
STAY FIT Truck Stop Fitness Center Quick Weighted Workout for Drivers

Have you ever stepped inside any of the truck stop fitness centers? They aren’t in every truck stop, but they are free, and after being to more than a dozen of TA Petros Truck Stop Fitness centers, I’m here to tell you this is a hidden gem you want to take advantage of. STAY FIT Truck Stop Fitness Center

NOTE: This is not a full gym, and often people will see it and instantly compare it to a full-size gym. And no matter what, that is a win! This isn’t, but what it is, is an opportunity for you to move.

Now that things are beginning to open back up again, that means for drivers just like you, there are more opportunities for you to get up and move.

Most still look at “getting active and healthy” in the form of exercise. And I’m telling you they are wrong. Well, not totally wrong, but if exercising more would solve all our health problems, we wouldn’t have this conversation. It’s about the little things.

Making small little changes.

If you want good dental hygiene, then you brush your teeth every day. If you want better bowel movements, you are going to drink more water. These are simple, not complicated, yet so many try to make it be complicated. I want to lead you towards health and fitness strategies that are as simple as brushing your teeth and make as much sense as drinking water for better bowel health.

Sprinkled throughout the US are fitness centers just for drivers. Truck Stop chains like TA Petro and Pilot Flying J’s have truck stops with fitness centers just waiting for you to use. Now, are they huge? No. Do they have every machine known to man? No. But they do have just the right amount of equipment and space to get you back on track!

Where We Go Wrong

We focus on the negative. I have talked to hundreds of drivers, and most have never taken advantage of the fitness centers at these locations. Why? Well, one, they didn’t know they existed, and two, they found reason to disapprove. Too small, not enough equipment, and on and on.

The people that want to improve their health will. The people that don’t want to improve their health won’t.

After 20 years working with people in pain and people looking to improve their fitness and health through lifestyle and movement changes, I noticed that it’s not about “exercise”, it’s about learning how to add more movement into your day. Which is what we focus on in Mother Trucker Yoga’s Membership Platform with Quick Simple Moves

What Can You Do Today?

What is one thing you can do today to take better care of your health? If you find yourself making excuses or coming up with bad reasons why nothing will work, then I want to encourage you to take a step back and find

Here are two of my favorite quick fitness moves for truck driver exercise on the go. And I know you are going to love these quick and easy moves.

Angled Abs Drop

Weighted Chest Fly

Let me know what you think about these simple fitness center moves.

And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel



12 Things to Say to Yourself Everyday

12 Things to Say to Yourself Everyday

What we say to ourselves might be the most powerful thing we can do for our health and well-being.

Some joke about the current state of their health.

Some pretend it’s not an issue.

Some respond they had no idea.

But the truth is, bottom line, we know. We know if we are in a healthy state of being or not. I’m not talking about being a fitness model or professional athlete or size zero. The state of health I am speaking of says you can move, breathe and live with ease. You sleep well, feel good, and have a good attitude towards life and yourself.

Your Health Is Not a Means of Punishment

After spending more than half my life struggling deeply with addition, I 100% understand how the conversation inside your head plays into how you live life and the choices and actions you make that play into that.

It might seem silly, but you are enough. And many use their health as a means for punishment. Many choose everyone else and everything else over their health even when the reality is they can’t be 100% all-in when their health is less than optimal.

Today I’m not here to tell you to eat healthy, because correct me if I’m wrong. We all know we need to eat more fruits and vegetables, less processed and greasy foods. We all know we should be drinking more water and less soda. We know that! You know that! I know you do. So the big question is, why don’t we?

When I began my journey into recovery, I realized my choices were directly related to how I felt about myself. When I felt like I was a loser, ugly, a nobody, I made choices that reflected that. But when I had a moment that I felt good about myself, I made choices that reflected that.

On days that I am stressed, the moment I allow myself to “think about it,” I choose the couch, a snack, other needs above mine. But when I catch myself and act accordingly when I get up and move, eat the damn salad, I find I am a better version of myself. I have better internal conversations. And that is worth something.

If push-ups, sit-ups, and squats were the answer, then we’d all be fit.

If meal plans, food apps, and simply eliminating a food group were the answer, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

But it has to start with you.

The Link Between Thoughts, Feelings, And Behavior

An article on Forbes said: “Your thoughts are a catalyst for self-perpetuating cycles. What you think influences directly how you feel and how you behave. So if you think you’re a failure, you’ll feel like a failure. Then, you’ll act like a failure, reinforcing your belief that you must be a failure.”

The article discussed that once we draw a conclusion for ourselves, we are likely to do two things:

  1. Look for evidence that reinforces your belief.
  2. And discount anything that runs contrary to your belief.

Once you do that, you are going to act based on the above. It’s your thoughts that are determining your actions, your choices, not a fancy app or workout program. Those can help, but if they don’t help address the mental and emotional, you may find yourself spinning your wheels and wondering why nothing is changing.

12 Things to Say to Your Self Everyday Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Image 1

Shift Gears

When you find yourself stuck in a corner, reinforcing negative beliefs or thoughts that hurt you rather than help you challenge yourself, there are several things you can do that include self-talk.

  • Talk out loud to yourself.
  • Say CANCEL CANCEL; when you say that within 20 seconds of thinking or saying those negative thoughts, you can rewire your brain away from those thoughts.
  • Do it right away in the morning. When you start the day out on the right foot, the rest of your day is more likely to go that way. Drink a large glass of water, go for a quick 10-minute walk, deep breathe, recite positive affirmations like, I love myself, I am enough, I got this. 
  • Engage in activities, programs, and groups that don’t overwhelm you where they mean well, but you feel like you won’t be able to do that in the end. To figure this out, you have to listen to the conversation in your head. Sometimes, you need to push through, but make sure the pushing is through an overwhelm of information that you aren’t even applying. (Mother Trucker Yoga Program)

It must start with how you talk to yourself.

You are worth it.

You are good enough.
You can work out.

You can eat healthily.

You have what it takes!

That self-talk is the first conversation you should be paying attention to in your daily life and the one that creates all other conversations you have here on out.

Notice your internal response after reading those statements?

Are you rejecting them?

Embracing them?

Do they inspire you?

Or make you feel uncomfortable?


Get clear on that, and you, my friend, have your next step!

Things to say to your body everyday mother trucker yoga blog

If you think this is too simple. You are right. It is, and that is why most think it’s not worth it. But the truth is. What you say to yourself is worth focusing on. If your kids listen to everything you say, is your brain not listening to everything you say too?

If you want to learn why Mother Trucker Yoga and how we are different than the rest. CLICK HERE 



Trucker’s Shoulder: 3 Healing & Strengthening Tips

Any given trucker will feel strain in their hands, back, and knees after a long week of driving. Some of you may even feel strain in your shoulder, particularly if you’re driving through a beautiful but challenging winding mountainous road. The rounded socket fits the humerus, and each shoulder has four different muscles that encapsulate it. Let’s see how we can make each muscle loose and strong so our shoulders don’t make us squint in pain when we’re making really tight turns.

The rotator cuff


For most of the injuries and pains you hear about the shoulder joint, refer to the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff tendon lays along the top of the shoulder and folds down over the shoulder joint. It is responsible for elevating our arm outward, upward and it also stabilizes the shoulder during twisting or rotating movement. Here are some exercises you can do to strengthen it.


  • A doorway stretch is great for several reasons. You can moderate how much rotation and force goes through the rotator cuff, it’s easy to do standing or kneeling, and it doesn’t require any equipment.
  • High-low rows. Hold your arms out in front of you like you’re holding two milk jugs. Then slowly bring your fists by either side of your ribs. Do about 10 reps for 3-4 sets. Take your time.
  • Pulling the cord. With a jump rope or tension band, stand on it and make the motion of pulling a chainsaw or lawnmower cord. Rotate with the movement by opening up your outer hip.


Front deltoid


The front deltoid is the smallest of the shoulder muscles. It’s used for raising objects directly in front of us. As truckers, your arms are extended over the wheel for long periods of time, and you are lifting objects up and over the rear loading bay. If you feel strain in your deltoid, here is what you can do.


  • Standing/sitting toe touch stretch. It’s fundamental, easy to do. Sit or stand and without bending your back, try to touch your toes. This stretches the front deltoid, and it feels great. If you cannot do this, bend your knees and keep your weight more forward if you are standing. And if you are sitting, bend your knees and prop your knees with a pillow. 

Trucker's Shoulder: 3 Healing & Strengthening Tips MTY BLog

  • Cross-arm stretch. Move your arm at a 90-degree angle over your chest, and using your opposite arm, pull it over the chest while preventing your back from rotating in its direction.

Trucker's Shoulder: 3 Healing & Strengthening Tips MTY 2

Want to know more about this great shoulder stretch? Check out our video that will walk you through the importance of stretching your shoulders and another version of the stretch you can try out too!

  • Angle stretch. With your arms behind your back, clasp both hands and push your shoulders as far back as possible. This is an intense stretch, so take your time. And if you are not able to clasp your hands behind your back, use a belt or even your Good-N-Tight to help you create the stretch. 

Trucker's Shoulder: 3 Healing & Strengthening Tips MTY 3

Further care


If your shoulders do still hurt and you need further care, contact in-home physical therapy services to give you Hospice Care. They help people of many ages deal with chronic pains and rehabilitation. They arrive at your home to give the care, so that saves you time, gas money, and hassle. They’ll bring all the relevant equipment you’ll need and run you through the exercises step by step. It’s a great way to have a helping hand, getting you back on the road to recovery.


The shoulder joint is amazing, and without it, you could not be the awesome truckers you all are. So take care of the muscles and tendons by doing some of these exercises and stretches. 

Let us know here at Mother Trucker Yoga what you think in the comments below.

And don’t forget when you are in pain after you do some stretching to lather on some STIFF Mother Trucker pain relief cream to help your muscles heal fast!

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Plantar Fasciitis and It’s Relief Options

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a cause of heel pain, often found in adults over the age of 40. However, if you sit for long periods or are on your feet all day or engage in activities like running, you may find yourself in a painful situation. 

It is a common cause of heel pain that can turn into a chronic condition if ignored. But this tightness can also be tied to and create calf tightness, knee pain, even hamstring tightness because everything is connected. 

Plantar Fasciitis can come and go but can also shift from foot pain and tightness to Achilles tendon or caf tightness and leave you thinking these are different conditions when, in fact, they are all connected- literally connected. Those issues are all connected, like one big catsuit. 

Plantar Fasciitis can affect your way of walking and cause injury to certain parts of your body like knees, legs, hips, or back. Most people try to treat plantar fasciitis with shoe inserts, but that is not a treatment that is only masking the pain. 

The plantar fascia is a thick, netlike ligament that connects your heel bone to the front of the foot. It supports the arch of your foot and absorbs the shock when you walk. Too much pressure on this ligament can cause the fascia to tear. These tiny tears inflame the ligament. As a result, you experience heel pain while walking or standing.

Plantar Fasciitis Causes

  • Running
  • Being on one’s feet for long periods
  • Wearing ill-fitting shoes
  • Poor muscular in your feet
  • Wearing high heels
  • Imbalances in the feet (excessive pronation or supination)
  • Being overweight
  • Having tight hips
  • Having tight calves
  • Wearing shoes for long periods
  • Not walking enough

Plantar Fasciitis is a common problem experienced by runners. Those with jobs that revolve around being on their feet often have a higher risk of developing plantar fasciitis. You can develop plantar fasciitis through high-impact activities or sports that involve a lot of walking, running, or jumping. However, on the flip side, if you find yourself sitting more than you should, this can also cause tightness in the arches, calves, and hamstrings, which can also bring about these types of issues. 

Overweight or obese individuals are at a greater risk of developing this problem due to the increased pressure on their plantar fascia ligaments. This is especially true if the weight gain is sudden. Pregnant women often suffer from this problem in their late pregnancy due to the increased weight and stress on their arches. And even after giving birth or after losing weight, you can still find yourself suffering from foot pain if not cared for properly.

Plantar Fasciitis Symptoms

Plantar Fasciitis typically causes pain at the bottom of your heel or the bottom mid-foot area. The pain is usually worse when you take your first few steps in the morning or when you’ve been sitting or standing for long periods. People with plantar fascia don’t usually experience the pain during the activity but after it. After working with thousands of people over the last 17 years, I have found that many with plantar fasciitis also have chronically tight Achilles tendons and calves. So if your foot pain comes and goes, ask yourself where it hurt when your feet don’t? Remember, it’s all connected!

Plantar Fasciitis Relief Options

Stretching and strengthening exercises can help you relieve symptoms. Try stretching exercises for plantar fascia, calves, and Achilles tendons. 

 Like the Functional Calf Stretch to help stretch the tendon and bring more mobility to the calf, ankle, and foot. 

Functional Calf Stretch:

  1. Stand tall 
  2. Take a casual step back 
  3. Point both feet forward and keep your feet hips distance or wider
  4. Square your hips forward and bend your front knee over its ankle
  5. Exhale, bend your back knee as far as you can without lifting the heel
  6.  Inhale, straighten the back leg
  7. Repeat this process ten times on each side
  8. Watch the back knee and ankle and keep them from falling inward

Mother Trucker Yoga Functional Calf Stretch Blog Plantar Fasciitis 1

Mother Trucker Yoga Functional Calf Stretch Blog Plantar Fasciitis 2

That fascial tendon has become much like plastic, and so in the beginning, it may feel more uncomfortable than the latter. So consider icing afterward or stretching every other day until that plastic softens to be more elastic. 

Strengthening exercises for your lower legs and foot muscles. It is essential to break from certain high-impact activities involving running or jumping to give proper time for the plantar fascia to heal.

When a part of your body is weak, it is not the same as that same part being tight, and the two often get confused as one. When it comes to the plantar tendon, in my experience, it is often both. We walk around in casts all day (aka shoes), and so the muscles in our feet get lazy, then we walk barefoot and bring pain and think it’s that we are barefoot that is causing the problem, but it’s that we aren’t using the muscles in our feet enough and wearing shoes too often. Now a podiatrist that sells shoe inserts will probably tell you differently. But think about any inserts as temporary; you must stretch your feet and calves and build up strength. You can’t do that when you are sitting all day with shoes on. 

8 Ways to Soothe and Remedy Foot Pain

1.Take off your shoes. Yes, I know everyone else says to keep them on, but you haven’t allowed your feet to work in the way they are designed to. Ever met someone from a third-world country who has plantar fasciitis? Nope. Why? Because they walk barefoot, use their feet, and don’t cram their feet into ill-fitting shoes.

2. Drink more water. 

When our body is dehydrated, our fascia becomes sticky and restricted. And that 100% will lead to physical pain, tightness, and even cramping. You want to get a minimum of half your body weight in ounces, my friend. But today, start with one more bottle than yesterday.

3. Learn how to stand on your feet properly. 

Your feet are aching for you to listen to them. Posture starts at your feet. 

4. Stretch Your Feet.

Try sneaking in a little stretching each day. This can be Functional Calf Stretch like I suggested above or one of the steps of your truck or even in your sleeper (see our Mother Trucker Yoga membership site for videos) 

5. Try rolling. 

Some ideas: Mayo Fascia Release (rolling), invest in a mini massage ball or roller stick and start moving your feet and hips. For more ideas, you can check out this post on 4 Foam Rolling Hotspot for Fascia Release.

Foot Massage Ball Mother Trucker Yoga Plantar Fasciitis Blog

No matter what, plantar fasciitis is not a death sentence, and you most definitely do not have to live with it the rest of your life. But it would help if you started making small, simple changes to get the relief you are looking for. 

STIFF Mother Trucker Marc Springer


Common Issues From Sitting In A Truck All Day And How To Fix Them

Common Issues From Sitting In A Truck All Day And How To Fix Them

When you are on the road all the time, you are at increased risk for certain medical conditions. Of course, not every trucker is going to experience the same things, but there are some common themes running through the industry when it comes to health due to all the sitting that has to be done. In this article, we are going to be talking about some of the common issues that truckers face from sitting in their trucks all day, and some of the things that you can do to fix them. If you would like to find out more about this topic, keep reading down below.


Sore Back And Neck


The first thing that you are more likely to experience is a sore neck and back. Seeing as you are not using the muscles in your back and you are holding your neck up all the time, it’s no wonder that it begins to hurt. This is a problem because there’s not much you can do to avoid this other than to stop every so often and take a short walk, or lay down in your seats for ten minutes. Give your neck a break, and let your back muscles stretch in order to keep them in good condition.


If the issue persists, then you should see a chiropractor. They might be able to do something to help you, such as give you small exercises to complete, or you never know what!




Another huge problem is obesity. When you are on the road a lot, you’re not getting the exercise that you need, you’re probably eating fast food more often than not, so really obesity is to be expected. Even though this is the case, it doesn’t make it okay and you need to avoid this at all costs. We recommend that you try taking some food with you for your meal while you are out. If you are going to be on a long trip and you can’t take that much food with you, then at least try to pick some of the healthier options when you take a break.


Swelling In Your Legs


When you sit down for so long, your legs become more likely to swell. If you’re not using your legs other than the slight movements, you are at risk of deep vein thrombosis as well which is not a pleasant condition. There are a few things that we can suggest here such as drinking enough water while you are on your drive, managing the amount of salt that you eat on the drive and before, as well as doing feet and ankle exercises while you are stopped in traffic for example. When you can, get up and have a walk around outside to get your blood pumping and your legs moving, and this should help you avoid the issue.


We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the common issues that you can get when you sit in a truck all day. Not only that though, but hopefully now you see how you can fix these issues as well. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that this has helped you!


Want more help when it comes to your fitness and health? Join the movement!


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Stay Healthy While on the Go with These 6 Top Tips for Truckers


Working as a long-haul truck driver is indeed a challenging and demanding job. Not many people can travel long distances and stay for long periods without seeing their family. With the sedentary and autonomous nature of the job, working as a trucker can lead to you adopting an unhealthy lifestyle. Stay Healthy


 Most truckers rely on fast food and caffeine to keep them on the go. Staying healthy is not only vital for your wellbeing, but it essentially plays a part in your career.

Stay Healthy While on the go - mother trucker yoga blog

Photo Credit -Photo by Lê Minh from Pexels

 Below are a few tips to consider to improve your health as a trucker;

Eat Healthily

Avoid feasting on junks and grab a couple of fresh produce from a grocery store. You might notice that stores are increasingly creating more space to accommodate vehicles of all nature. Gas stations are also equipping their shelves with nutritious meals.


Try your best to consume more vegetables and fruits every day. Fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals that will improve your health and keep you in tip-top shape while on the road.


An easier way to gain all your nutrients at once is to blend your fruits into a smoothie. Introducing a vegetable such as kale or spinach will give it that healthy knack. Be sure to include some nuts for you to snack on while on the go.


A sedentary position for an extended period of hours is detrimental to your health. Engage yourself in light exercises during pit stops to stretch out your legs and allow blood to circulate freely through your system.


A folding bicycle or a pair of running shoes is an excellent way of kick-starting your exercise routine.


One of the dangers posed by long-haul driving is pressure build-up in the back. Exercise can help relieve stress and relax your muscles. An advanced form of physical relief would be to seek a chiropractor, whose services will help you keep your back and neck in shape.



An essential yet most commonly overlooked item when it comes to health is sleep. Good night’s sleep is crucial in allowing your body to adequately rest so that bodily functions can take place with ease.


Invest in proper and good quality berth mattresses with the right firmness for a good restful sleep. Make your cabin comfortable enough for you to have at least eight hours of sleep. Ensure you have a portable heater or a fan for when conditions become too extreme in other areas.


Engage Your Mind


Driving on the road for hours can be tedious and tiring. Engaging your mind can help keep you focused and avoid distractions that might end up causing emotional reactions.


Listen to audiotapes of your favorite books and get to learn a few things while on the go. Audiotapes of language lessons can help you learn a new language and have you speaking a foreign language before your destination. Continuously engaging your mind tends to improve your mental health.


Long-distance work can heavily impact your family due to the distance but do not let it negatively affect your health. Drive home safely to your family and assure them of wellbeing by practicing the top tips shared.


4 Quick and Simple Exercises with the Good-N-Tight Ratchet Strap Tightening Handle 

4 Quick and Simple Exercises with the Good-N-Tight Ratchet Strap Tightening Handle 

When you are a truck driver, time is of the essence. And either you have a lot of time, or you have none. But there are moments throughout your day where you can sneak in a few quick moves to help you feel better, wherever you are with your Good-N-Tight Ratched Strap Tightening Handle handy. The Good-N-Tight is amazing when you don’t want to throw out your shoulder or back tieing down a load and gives you three times the leverage. And as my husband always says, “work smarter not harder”. This is one tool you definitely want to get and have handy anytime you need to use a ratchet strap.

But this blog isn’t about how to use this tool for securing your load. It’s about how to double down and use this tool to help you feel better, whenever you are with small simple moves you can do it anytime, anywhere. These four simple moves are perfect for those in-between moments when to help reduce stiffness, bring a little energy back into your body, stretch, and strengthen so you don’t throw your back out getting in and out of the truck (it happens).

Here are 4 Quick and Simple Moves You Can Do With The Good-N-Tight:

  • Good-N-Tight Oblique Side Bend 

This is a great move to help tone your waist and both stretch and strengthen your lower back, hips, and obliques. 

  • Step your feet wider than hips-width apart. 
  • Point your toes forward and square your hips.
  • With your Good-N-Tight in hand reach your arms up overhead. 
  • Relax your shoulders down and soften your front rib cage down as well. 
  • Take a deep breath in and gently slide your hips to the right as you lean your upper body and arms to the left. 
  • Press your arms straight and reach through the Good-N-Tight, like you were to stamp it on the wall next to you. 


  • Hold this for 5 breaths, and on the exhale come back to center and repeat the opposite side. 


  • Inhale press your hips to the right and tip your upper body and arms to the left. 
  • Exhale return to center, pulling your hips back first and your upper body to sit on top. 
  • Repeat the opposite side: Inhale to lean, exhale to return. 
  • 5-10 times on each side. 

Oblique Stretch Tightening Handle

  • Good-N-Tight Triceps Stretch 

This is a wonderful stretch to combat all that drive time opening your chest, toning your upper back, and releasing your shoulders. 

  • Standing tall grab the Good-N-Tight with your right hand and extend your arm up overhead. 
  • Bend your top elbow and tuck your hand behind your head, laying the Good-N-Tight down your spine. 
  • Roll the top tricep inward towards your head, turning your triceps to face forward (this may be difficult, especially if your shoulders are tight or bulky).
  • Tuck your left hand behind you to grab the bottom of the Good-N-Tight and work to roll your left shoulder open, feeling the shoulder blade press inward towards the spine. 
  • Stand even taller and breathe calmly for 5 to 10 breaths. 
  • Repeat the opposite side. 

Good-N-Tight 1 Minute Moves Tricep Stretch - Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

  • Good-N-Tight Chest Expander

Slouching, leaning, hunching, driving, and carrying often leave our body hunched forward and frozen in place. This quick move gives your body a break and counterposes all that rounding forward. Breathe easy and feel your chest, pecs, and shoulders open as your core gets a little wake-up call. 

Standing tall with your feet at a comfortable distance grab your Good-N-Tight.

Tuck your hands behind you and grab hold of either side of your new exercise equipment. 

Roll your shoulders in towards your spine as you drop them down away from your neck. 

Inhale drive your hips and pelvis forward as you pull your arms down and back. 

Gently look up and stretch! 

Hold this for 5 breaths, and repeat 3 to 5 times. 

Chest Expander Good-N-Tight Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

  • Good-N-Tight Calf Stretch 

Your calf is the hydraulic pump for your lower body to get blood flow back up the heart. Restricted calves inhibit the calf to do its job, making the heart have to work harder. Tight calves also cause knee and back pain. Let’s give the body some relief with a quick stretch! 

  • Place the Good-N-Tight on the ground.
  • Standing tall, place the ball of one foot up on the lip of your new exercise equipment, keeping your heel on the ground. 
  • Square your hips and slowly inch your free foot forward until you feel a stretch in your calf. 
  • Stand even taller and press down into your stretching heel as you hold the stretch for 5 to 10 breaths.
    Repeat the opposite side and do this stretch 1-3 times each day. 

Calf Stretch Good-N-Tight Mother Trucker Yoga BLog

Pushing yourself in a quick workout is important, but you should never allow yourself to just sit there because you think you need fancy equipment. Make sure you’re choosing quality over quantity. And look around your truck, what do you have laying around. What could be multi-purpose? And remember instead of thinking you need all sorts of crazy fitness in your life, think movement, where can I get more movement in? Along with your new Good-N-Tight moves get out and walk for an added boost to your body, mind, and spirit. Happy moving!

This blog post is in partnership with Bud and Tony’s Truck Parts! Bud and Tony are on a mission to give back to the trucking community and by teaming up with Mother Trucker Yoga, they are doing it, one move at a time. Check out more about Bud and Tony over on their site:

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Tips to Get the Best Results From Your Yoga Session

Tips To Get The Best Results From Your Yoga Session


Yoga has been gaining popularity over the past decade because it provides a unique form of exercise and relaxation. Studies have also proven that it is a great workout that helps eliminate body aches and pains. The history of this workout style has also shown that yoga is more than exercise and can help you connect with your inner self. As studies have proved and practice has shown, yoga can be very beneficial; and you must gain all those benefits. On that note, here are some tips to help you get the best results from your yoga session.

Yoga Session Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

Know your physical limitations and pay attention to your body


Yoga can get quite intense, and you need to know your physical limitations and pay attention to your body so that you do not push your body past its true limits. For those who have medical conditions, such that they may need to use a posture corrector app or other forms of assistance, you must be cautious when practicing yoga to avoid hurting yourself or aggravating an injury. You should be concerned about how your body reacts to each pose and session. Relax and allow your body to express itself and when it hurts, stop, and take a breather to change your pace.


Have no expectations

Yoga combines exercise with meditation; that is how it works. Having expectations before you begin will throw a spanner in the works, and you could lose your zen. So, it is better to have no expectations when you start a yoga session. Instead, look forward to spending time connecting with yourself. Have an open mind and enjoy the experience.


Create a relaxed atmosphere and avoid distractions

Yoga is centered on relaxation and meditation. So, create the right atmosphere where you can relax and connect with yourself. Yoga is therapeutic, and as such, where you practice must set the mood. It is advisable to dedicate a space solely to practicing yoga to evoke a sense of calm and relaxation. This area must be free of noise and other distractions so that your meditation can proceed uninterrupted. Distractions in this regard are not limited to noise alone. Uncomfortable clothes, taking a break to pee, and devices such as phones that do not contribute to the process all count as distractions. Before you begin a session, be sure you can complete it without getting distracted by anything else.



Breathe - Yoga blog Mother Trucker Yoga

Image Credit

This sounds very easy, but often people forget to breathe naturally, as they get so focused on the moment. This is simple and very important. Just continue to breathe naturally, and you will remain composed and balanced. Breathing also helps you to practice within your capacity and allows you to enjoy the experience.


To get the best results from your yoga session, do not just “go through the motions”; relax and enjoy the exercise rather than rushing through. Focus on the experience and dedicate your all when practicing. Also, before you begin or end a session, do not just jump in or out. Take some time to gradually get in the zone and do the same when you finish a session.


Tackle The Common Health Issues Truckers Experience Head-On

If you’re a trucker and on the road a lot of your life, there are numerous health issues you might experience. Here are some of the common health problems and the best solutions. Tackle The Common Health Issues




Truckers obviously spend a lot of their working life sitting in a car seat. So, it should be no surprise that obesity levels are high among these workers. 7 out of 10 truckers are obese in the USA according to some studies so this is definitely a common issue. You need to make sure that exercise is part of your regular routine. There are some easy exercise ideas to explore so you don’t need to hit the gym. About 15 minutes of exercise each day will make a massive difference here.

Lung Cancer 


A tremendous 60% of truckers in the USA smoke according to the latest research. It’s not clear why this is although it could be a way for individuals to cope with the stress of this job. It might also be something to do with socio-economic factors. Regardless, it might be time to start thinking seriously about quitting. These days, it’s easier to quit smoking than before. You should consider taking up vaping. It provides the same physical process as smoking without the harmful chemicals so it’s a good substitute. You can also use it to gradually reduce your nicotine intake until you hit zero rather than going cold turkey. 

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Sleep Apnea


You probably won’t be aware if you suffer from sleep apnea but your partner or anyone who you sleep with will have noticed it. It caused you to stop breaking temporarily and repeatedly through the night for several seconds at a time. This can be quite alarming for anyone sleeping next to you and the stress on your body will leave you exhausted the next morning. If you suffer from this condition, many countries won’t even allow you to drive. Surgery can fix this issue however you can also reduce it by changing your lifestyle. Drinking alcohol, smoking and obesity all increase the chances of experiencing this condition. 


Problems With Sleep Routines 


As you have probably learned, it’s difficult to keep a traditional sleep routine as a trucker. The hours that you work can be crazy. You might wake up at 4 in the morning to arrive home around 2 when you will be exhausted and almost immediately fall asleep, waking up at 9. It’s a weird pattern for your body to be in and you’re right in thinking this can play havoc with your health. If you’re working long hauls you need to make sure that you’re using stop-off points where you can get a proper rest with a bed. You should also speak to your employer about getting your schedule in advance. That way, you can prepare a plan and ensure that you are gaining the rest you need while fitting in personal time for you to enjoy. Remember, downtime is still going to be important when you are a trucker. 

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Depression And Isolation 


There are certain professions and jobs where mental health issues are more common than others. For instance, you might be aware that doctors are more likely to experience depression than virtually any other professional worker. However, truckers also face issues here and the reason for this is quite simply the level of isolation. Some truckers took the job on because they love the peace and serenity of being on the road. Many are trying to escape the challenges of life at home but others simply aren’t prepared for the sheer level of isolation that they experience. It’s important to stay in touch with people, even on long haul trips. Tech is your friend here and while you can’t keep in touch on the road, you can video call friends, families, and loved ones when you’re stopped. Or, if you’re single, you can check out some dating apps to form new connections. 


Issues With Nutrition 

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If you have spent a lot of years on the road, you’re probably already familiar with the issue of eating healthily. When you’re trucking, you have to grab food where you can find it and this is usually going to be a fast-food joint on the highway. The problem is that these places and meals will not provide the nutrition you need to keep your body healthy. There are of course ways to deal with this problem. For instance, you can pack lunches to take with you. Don’t forget that if you’re not getting the right level of nutrition, levels of immunity will be significantly reduced. This is going to make it far more likely that you do develop serious diseases. 

Don’t let common health issues those in the trucking industry face get you down. One small change at a time is the best way to see results in your overall health and wellness.


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Read about some strategies to help you as a driver make fitness a reality:

