
How To Move More When You Sit All Day!

When you spend time at a desk or behind the wheel of a truck all day, it gets much harder for you to want to move and exercise. Sitting all day can be a pain in the back (literally), however, as the pressure on your backbone and bottom can cause pain in the legs and cause you to slump. Sitting for long periods of time can also lead to long-term health problems, including anxiety, depression, diabetes, and weight gain.

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When you increase your daily movement, you can reduce the risks of any of the issues that long-term sitting can cause. A sedentary lifestyle is actually pretty hard to maintain because your body wants to move. Perhaps on your down days, you can start bulking up at the gym – and you can learn all about that here. When it’s time to be at home again, you can start adding in some more movement. Increasing your daily movement may be tough at first, but with these strategies, you can start getting moving! Incorporating trucking fitness into your day isn’t difficult when you break it down.

5 Ways to Increase Daily Movement:

Go for a walk.

Whether you are at a desk or not, you can get up and move around. Walk around the office, go out for lunch and walk the block a couple of times. If you’re a trucker, you can get out at rest stops and go for a walk to stretch your legs, too. Even if you are on long drives, you can schedule a walk for 20 minutes at a time each time you stop for something.

Stretch your body.

For each time you stop on your route, stretch your arms and legs. You need to make stretching a habit so that you build it into your routine every single day. A stretch doesn’t have to be a full yoga routine, but you do have to do what you can to make your body feel supple. 

Sit up straight.

When you are sitting for long periods, you need to train your body to remain upright. Slouching your shoulders and hunching over is awful for your spinal health, so make sure that you are sitting up straight. Putting some time into learning how to sit up can make a huge difference to your ability to move well and it stops you from being so stiff!

Move while you watch TV.

When your show is on, move your body. Run-on the spot, do some jumping jacks, and even do some strengthening exercises and stretches. All of these things are so beneficial for the body and it’s a good way to relax before bed. 

Make your movement consistent.

Park your truck or car far away from your destination and walk more. Use the stairs and not an elevator. Get off public transport early and walk the rest of the way. There are so many ways that you can be consistent with your movement and add it into your day, even when you are spending most of it sitting down or still.


Moving more has to be a part of your day – make it so!

Are you or your trucking company looking to take their truck driver fitness and truck driver wellness up a notch? Let Mother Trucker Yoga be your trucking fitness company and show you how with small simple changes you can feel better wherever you are.

Tackle The Common Health Issues Truckers Experience Head-On

If you’re a trucker and on the road a lot of your life, there are numerous health issues you might experience. Here are some of the common health problems and the best solutions. 




Truckers obviously spend a lot of their working life sitting in a car seat. So, it should be no surprise that obesity levels are high among these workers. 7 out of 10 truckers are obese in the USA according to some studies so this is definitely a common issue. You need to make sure that exercise is part of your regular routine. There are some easy exercise ideas to explore so you don’t need to hit the gym. About 15 minutes of exercise each day will make a massive difference here.

Lung Cancer 


A tremendous 60% of truckers in the USA smoke according to the latest research. It’s not clear why this is although it could be a way for individuals to cope with the stress of this job. It might also be something to do with socio-economic factors. Regardless, it might be time to start thinking seriously about quitting. These days, it’s easier to quit smoking than before. You should consider taking up vaping. It provides the same physical process as smoking without the harmful chemicals so it’s a good substitute. You can also use it to gradually reduce your nicotine intake until you hit zero rather than going cold turkey. 

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Sleep Apnea


You probably won’t be aware if you suffer from sleep apnea but your partner or anyone who you sleep with will have noticed it. It caused you to stop breaking temporarily and repeatedly through the night for several seconds at a time. This can be quite alarming for anyone sleeping next to you and the stress on your body will leave you exhausted the next morning. If you suffer from this condition, many countries won’t even allow you to drive. Surgery can fix this issue however you can also reduce it by changing your lifestyle. Drinking alcohol, smoking and obesity all increase the chances of experiencing this condition. 


Problems With Sleep Routines 


As you have probably learned, it’s difficult to keep a traditional sleep routine as a trucker. The hours that you work can be crazy. You might wake up at 4 in the morning to arrive home around 2 when you will be exhausted and almost immediately fall asleep, waking up at 9. It’s a weird pattern for your body to be in and you’re right in thinking this can play havoc with your health. If you’re working long hauls you need to make sure that you’re using stop-off points where you can get a proper rest with a bed. You should also speak to your employer about getting your schedule in advance. That way, you can prepare a plan and ensure that you are gaining the rest you need while fitting in personal time for you to enjoy. Remember, downtime is still going to be important when you are a trucker. 

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Depression And Isolation 


There are certain professions and jobs where mental health issues are more common than others. For instance, you might be aware that doctors are more likely to experience depression than virtually any other professional worker. However, truckers also face issues here and the reason for this is quite simply the level of isolation. Some truckers took the job on because they love the peace and serenity of being on the road. Many are trying to escape the challenges of life at home but others simply aren’t prepared for the sheer level of isolation that they experience. It’s important to stay in touch with people, even on long haul trips. Tech is your friend here and while you can’t keep in touch on the road, you can video call friends, families, and loved ones when you’re stopped. Or, if you’re single, you can check out some dating apps to form new connections. 


Issues With Nutrition 

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If you have spent a lot of years on the road, you’re probably already familiar with the issue of eating healthily. When you’re trucking, you have to grab food where you can find it and this is usually going to be a fast-food joint on the highway. The problem is that these places and meals will not provide the nutrition you need to keep your body healthy. There are of course ways to deal with this problem. For instance, you can pack lunches to take with you. Don’t forget that if you’re not getting the right level of nutrition, levels of immunity will be significantly reduced. This is going to make it far more likely that you do develop serious diseases. 

Don’t let common health issues those in the trucking industry face get you down. One small change at a time is the best way to see results in your overall health and wellness.


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Read about some strategies to help you as a driver make fitness a reality: