
New Year’s Water Drinking Challenge

New Year’s Water Drinking Challenge

2020 is out, and 2021 is IN! 

Instead of setting those typical diet resolutions for the new year, I want to help you achieve a holistic, healthy lifestyle. If the New Year New You approach worked, we’d all be… well, you know where I’m going with this. 

Less than 8% of people follow through with and achieve their News Years Resolutions. Why? Because you still believe that something magical happens when the clock strikes midnight. That Cinderella will get her dress, and the pumpkin will turn into a sweet ride. 

That is not how life works, yet so many of us fall victim to this mindset. Hopeful goals without a plan are just dreams that feel real while we are asleep. 

With Mother Trucker Yoga’s help, you can stop committing yourself to those challenging and restricting diets and perfect exercise plans that just don’t fit for a trucker’s lifestyle; try something simpler and more effective!

Begin your new year with the mindset that you can start today. RIGHT NOW and that there is no magic pill and it will take work. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. 

I want to invite you to join me starting on January 1st with a WATER DRINKING CHALLENGE! 

Water Drinking Challenge Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Man Drinking

Did you know:

  • That when you think you are hungry, you are more often thirsty
  • Leaves your body’s muscles and tissues stiff, tight, and in pain (don’t forget the STIFF Mother Trucker pain relief cream too).
  • That dehydration is a SYMPTOM to depression (yes, I said that correctly).
  • That getting more water in as a driver is NOT complicated and doesn’t mean you need to drink 200 ounces a day and be peeing non-stop.
  • Dehydration impairs brain function and can cause fatigue, memory loss, brain fog, sleep issues, and mood swings. 

And if you need even more support and motivation, join Mother Trucker Yoga’s Membership Site packed full of customized trucker videos, tips, moves and inspiration.


How Should You Start?

Here at Mother Trucker Yoga, we believe in slow and steady, and we don’t believe in lofty empty promises. 

We believe in breaking things down and getting to the root cause of why things are working or why they aren’t. 

A Water Drinking Challenge is a PERFECT way to ring in the new year and make a lifestyle change that will impact EVERY other area of your life.

When it comes to liquids, water is the champion! It offers an abundance of benefits like increasing energy, promoting weight loss, flushing out toxins, and boosting the immune system. Water is also free of calories and sugar.

Most people are aware of this; however, we’re still not drinking enough H2O.

To help jump-start your new healthy habit, I created a 30-Day Water Challenge worksheet. Print and keep it at your desk, on your fridge, or in another highly visible space this month. You can grab this PDF inside the Accelerate Your Health with Mother Trucker Yoga Facebook Group!

MTY Water Drinking Challenge Sheet


It is recommended that an individual consume at least 64 ounces of water per day. If you want to get more specific, divide your body weight in half, then aim to drink that many ounces of water per day. For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds would have a goal to drink 75 ounces. You can calculate your number, and write it at the top of your worksheet. But even if you hate drinking water, how about one more bottle than before? You can do that, right?

Whether you never drink water, drink a bottle or two of water a day, or LOVE water and can’t stop, this Water Drinking Challenge is for you!

It seems like a simple thing, but you might be surprised at how much better it feels to have plenty of clean water running through your veins.


You Could WIN!

We want to make this fun for you! We will be giving away a few 64 oz. Black Canyon Outfitters Heavy Duty Water Bottles with Twist Lid in black from RoadPro!

Double-wall vacuum insulated stainless steel water bottle. Those that are the most active and participating in our Water Drinking Challenge will qualify to WIN at the end of the month. (only those living in the US lower 48 will have Water Bottles shipped out unless you pay for shipping, thanks for understanding).


Simple Strategies to Drinking More Water:

  1. Invite a friend to join in the water challenge with you. Accountability goes a long way in reaching healthy living goals.
  2. Buy a new water bottle with the ounces listed on the side.
  3. Write on the caps of the water bottles and count down from 6 to 1 or 4 to 1 until you meet your ounces goal.
  4. When you wake up in the morning get 8-20 ounces of water in first thing. Don’t even think before you drink.
  5. To better coordinate bathroom breaks with stops, one hour before you stop drink up.
  6. Commit to drinking a full glass of water before eating every meal.
  7. Stop making excuses. Enough said.


Okay, let’s get started. Go fill up your water cup. Cheers to a healthier you!

How do you join the movement?

Join our FREE Facebook Community over at Accelerate Your Heath with Mother Trucker Yoga and invite your friends! 

There you will get motivational tips, check-ins, and your FREE water tracking chart (PDF)! And guidance from me!

Instead of making the same New Year’s resolution again this year, how about we shift our focus and build a foundation to stand on so those healthy things we desire aren’t empty promises yet again, but pillars that do not waiver and create healthier habits for us to achieve any goal naturally!


Constipation: 3 Ways to get Relief on the Go


Constipation. Not exactly a conversation ANY of us want to have. But yesterday I spent the day with drivers at the Petro in Wilmington, IL and the topic of fiber, digestion, and constipation just kept coming up.

It struggles for anyone who travels to try to stay regular. There are so many factors that play into your body not playing along. But for a truck driver, the challenges can be even steeper than that of the average person.

With little access to “just run into the store” and limited to prepurchases before you (yes, you the truck driver) leave for a run and what is available at the truck stop, you better leave stocked up or you might find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

I just want to first start out by saying it is not under any circumstances normal to not be emptying your bowels every single day. If food is going in, then food better is coming out. If your body is currently not operating in this manner than I urge you to imagine where that eaten food is then going? Fermenting, decaying, not leaving your body.

Gross right? Exactly.

The average truck driver’s diet is often less than what someone would consider healthy, but with a little preparation and thoughtfulness, you (yes, I’m talking to you again) can get things running more smoothly (see what I did there).

3 Ways to Help Fight Constipation:

First things first. Water. We all absolutely, positively, without a doubt need to be drinking water. Your body is made up of more than 60% water and it is your job to keep the river flowing. As a driver, you are constantly racing against the clock and each stop you take works against you. So my suggestion is always to drink smart.

1-hour before you wake up, drink AT LEAST 8 ounces of water, I have some drivers now downing 10-20 ounces before their feet leave their truck. That hour will give your body time to make a way through you. Plus, by drinking water in the morning you cleanse your body from yesterday’s leftovers. Add lemon and you can also help boost and balance your pH (more on that later). So drink up my friend, your body depends on it.

Get your greens in. For anyone who travels it can be difficult to get a balanced diet each and every day. And for some drivers, cooking on the truck every day is just not a reality for them. So to help boost your body’s bottom line and get in what you just can seem to consume through food each day consider grabbing a greens powder to take every day.

Dark greens are essential to our daily diet. They help keep the bloat away, act as a means to detox the body, improve digestion, and elimination. Plus, provide you with essential nutrients that you just aren’t getting from that chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato or that iceberg salad. Couple that with daily movement with Mother Trucker Yoga and you have yourself some healthy bowels!

Do the best you can with what you have. But sometimes, you have need more. Greens travel and store well, and all you need to do is mix them with water (I take them at night and in the morning) and drink up.

Here are a few of my favorite brands.

Finally, finding fiber, or better yet, finding foods with fiber is another challenge some drivers may not even fully be aware of. Fiber is essential for your body. Its role is to help your body eliminate what is no longer necessary in the body and get it out. If you are lacking fiber in your diet, then you are more than likely lacking bathroom visits as well.

Add fiber too much too soon and you have a constipation problem all over again. So start small and start with real foods when it comes to adding more fiber to your diet. Consider beans, avocados, blackberries, chia seeds, bran and getting in your veggies. Good news, things like bran, chia seeds, and beans all travel well. That means you can take them with on long-hauls without the worry about spoiling.

If you have never used chia seeds before, they are amazing! Put them in yogurt, add them to your drink, smoothie, you can even put them into your baked goods. My favorite is to soak them in warm water for 10 minutes then add them to coconut yogurt- YUM!

Even then, traveling and living on the road can make even accessing the food suggested above challenges. Consider traveling with fiber you can easily add to a drink or mix with water and take daily. If you find yourself in need of adding supplemental fiber into your diet try some of my favorites:

Don’t let the challenges of being a truck driver keep you backed up (hehe- constipation). Instead, pack the essentials. Not just want you truck would need if you broke down, but what you need so you don’t get backed up! Without a healthy you- there is no truck driving.

Want more? Check out our blog post on Healthy Foods on the Road

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4 Tips To Start Eating Healthy Today


Eating healthy in today’s world seems to be similar to solving a complicated murder mystery with multiple conflicting witnesses.

The people over here say this.

The people over there say that.

The people up in front are saying no to both the above and claiming that simply thinking good thoughts about your food is good enough. (Insert humor here)

I like to think I am a simple person in that the more someone makes something complicated, the more I actually don’t want to follow their advice. Have you ever been there?

Coming from an eating disorder food was a HUGE DEAL. I mean we kinda need it to survive, it’s fuel, and we shouldn’t feel guilty for enjoying it. HOWEVER…too much of a good thing truly is too much of a good thing.

Today I want to encourage you, no matter where you are, to start small. Let’s not go and try to move the biggest most HUGE-NORMOUS moutnain in front of you today. Were just yesterday you were not even prepared to pack a bag for the big climb.

Instead, how about we take this one step at a time. Build momentum and ride the wave of little successes turning into big ones.

Here are my 4 Tips to Start Eating Healthy Today:

  1. S-L-O-W D-O-W-N. Yes, you heard me, just slow down. Studies show that your eating pace DOES play tribute to how much weight you will put on. Fast eaters are 115% more likely to be obese than slow eaters. – YIKES!
  2. Drink More Water. You have heard this 9 million, 700 thousand, 41 times already. But if you still aren’t drinking your adequate supply then it might be time to consider this to be the mountain to climb. People who consume adequate water each day consume 200 less calories per day than those who don’t. And you didn’t even have to “diet” to do that. Score! Not to mention that those who drink more water tend to burn more calories per day than those who don’t.
  3. Try At Least One New Healthy Recipe…each time you hit the road with your next haul. Yes, there is a little bit of preparation involved. But when you have some skin in the game you are more likely to follow through. Living on the road is complicated at times, but with a little preparation- YOU CAN DO THIS. We often choose unhealthy foods when we feel frustrated, lonely, and in a pinch. Diffuse the situation before it happens, and drive prepared. If you haven’t yet, try the InstaCart App and have groceries delivered to you even at the truck stop!
  4. Eat Your Greens First. Did you know that eating greens before your carbs has been shown to have a positive affect on your blood sugar levels? You can take that information right to your plate. Eating your greens is one simple step on the eating healthy train we all can take together.

I want to encourage you to not let your mind over complicate this. Weight-loss may be your goal. But you didn’t get to where you were overnight. This was a process that likely took years. So be kind to yourself and let’s create new habits that will last you the rest of your life. Truck driver or not, the food isn’t the problem, it’s our relationship with it. Let’s change how we look at food. Buy food. Prepare food. And put food into our bodies.

Mother Trucker Yoga believes in small simple changes. Those changes when done correctly can and will make a huge impact on the rest of your life. Mainly because you will be doing them for the rest of your life. Let your relationship with food be no different. Eating healthy does not need to be complicated. Make sure you aren’t the one complicating it.