These endorphins interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine. 

WOW! Just 15 to 20 minutes of movement every day can help you fight the urge to overeat. That movement can come in the form of dancing, walking, squatting, using weights or a resistance band from the driver’s seat, or even doing a little yoga in your truck, and of course, exercising in any way you choose. Do not let your mind limit you or tell you the lies that this movement has to come in a certain package. We often complicate things to keep us from achieving the results we are looking for. It’s called a Fixed Mindset, and it creeps up on us whenever we are faced with doing something different from what we have been doing up to this point. Even when we know the change is good for us, our minds will try to convince us otherwise. Adding movement into your day is one of those things that you just have to do anyway despite what your mind may tell you. 

When done correctly and done regularly, it’s movements like this that can have a positive impact on your emotions and, in turn, on your life. 

Today instead of thinking, I can’t find the time. Decide that there is always time. 

Today instead of thinking, I don’t like exercise. Decide that movement is more important than exercise. 

Today instead of thinking, I am too busy. Decide that you are never too busy for your health. 

There is a small window of time before you look back and say, I wish I would have. That window of time is now. And great news, you can start today. Join the movement over at Mother Trucker Yoga and see for yourself how easy it can be to de-stress as a truck driver and feel good again. 



Truck Driver Health: Vitamin C What You Need to Know

Truck Driver Health is an Important Aspect of Healthy Living.

Out on the road, healthy foods can be hard to find, and that means that you may not be getting all the vital nutrients you need to stay healthy as a truck driver. Remember that old saying, “An orange a day keeps the doctor away”? OK, maybe it was an apple, but oranges are often a fruit that is readily available at most truck stops, which means you can get your Vitamin C anytime, anywhere. And your body will indeed thank you! Truck Driver Health

Attention Truck Drivers to Avoid Truck Driver Health Issues… Get your Vitamin C!

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and is something our body does not store. Vitamin C is also known as Ascorbic acid and is found in fruits, vegetables, and animal products.

I can’t stress enough over how important it is for our health! It would be best if you had it daily to manage the physiological functions of your body. Yet so many people, truck drivers included just aren’t getting enough Vitamin C. Education plays a big role in making healthy choices. If you don’t know what foods contain certain vitamins, then how can you work to consume them. And furthermore, how can you prepare for your trip ahead if you don’t know what you should be buying, preparing, and packing? Don’t worry, Mother Trucker Yoga’s got your back!

Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Vitamin CTruck Driver Health Issues, What You Need to Know

Why do we need Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and immunity booster that promotes cardiovascular health, growth of bones, wound healing, development and repair of body tissues, and skin rejuvenation. When we are stressed we lower our immune response, so make sure you are also practicing healthy stress relief habits and truck driver health issues may arise. Check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s 10 Ways to Reduce Stress. And don’t forget to breathe, your body depends on it.

But Vitamin C is also critical in the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and some neurotransmitters. It helps metabolize proteins, and its antioxidant activity may reduce the risk of some cancers. There are so many benefits to Vitamin C, and boy oh boy, does it taste good! If you are worried about the looks of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, or losing that youthful vibe, then fear not; Vitamin C should be on your list of must have’s to keep your whole body healthy and in check. But this vital vitamin isn’t just for our youthful appearance; it also helps with muscle function, tone, and vitality. Our tissues feed on protein, water, and Vitamin C, and you need all three to keep your physical tone, strength, and elasticity healthy.

Did you know that Vitamin C helps produce collagen? That super important component to anti-aging and skin elasticity and is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. And when it comes to truck driver health, collagen is great to be getting as it is wonderful for our skin. Roughly 1 to 2% of muscle tissue is collagen. And it is an important component in fibrous tissues such as:

  • tendons
  • ligaments
  • skin
  • cornea
  • cartilage
  • bones
  • the gut
  • blood vessels

Getting your daily dose of Vitamin C will leave your tissues happy and healthy but don’t forget about the importance of stretching! When your tissues get the vital nutrition they need those aches and pains will start to fade away with a few good Mother Trucker Yoga stretches.

Types of Vitamin C

Other than natural Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables, ascorbic acid is frequently used in supplements. Other Vitamin C types include:

  • Mineral ascorbates (Calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, etc.)
  • Ascorbic acid with bioflavonoids
  • Other blended different forms (Ester-C containing ascorbate, dehydroascorbate, calcium threonate, xylonite, and lyxonate)

Don’t stress if you can’t get it fresh, as a truck driver you may need to supplement often and that is OK.


Truck Driver Health: Required Daily Amount of Vitamin C

Infants (1-3 years) 15 mg
Children (4-9 years) 25 mg
Adolescents (9-13 years) 45 mg
Teens (14-18 years) 65-75 mg
Women (>19 years) 75 mg
Men (>19 years) 90 mg
Pregnant women 85 mg
Breastfeeding women 120 mg


“5 Vitamin C.” Institute of Medicine. 2000. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/9810.

Health Benefits

If you are going to eat, you might as well eat something that packs a powerful punch with it. And foods that contain Vitamin C are nothing short of a POWERFUL PUNCH for your entire body’s health. Knowledge is power and when you know what your food can do for you, then you can make those healthier choices!

Boosts Immune System

Vitamin C is the core member of the fighting team against microbes. WBCs (Leucocytes) include a group of cells (Neutrophils, innate lymphoid cells, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and natural killer cells) whose function is to attack or engulf (phagocytosis) and then kill the pathogen.

But the actions of these warriors require the help of Vitamin C as its key function there is Phagocytosis (engulfment of a pathogen) and cellular mobility.

Heart Sweetheart

Vitamin C loves our heart and supports its health unconditionally. Research shows that adequate intake of Vitamin C lowers the LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and its antioxidant properties fight off the free radical damage.

Research shows that it can control blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. As it carries the enzymatic reaction that synthesizes norepinephrine (from dopamine) which controls all these functions.

Boosts Energy Levels

Vitamin C levels in the body are directly linked to that of L-carnitine (amino-acid), which plays a huge role in energy production in the body.

Vision Patron

Research shows that Vitamin C promotes the health of retinal blood vessels. Vitamin C helps in maintaining connective tissue and collagen in the cornea of the eye.

Its daily adequate consumption (300mg) prevents cataracts and shows promising results in reducing the progression of macular degeneration into later stages.

Radiant Skin

Vitamin C has a crucial role in collagen production present in our skin. It hydrates the skin, fights wrinkles and aging factors, and makes your skin healthy and blossomy.

Truck Driver Health Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Trucker Health Vitamin C what you need

Sources of Vitamin C  

You can find this critical vitamin in lots of different foods and my advice, try to eat a variety of healthy foods. As a truck driver access to certain foods may be challenging at times so don’t stress if you cannot get guava or kiwi fruit into your daily diet. My approach is to reach for the lowest hanging fruit (hehehehe) so you don’t end up stressing yourself out over not getting a large enough variety. What is available to you right now? What foods can travel well? What can I bring from home? 

Fruits Serving Milligrams per serving
Lemon 1 fruit 44.5
Orange 1 large fruit 97.5
Kiwi fruit 1 fruit 64
Papaya 1 small fruit 97.6
Guava 1 cup, raw 377
Grapefruit juice 1 cup 93.9
Pineapple 1 cup chunks, raw 78.9
Mango 1 cup 60.1
Strawberries 1 cup, sliced 97.6
Tomato juice 1 cup, canned 170


Vegetables & spices Serving Milligrams per serving
Red Bell Pepper Per 100 gm 80mg
Kale 1 cup 180mg
Broccoli 1 cup, raw 81.2
Potato 1 large 72.7
Brussels sprouts 1 cup, raw 74.8
Cauliflower 1 cup, raw 51.6
Cabbage 1 cup, raw 44 mg
Thyme Per 100 gm 160 mg
Green chilli 1 green chilli 109 mg


Animal sources Amount (mg/100 gm)
Lamb liver (fried) 12
Lamb heart (roasted) 11
Lamb tongue (stewed) 6
Calf adrenals (raw) 11
Human milk 4
Cow milk 2
Goat milk 2

Your health is your responsibility and that doesn’t need to be a scary thing. That can be a sweet opportunity for you to improve your health and turn lemons into lemonade!

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Truck Drivers: Enjoy The Power of Medicinal Mushrooms for Better Health


Medicinal mushrooms have been highly praised for their marvelous health benefits for thousands of years now. Nowadays, people are obsessed with super-food with nutrition and health going the mainstream. Anything that can grant them remarkable health benefits, they buy it without any second thought.

My Grandfather was a bit of a mushroom buff. He’d pull over on the side of the road at the glance of seeing a mushroom to pick. I have heard stories of how he took my mom and her siblings mushroom picking in the woods as kids and then they’d go home and fry them up to eat.

I did not know the benefits of mushrooms until I was much older and even then, did not quite understand the holistic benefits.

But mushrooms are packed with power and if you take the time to understand the varieties and how to prepare them- you can have quite a tasty treat on your hands!

If my Grandfather were only here to see my love for mushrooms and my ultimate favorite, mushroom tea (see below).

Living life on the go either traveling a lot or as an over-the-road truck driver can be challenging. But with a little prep, you can have yummy treats that satisfy your sweet tooth and at the same time feed your body amazing benefits. Welcome to the world of mushrooms!

Top Best Medicinal Mushrooms

There are several different types of mushrooms and it can be confusing to know which is which. But each type has its own benefits.

In today’s world, there are many ways to take in the benefits of medicinal mushrooms. In today’s market, there are capsules, teas, powders, whole mushrooms, and convenient blends to take orally or add to a smoothie or a recipe like the two I am sharing with you today!

Here is my shortlist of Medicinal Mushrooms and what you need to know when shopping for your health.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

Reishi mushrooms have the most potential benefits among all of them. More specifically, Red Reishi is believed to give the best results, vary in a range of colors though. A polypore self mushroom having a woody texture, as a result, cannot be eaten directly instead used in a soup or tea or can be powdered and used in capsule form.

Reishi Mushroom Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

The presence of terpenoids in these bitter mushrooms gives an anti-inflammatory effect. Reishi is generally used to deal with heart diseases, diabetes, liver damage, and cancer, etc.

Maitake (Grifola frondosa)

Maitake Mushroom is the one that grows in big clusters (the size of a basketball). Although it also grows on trees like Reishi, it isn’t a woody shelf mushroom and can be eaten directly due to its mild texture; making it distinctive of Reishi mushroom.

Maitake Mushroom Mother Trucker yoga Blog

Possessing a great taste, it is used for cholesterol control, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

A study has shown its anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects with positive immune response and no dose-limiting toxicity.

Shiitake (Lentinus edodes)

Shiitake Mushrooms are commonly eaten in Asian culture and are easily recognizable in the super-market. Its effects are very beneficial when given in soups or stir-fries as it helps in lowering the LDL levels (bad cholesterol) in the blood.

Shaiitake Mushrooms possess a phenomenal ingredient called ‘Lentinan’ that is now considered to be of such potency to be prescribed as the third most potent anti-cancer drug of the world.

Shiitake Mushroom Mother Trucker yoga Blog

Shaiitake Mishrooms are also used in the treatment of viral infections like HPV and Hepatitis C, challenged immunity level conditions, and prevention of dental cavities, etc.

They also have one of the highest amounts of natural copper, a mineral that supports healthy blood vessels, bones, and immune support. Just 1/2 cup of shiitake mushrooms gives you 72 percent of your daily recommended intake of this mineral.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Trametes versicolor)

Like Reishi Mushrooms, Turkey Tail mushrooms are also shelf-mushrooms and fan-shaped colorful mushrooms as their name suggests them.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

These can be found in any hardwood forest in North-America, Europe, or Asia.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms have a variety of benefits. Research in Japan and China suggests the improvement in the disease-free interval and survival in breast cancer with the help of immune modulation.

These mushrooms improve immune function by stimulating cytokine production and increasing the number of natural killer cells.

Chaga Mushrooms

The Chaga mushroom grows on different parts of the outside of the host trees. It can be found as a dome, a cone, or horn shape with crispy ridges. It’s important to note that you always want to pick the Chaga from living trees. When picking this mushroom it is important to always leave at least 15% of the mushroom on the tree so it can regenerate and grow back.

Chaga Mushroom Mother Trucker yoga Blog

The Chaga Mushrooms have a variety of benefits. The Chaga is rich in B-complex vitamins, potassium, rubidium, amnio acids, zinc, selenium, iron, and both manganese and magnesium and calcium. Talk about a power hitter!

2010 study found that Chaga could slow the growth of lung, breast, and cervical cancer cells in a petri dish. The same study also found that Chaga could slow the growth of tumors in mice.

The Chaga has also been noted to contain many antioxidants that may reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called “bad” cholesterol.

Why take Medicinal Mushrooms?

Medicinal mushrooms are tremendously beneficial for our health. They possess various mighty properties like Antifungal, Antiviral, and Antimicrobial, fighting off any threatening pathogen and protect our health. Rich in Vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, beta-glucan, polysaccharides, and other specific compounds in their species; medicinal mushrooms add extra nutrition to your diet while maintaining intestinal health, fighting off the free radicals, and control the inflammatory process while boosting the immune system.

Overall Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

  • Boost Immune function of the body
  • Promote Heart Health
  • Improve Energy Levels
  • Improve Brain Health
  • Helps in Weight loss
  • Relieve Allergies and Asthma
  • Relieve Stress and Anxiety
  • Fights Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fights Cancer

Mushroom Recipes:

Dark Chocolate Mushroom Bliss Balls

Makes 36 Bliss Balls / Ready in 45 Minutes

Recipe by: Irene McGuinness


1 cup pitted Medjool dates (about 10-12)

½ cup chopped raw cashews

¼ dark chocolate chips, melted

3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

3 Tbsp Chaga mushroom powder (you can use other mushroom powder as available)

2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted



  1. In a food processor or blender pulse dates until they begin to break down. Add nuts and continue to pulse until crumbly. Add melted chocolate, cocoa, mushroom powder, and coconut oil and pulse until the mixture comes together in a ball.
  2. Line 8-inch square pan with parchment. Using 1 tsp measuring spoon, scoop mixture and roll into smooth balls, then place in a single layer in line dish. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes or longer to the firm. They can be eaten as-is or rolled in or dusted with colorful toppings.
  3. Store in tightly covered container in refrigerator, cooler or cold compartment for up to 2 weeks…if they don’t get eaten too quickly.


44 calories / 1 g protein / 2 g fat / 6 g carbs (5 g sugar, 1 g fiber) / 1 mg sodium


ZuZu’s Heaven In a Cup

This is the best tasting form of hot cocoa with no guilt!

This is my FAVORITE drink on the planet from my dear friend Karen Urbanek who owns and teaches through Holistic Health Educators. Recipe from Karen’s recipe book: Living in Rawality


1/8 cup / .03 ounces Chaga mushroom

About 3-4 spears / .03 ounces Astragalus mushroom

.02 ounces Reishi mushroom

¼ cup goji berries (optional-but so good)

6-8 cups distilled water

1-2 tablespoon honey

3 tablespoons raw cacao powder

23 tablespoons coconut milk or coconut milk powder



  1. Simmer mushrooms, berries, and water on low for 2 hours. Strain.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well with a fork or blend and enjoy.
  3. NOTE: Save the Medicinal Mushrooms and make another entire batch! They freeze well if you don’t want to make the second batch immediately.


Be willing to try something new. Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to help with various health ailments and longevity. These recipes are fun and easy to make. And trust me you won’t be able to keep any of them in your truck or house for long!

The great thing about the recipes above is they can be eaten and drunken alone or with a meal. Don’t forget to eat your greens! Just as important, make sure your daily diet gets 3-5 servings of dark leafy greens regularly as well!

This is my favorite, you can buy the bag with all the mushrooms you need for the amazing Heavenly drink I noted above!


The amazon links provided are affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Mother Trucker Yoga! 

Remember to always seek the advice of a medical professional before making any major changes to your diet. The information provided here is not to replace the information and advice given by your medical professional.