How to Stay Healthy Living On The Road As A Full-Time RVer or Trucker



As a full-time RVer, I’ve learned to make staying healthy on the road easy. Here are some great tips you can use to stay healthy living on the road: RV fitness

Plan ahead and make sure you have plenty of healthy options to choose from.

Planning is an essential part of staying healthy while traveling. You want to ensure you have plenty of healthy options available in case you need something quick and easy.

Make sure you have a good selection of fruits and vegetables on hand to grab them if hunger strikes or to snack on throughout the day. If space allows, consider bringing some whole grain bread or crackers; they’re great for snacking on too!

Planning your meals ahead of time helps keep things organized while traveling. Planning out what meals are going to be served and when helps prevent last-minute panics about finding something healthy when hunger sets in at lunchtime.

Make a schedule for exercise – and stick to it!

You can’t afford to be a couch potato while on the road. You will never have time for it. You have to plan your exercise in advance and then stick with it.

Exercise doesn’t have to be boring and tedious, but if you are not used to exercising, then it may seem that way. The key is finding something that suits your personality and lifestyle—something fun!

Make sure whatever type of exercise or physical activity you choose can fit into your RV or truck easily. For example walking, jogging, hiking trails nearby with the family dog in tow; picking a time to sneak in 15 minutes of exercise or movement; doing yoga routines (which most RVs now come equipped with) online yoga has made this very easy to implement. Check out Hope Zvara’s YouTube channel for free. Riding stationary bikes inside each day after work… there are endless possibilities!

Stretch and stretch some more.

Stretching is one of the most important aspects of any workout routine; if you’re living on the road as an RVer or a trucker, it’s even more important. Being stuck in a small RV can cause many of your muscles to tighten up and become stiff. Stretches should be done before and after exercise to help prevent injury and keep you limber for future activities.

Stretching can be done anywhere at any time—just make sure that you’re safe from prying eyes or possible injuries from other objects in your immediate area! You don’t want someone seeing you stretching out their wayward wires with their power tools! Here are some examples:

  • Standing forward bend stretch: Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, then flex forward at the waist until balanced over one leg. Hold for 30 seconds; repeat on the opposite leg for another 30 seconds
  • Seated hamstring stretch: Sit on the floor with legs straight out in front of the body; bend right knee toward chest while keeping left leg straight out behind body; hold the position for 20 seconds before switching sides

Find something fun and new to do that gets you moving.

If you’re looking for some fun, new ways to exercise and stay healthy on the road, try these:

  • Go for a walk. Take yourself and your pup for a walk—maybe even around the campground! Or maybe go with a friend of yours who also has their camper in that area.
  • Go for a run. Run around the park or trail near where you’re parked, or find one nearby if there isn’t one at your current location. If you don’t like running, consider biking instead; make sure that whatever mode of transportation (bike or feet) will work best with your body type and any injuries/disabilities that may need extra care while exercising!
  • Go swimming at a nearby pool when the weather permits (this is great during summertime). Some parks and hotels even have pools that are open year-round so this could be an option no matter what time of year it is! Swimming can help strengthen muscles throughout your entire body, including those used during day-to-day activities such as walking up stairs or carrying groceries! Be careful though—don’t swim alone unless someone else knows how long you’ve been gone from home so they can call authorities if necessary.”

Be active with the kids.

I know this might not apply to my trucker friends. But when you want to be active with the kids, try going on a family walk. Walk around your RV park or campground and explore the area, getting fresh air and exercising at the same time. If you don’t want to go outside, play active games with them indoors. And for truckers, what about walking with a friend your team driver when you have a few minutes or walking and talking at the truck stop? Family can be anyone, right?

You should encourage your children to be active in other ways as well. For example, take them swimming or bicycling during their free time instead of just doing nothing on their electronic devices all day long (which of course they will do anyway).

Get enough sleep.

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) recommends that adults get 7-9 hours of sleep a night, but this number will vary depending on your age and activity level.

As you can imagine, travel can make it difficult to get enough sleep since you’ll likely be in different locations at different times each day. But there are ways to maximize your experience and still get the rest you need! For example:

  • Use blackout curtains or shades for your sleeping area—especially if you’re traveling during daylight hours! If not possible, consider installing blackout shades on windows (or even use duct tape). You’ll thank us later when you don’t have any trouble getting up after an early morning flight!
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine before bedtime because these all have stimulant properties that affect our ability to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night

Staying healthy on the road requires lots of planning and follow-through, but it’s worth it!

You’ll be tempted to stay up late, eat fast food, and skip your workouts. But it’s important to plan ahead so that you can make healthy choices that support your goals. Here are some of the things we do:

  • We schedule our workouts into our day planner or calendar on our phones
  • We try to find activities that are fun and exciting but also get our heart rates up
  • We take time each day for meditation and/or reflection


Following these tips will ensure you have the best time possible on your next RV trip or trucking adventure.



Travel Fitness: How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep As A Trucker

Expert truck drivers must master the skill of sleeping in the cab of their rig. Finding a way to sleep while your teammate is behind the wheel or in a parking lot full of loud, idling semi-trucks might be challenging.


Check out these truck driver sleeping strategies if you’re having trouble getting the recommended seven or more hours of sleep every night while on the road.

 Travel Fitness: How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep As A Trucker

Eat Smaller Meals 

Having worked hard all day, driving for many hours, you may feel like indulging in a substantial dinner as a reward. While this sounds like a great idea, and this kind of food will be easy to find at a truck stop, for example, it’s not the best if you want to get to sleep, stay asleep, and sleep for as long as you need. That’s because greasy, fatty foods take longer to digest; therefore, if your body is still working hard, it will be more challenging to sleep. 


If you desperately want a more unhealthy meal, make it your lunchtime. For dinner, it’s better to have vegetables and protein instead. Not only will you sleep better, but it will also help you be generally healthier. 

Have A Comfortable Place To Sleep

One of our best truck driver sleeping recommendations is to ensure that your bed is a relaxing sanctuary where you can unwind after a long day on the road. The double or single bunk in your sleeper cab can seem more like home with the addition of a high-quality mattress topper, a warm sleeping bag or sheets, a familiar blanket, and a comfortable pillow.


The more comfortable you can make the bed you’re sleeping in, the better you’ll sleep. So although you might not consider it a real bed or think too much about it when you’re not in it, investing in some good bedding and as much comfort as possible is a good idea. It really will make a difference. Be it at home or on the road. A mattress seems like an expense you don’t need right now. But so are medical bills for aches and pains that could have been avoided. Travel fitness and how to get a good night’s sleep as a trucker isn’t a joke sleep is critical to our overall health and is one of the top issues affecting the overall health that ages us. 

Have Time To Unwind 

One of the issues for truck drivers is their schedules. There isn’t much time to get enough rest sometimes, depending on where they have to go and when they need to be there. However, even if your timings are pretty tight, you must still get enough sleep and, on top of that, schedule some relaxation before you sleep. This could be just an extra 30 minutes, but it is necessary for good sleep. 


If you go straight from the road to dinner to bed, your mind won’t have time to settle, and you’ll find it hard to sleep because your thoughts will still be whirling. This is why you need a little time to do something to relax you. This might be reading, listening to music, going for a walk, or enjoying Delta 9 Gummies, for example (although remember, you must not drive and have gummies simultaneously, and every driver should have a conversation with their employer before ingesting CBD regardless). 

Listen To Something Soothing

You can do anything that relaxes you, but it’s best to stay away from screens. The blue light they emit can make it even harder to fall asleep. 

Sleep is essential for all drivers to put their best foot forward as professional drivers when it comes to travel fitness how to get a good night’s sleep as a driver, don’t forget to check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s meditations to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer so you can get that REM Zzzzz.

5-5-5 Breath Simple Meditation for travel fitness how to get a good night’s sleep as a trucker AUDIO SLEEP TRACK!

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Tips for Improving Your Mental Health as a Trucker

The impact of having bad mental health can affect you in many ways. It can make driving dangerous for long distances as your concentration is impeded. It can affect your ability to make the right road decision, which could cause accidents. It is estimated that around 30% or more of illnesses that affect the transportation business are mental health-related, meaning a lot of work needs to be done. If you are feeling that you are suffering in terms of your mental health as a trucker, then perhaps a few of the tips below can help:

Tips for Improving Your Mental Health as a Trucker mother trucker yoga blog image


5 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health as a Trucker


Sleep is a big one. You need to prioritize it. Even if you are sleeping in your cab and want to get on the road, you need to change your mindset. If you regularly get less than 7-8 hours a night, you may be causing yourself a lot of harm. Some health problems due to lack of sleep include obesity, type 2 diabetes, fatigue, memory loss, etc. Make sure that you try and establish a nighttime routine. Avoid things like coffee too late, and don’t drink alcohol. When it comes to improving your mental health as a trucker, sleep is essential; you may not be able to get long spurts of sleep, but focusing on quality, deep REM sleep and having a sleep routine can help. Improving your mental health as a trucker with a simple sleep routine can be as simple as deep breathing, listening to relaxing music, and not having screen time 30 minutes before bed. 


Stay Connected

You must try and stay connected what your loved ones. It can get lonely out on the road, making you feel very isolated and affecting your mental health. Luckily modern technology has made it easier to stay connected with people. Why not use apps such as WhatsApp and Messenger to make sending messages, videos, and images easy? You can also use these things to make video calls too. Bring along some pictures that you can stick up inside your cab. A few sentimental objects will help too. If you are away for a few days, why not send a few postcards?  


Get Moving

Sitting around driving all day is not great for your physical health and is also bad for your mental health. Whenever you stop, you should try and go for a walk or a short jog and get some stretches in. Exercise can boost you in many ways. First, it will make you feel better as it gets the blood flowing around your body, which can remedy any aches and pains. It can help combat things such as depression and stress. It can even help you recover from trauma. Exercise has so many benefits that you should try and get at least twenty minutes a day in.


Seek Professional Help

If you are feeling partially bad and nothing is helping, perhaps you should try and see a counselor. There are many professionals for all mental health conditions, from a general sense of low worth to addiction. Something like LifeWorks Recovery may be of great help. Whenever you are feeling low, there are always places to go and people who understand and can help. So do not suffer alone. 

Surround Yourself With Other Healthy Drivers

No matter what, your mental health as a trucker is critical, and we must pay attention to the signs and triggers that might tell us we need a break, help, or time off. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you taking time to stretch, eat well and drink water? These three simple things can be life-transforming. Come check out Mother Trucker Yoga and find out how you can join the movement of drivers who want to improve their health and stay on the road!

Your first step… Grab Trucking Yoga Simple Fitness for the Long Haul the BOOK! 


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Long Distance Relationship Gadgets For Those On the Road

It is no secret that being away for extended periods can be challenging every once in a while. Although for most truckers and their families, it is something they are used to, and those at home can hold it down for long stretches at a time – sometimes it feels like a text in the morning isn’t enough.  Long Distance Relationship


Although your complete focus should be on the road at all times, here are a few gadgets and devices that can help make some tough times a little more manageable. Wellness extends beyond what exercises you are doing and what foods you are eating, and it extends directly to your relationships and how you focus on that part of your life. 


6 Ideas for Long Distance Relationship Gadgets For Those On the Road

Laptop & Devices to Improve Communications

You could sub a laptop out for a mobile phone, but you’ve got a bigger screen to work with then you want to make FaceTime calls and see everyone in the same frame! Even older models will be able to give you a clear enough picture for you to see the people you love the most. Before you head out with it on the road, make sure that you know it is in good working order and fix up things like the battery draining. Connection is key, and loneliness is a big issue among drivers. Set yourself up for success by prioritizing communication with loved ones. Prearrange times to talk and ensure you have devices that can help you communicate easily. Wellness extends far beyond food and relationships often are the basis that dictates how you feel. 


Bracelets to Feel Connected

One of the big things that couples miss when one of them is out on the road is, of course, the closeness. Now, bracelets can send messages and little vibration motions to let the other wearer know you are thinking of them. 


They are a super cute option when it is hard to pick up the phone and talk for a while. And can often set the tone for those who matter in your life. If you leave a loved one behind, are you doing all you can to let them know you care? 


Slimmer and more inconspicuous options vibrate in time to the beat of your partner’s heart – they have to be paired to work, though. For this one, you can customize the color of each touch so you can talk to your partner throughout the day without needing to say a word. 


Lamps Bring a New Light 

Long Distance Friendship Lamps became prominent in the last few years when people couldn’t get together as often as they might like. One person will have the lamp, and the other will have the controls on their mobile phone. Make communication more meaningful with fun, innovative memorable devices like a lamp.

You can select the color and the brightness of the lamp or change the color when thinking of them. 

This one is great for those who have younger children at home and want to say goodnight without interrupting their routine too much. Plus, these fun lamps don’t just have to be for your spouse; consider these rings as a fun option for your kids as well, to help them feel connected. 


Heartbeat Ring To Stay Connected

Bracelets are one thing, but rings are perfect if you like your jewelry a little more on the inconspicuous side. The heartbeat rings are based on the legend of Vena Amoris, or the Vein of Love, like most wedding rings. However, they take it a little further than that, and you can feel the heartbeat of your significant other any time you like with these rings. 


You’ll need to set them up with an app on your phone, but after that, all it takes is a double tap on the ring to let you feel your partner’s heartbeat. 


The ring translates the other person’s heartbeat into lights and light vibration. 


Communication for Life

Not everyone is excellent with verbal communication, which can make the time apart trickier – even for those who are used to it. Texting is more commonplace than ever before, but a couple of apps are designed with long-distance relationships in mind. Never underestimate the notion that your loved ones want to hear from you and vice versa. 


Between is an app that can send messages, videos, cute emojis, track anniversaries, and more – all in a private space. It’s a lot like texting but a little bit cuter. How do you communicate with your loved ones? Is it a priority? Is it easy? It might be time to update how you communicate with those in your life who matter most. 


The Apple Watch 

If you have a MacBook and an iPhone, then an apple watch is next in line – but they can be great for sharing. If your partner is traveling at the same time you are on the road, you can quickly set up their clock on the watch so you can see what time it is with them. 


There are heartbeat features, meaning you can send your heartbeat to them when you have time. 


Spending time apart is a good idea for all couples – because, as they say, distance can make the heart grow fonder. But there are times when the distance feels more than usual, and that can be pretty tough on the people at home – and you, the person who is away. But plenty of gadgets can help you communicate with your family, and even put a night light lamp on for your kid in any color you choose! 


Communication and being around the person at home and the person out on their own can strengthen your relationship. 


Working on your relationship is always essential; here are some tips for reconnection after the time apart: How to Strengthen Your Bond with Your Spouse After a Long Time on the Road – Mother Trucker Yoga

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National Stress Awareness Day- 11 Ways To Reduce Stress and Overwhelm in Your Life


It’s National Stress Awareness Day

We want to share with you 10 Ways To Reduce Stress and Overwhelm in Your Life.

Life Is About Choices

The great American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, wrote a letter to his daughter, who was worried about a mistake she had made. This is what it said:

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders, losses, and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as possible.

Emerson’s quote reminds us that we must give ourselves permission to make a few mistakes, be imperfect, and “fall off of the wagon” from time to time. Do not let stress and mishaps prevent you from moving forward. Accept what you were able to accomplish and leave yesterday in the past.

An article in Medical News Today discusses how “overwhelm and stress, in common terms, is a feeling people have when they are overloaded and struggling to cope with demands. These demands can be related to finances, work, relationships, and other situations, but anything that poses a real or perceived challenge or threat to a person’s well-being can cause stress.”

You may not always control what happens daily, but you can practice healthy habits to manage stress.

10 Ways to Reduce Stress and Overwhelm in your life Mother Trucker Yoga BLog image stress

11 Ways You To Reduce Stress and Overwhelm in Your Life:

Today is November 2 2022, and National Stress Awareness Day; we all get stressed from time to time. The issue is that many of us have never adopted ways to reduce the stress in our lives, so we have normalized it.

Our body is set up to help us succeed and reduce stress. The parasympathetic nervous system is part of the body’s autonomic nervous system. Its partner is the sympathetic nervous system, which control’s the body’s fight or flight response. The parasympathetic nervous system controls the body’s ability to relax. It’s sometimes called the “rest and digest” state. Yet many of us are not taking the time to utilize our body’s built-in systems. Below are 11 simple and fast ways to help you reduce stress and step into the parasympathetic nervous system.

Reducing Stress Fast – National Stress Awareness Day

1. Get up a few minutes earlier than planned and take some time to be silent, meditate, and visualize how your day will be great. Here at Mother Trucker Yoga- trucking yoga is all about finding the small pockets of time to reduce stress and get moving.

2. Allow others to help you. If they did not want to help, they shouldn’t have asked. And that, my friend, is not your concern.

3. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent enormous trouble, concern, and pain. Ask yourself: “is what I am about to say helping or hurting”? And go from there.

4. Eat right. Start with one right choice. An apple. A glass of water. No need to bulldoze your life today. Just add in one new food or drink more water and see where it takes you.

5. Listen to relaxing music or guided meditations (Check out M.T.Y.’s guided meditations made just for drivers).

You can choose what you listen to. 6. Choose uplifting or motivating broadcasts or shows. Stay away from music, radios, and entertainment that only causes more pain, confusion, agitation, and anger.

7. Laugh—every single day. Laugh. Laugh so hard you cry. And better yet, laugh with a friend. Laughter releases endorphins that you desperately need to stay happy.

8. Surround yourself with people who lift you rather than tear you down.

9. Take ONE DEEP BREATH before you say or do anything more.

10. Be kind to unkind people. Kindness matters. Being kind doesn’t mean you agree with them or even want to be their best friend. But if you won’t be helpful, then who will be?

11. Meditate, pray, practice trucking yoga and good driver fitness practices. When was the last time you unplugged with something that would plug you back in? Make sure you check out Mother Trucker Yoga LIFESTYLE JUMPSTART Membership Platform & APP, where drivers just like you can come together and get fit- inside and out right from the cab of your truck.

12. Living over the road, where your home, office, kitchen, the vehicle is, all the same, can be overwhelming and stressful. Stress can cause headaches, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and negatively affect our immune system. Faith-based anxiety treatment can be a source of advice. We all know that pressure is not suitable for us physically or mentally. However, how do we keep stress from manifesting in our daily lives?

Mother Trucker Yoga Lifestyle Jumpstart Membership Platform and APP

Finding the best overwhelm, stress relief strategies, and trucking yoga for optimal driver fitness doesn’t have to be elaborate or take forever. But you might have to try something and then see how it works for a few days or weeks; if not, move on to the next thing. Do not give up if one doesn’t work; move on and try another. However, it is essential to keep looking for the tools to help you manage life’s ups and downs healthily. Keeping stress at a manageable level is vital for your overall well-being. You deserve it!

Surround yourself with people that support you in your journey, and leave behind those that do not. You will not regret it. Too many people in today’s world have come to normalize stress. Do not be that person. Identify your stress triggers and then take action to dismantle that stress. It may feel like work in the beginning, but in the end, you will feel the effects of a happier, healthier life.


Hey Driver: 6 Hints on Downsizing Your Home Without Stress

Many people find themselves in a difficult position when downsizing their homes. They want to declutter and simplify their lives, but they want to avoid dealing with the stress of doing it all at once. And as a driver, you may be considering selling your home and living on the road 100% of the time; you may be relocating, downsizing, or just feeling like you have too much stuff. We live in a world where stuff somehow equals more happiness. But you might be surprised that downsizing creates more clarity and stress-free life. 

If you are stressed, overwhelmed, and feel like when you do go home, you are frustrated and have no time for downtime or family? It might be time to shift gears and downsize your home life.

Hey, driver are six hints on how to downsize your home without stress:


1) Start small and work your way up:

Downsizing your home can happen in stages. Start small by decluttering one room or area of your home, and then work your way up. This will help you get used to living with less and make the process less overwhelming. You don’t need to do something 1 one swoop. Take it in small stages. Make a game plan to have the freedom and time to do what you love most. 


In addition, try to do only some things at a time. Take your time and focus on one task at a time. This will help you stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed.


2) Get rid of items you no longer need or use:

One of the best ways to downsize your home is to eliminate items you no longer need or use. If you last used something a year ago, chances are you don’t need it. So, get rid of it!
I know it’s hard, but clutter weighs on your mental well-being, and when left to pile up you have stress and anxiety you don’t even know where it came from. 


For example, you can have a garage sale, sell items online, or donate them to a local charity. This will help you declutter your home and make it feel more spacious.


3) Don’t be afraid to ask for help:

Downsizing your home can be a lot of work, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you have family or friends willing to help, let them! They can help you sort through your belongings and remove items you no longer need.


There are professional services that can help you downsize your home. For example, you can hire a company specializing in decluttering and organizing. This can take a lot of stress off you and give you more time to spend with loved ones. If you don’t feel like you have the time and don’t want to do it yourself, consider having someone else do it for you.


Hey Driver: 6 Hints on Downsizing Your Home Without Stress Mother Trucker Yoga Image

4) Create a floor plan:

Before you start downsizing your home, creating a floor plan is a good idea. This will help you determine what furniture and belongings to keep and what can be removed. When creating a floor plan, leave plenty of empty space. This will allow you to add new furniture or belongings as you downsize.


For instance, the living area might need a sofa, a coffee table, and a few chairs. The bedroom might need a bed, dresser, and nightstand. And the kitchen might need a table, chairs, appliances, and cookware.


5) Make sure you have enough storage:

One of the challenges of downsizing your home is finding enough storage for your belongings. This is why removing items you don’t need or use is essential. However, you will still need to find a place to store the things you do want to keep.


For example, if you’re downsizing from a house to an apartment, you might consider renting a storage unit such as This will give you extra space for your belongings and allow you to keep them safe.


6) Be prepared for emotions:

Downsizing your home can be an emotional experience, so it’s essential to be prepared for it. You may feel sentimental about specific items or attached to things you no longer need.


In conclusion, downsizing your home doesn’t have to be stressful. Follow these tips, and you can declutter and simplify your life without drama.



Trucking Yoga: How to Use Mindfulness When You Are Stressed Out?

Stress is a card we’re all dealing with these days— from deadlines and personal problems to traffic and unhealthy work-life balances. Here’s the surprise: mindfulness can help. Now, if you’re wondering what mindfulness exactly is, it’s the act of focusing on the present without judgment. This act is taught with many other activities such as trucking, yoga, and meditation and can have lasting effects in helping you de-stress. Let us tell you how to use mindfulness when you are stressed out.

Five best ways to use mindfulness when you are stressed out

You become aware of your thoughts.

Being tuned to what is happening inside your head and thoughts can help you unwind. You can step back and view them instead of taking them quite literally. This way, your stress response is not triggered, and you can take a backseat from being stressed.

Try to focus on what you’re thinking without judging or reacting to those thoughts. Acknowledge their presence and know that your thoughts do not control you, but instead, you control them!

Reaction becomes response

Sometimes, when you’re faced with a stressful situation, you react in its heat. And then comes regret. Mindfulness and trucking yoga make you pause for a moment and use your “wise mind” to assess the situation. Then you’re not just removing yourself from a panicking situation but also making a smart move on your part.

You are sensitive to your body’s needs.

Some forms of mindfulness, such as a body scan, can help you be attentive to your body. Are you asking yourself how that works? 

Here’s the answer: you focus on each of your body parts, focusing on how you feel there without any reactions or judgment. This helps you notice underlying tension in muscles or any pain that might have been brushed off during stressful days. 

Acknowledging an issue is already half the battle won, and you can take measures such as trucking yoga to release yourself from the pain.

You become aware of others’ emotions.

The entire practice of mindfulness is based on high focus; hence your focus; on the emotions of others can also help you contain a stressful environment. You are much more open to caring and understanding other’s emotions behind their responses to you, and once more, you can make smarter decisions with binocular vision.

You focus better

We’ve said this so much already, but we want to emphasize it repeatedly. Mindfulness helps you focus better! Not only is this an essential virtue of problem-solving, but you can understand what is causing you the stress. 

Focus is an important quality to have, especially if your career requires it, and mindfulness can help you get ahead!


Mindfulness, along with other trucking yoga practices, is a crucial tool to use in times of stress and panic. They allow you the space to breathe and calculate fall damage in a third-person POV, so you don’t make abrupt reactions in critical moments. We’ve collected some of the best reasons mindfulness can help, and implementing these will give you the boost you need! Now you know how to use mindfulness when you are stressed out.




Truck Driver Fitness: 4 Ways to Cool Down After a Workout or Long Drive


A long run, a challenging workout at the gym, or a stressful day at work or on the road can take its toll on your body. When you’re tired and sore after a workout or sitting all day in the truck, throwing ice on your muscles and calling it quits for the day is tempting. But cooling down and rehabbing your muscles is essential for preventing injuries and allowing your body to recover. When it comes to truck driver fitness, there are four ways to cool down after a workout or long drive.

Truck Driver Fitness: 4 Ways to Cool Down After a Workout or Long Drive stretching image mother trucker yoga blog

Following these simple ways will help you cool down from a tough workout or long drive without overworking yourself even more:


Stretching is an excellent way for someone focused on truck driver fitness to cool down after a workout or a long drive. It helps to reduce soreness, improve flexibility, and prevent injury.

Stretching is one of the best ways to cool down after a workout or a long drive. The main benefits of stretching are that it helps with muscle soreness, increases range of motion, and reduces the risk of injury. You should stretch for about five minutes after you’ve finished exercising because this allows your muscles time to relax and recover from their exertion.

For those in the transportation industry, working out isn’t always possible, but the truck driver fitness four ways to cool down after a workout or a long drive makes it super simple to feel your best. And as many of you know, Mother Trucker Yoga is all about functional stretching. You are sitting all day, and your body can quickly begin to feel stiff, much like after a workout when you don’t focus or implement stretching into your daily routine.

Try these stretches:

Try a simple Forward Bend or a twist in your bed by dropping your knees side to side or reaching up overhead in the driver’s seat; all these simple stretches count towards truck driver fitness, four ways to cool down after a workout or a long drive.


Massage is excellent for muscle recovery. It can help reduce muscle soreness and speed up your recovery time, which is essential when choosing a workout that will help you stay cool after working out. Massage also helps with circulation, meaning your blood is getting where it needs to go faster, lessening the chance of overheating!

Not sure how to implement a massage on the go, stay tuned for the Mother Trucker Yoga Road Relief Massage Gun!

Roll those muscles

Roll those muscles. Your muscles are aching and need care, so use a foam roller or tennis ball to massage the soreness. This will help you release tension in the muscle tissue at the same time as it increases blood flow to aid recovery. The science: Massage helps reduce pain and inflammation by increasing circulation, aiding faster recovery from exercise.

Rolling can include using a foam roller or small travel massage balls like the Road Relief Massage Balls available for drivers as tools for truck driver fitness, four ways to cool down after a workout or a long drive. 

Rolling breaks up tight, stiff fascia and helps you feel more mobile and less stiff and tight, and what you keep blaming as you being old could just be your fascia lacking mobility.

Rest those muscles

After a workout, your body needs some time to rest, recover, and cool down. This is important because it allows your muscles to repair themselves and return to their pre-workout state. When you’re done with your workout, it’s best to give yourself at least 30 minutes of rest before you move on to the next thing.

During this period of rest, your body can begin recovering from the strenuous activities you’ve just completed. If you continue working out after your workout without taking any time to rest, you could injure yourself or damage your muscles further.

After a workout, try taking a walk or doing some light stretching exercises so that your body can become accustomed to being active again. Alternatively, you can find a way to rest and relax your muscles, whether having a rest day or getting help from places like Trulieve



No matter how you cool down, it’s important to remember that your body needs time to recover from a workout. If you’re not taking care of yourself, the gains made during exercise could be offset by injuries or illness later on down the road. 

Plus, if you’re overdoing it in the gym without cooling down properly between sets—or even days!—then there’s no way around that soreness when it comes back again tomorrow morning (or later today).

How to Strengthen Your Bond with Your Spouse After a Long Time on the Road

How to Strengthen Your Bond with Your Spouse After a Long Time on the Road

How to Strengthen Your Bond with Your Spouse After a Long Time on the Road Mother Trucker Yoga Blog Image 1

Spending time on the road can be tough on any relationship. If you’re not careful, it can be easy to grow apart from your spouse. If you’ve been feeling like your bond with your spouse has grown weak, there are things you can do to change that. And the good news is that it doesn’t have to feel like hard work or strain your relationship. Here are four tips to help you reconnect with your spouse and strengthen your bond after a long time on the road.

1. Communicate Openly and Honestly With Each Other

Communication is essential for any successful relationship, whether it be romantic or platonic. Communication is the key to resolving any issues that may arise. Communicating about how you’re feeling is essential if you know you’re spending a lot of time away from each other. Plus, expressing that you miss each other can help you feel comforted.

2. Make Time for Each Other is Great for Truck Driver Health

We often find ourselves in the situation of being so busy that we forget about the people we care about. We get so caught up with our work that we don’t take the time to appreciate them. To make sure you have time for each other, you must prioritize it. Make time for each other and spend quality time together, even if it’s just a few minutes a day. This is important during times when you are home from trucking.

3. Be Honest About Your Feelings (Both Good and Bad)

It is important, to be honest about your good and bad feelings. This will allow you to better understand yourself and your emotions. It also allows you to better understand the emotions of others. Being honest about your feelings can help you discover what is going on in your life. It can also help you identify what triggers certain emotions in the future. Communicating this to your spouse can also help resolve any tensions.

4. Seek Out Therapy

If you are feeling overwhelmed or distressed, seeking professional help is essential. Texting friends and family is not always enough. It is best to talk to a professional who can help you find the right resources for your needs. You may find that psychotherapy for adult and couples is a great option to help you work through any issues together. It is important to remember that you are not alone in this process, and there are many people who want to help you through it.

Reconnecting with Your Spouse

Road life can be tough on relationships, but following these four tips can help strengthen your bond with your spouse. Just remember to communicate openly and honestly, make time for each other, be honest about your feelings, and seek out counseling or therapy if needed. With a little effort, you can help rekindle the spark in your relationship and enjoy a stronger bond than ever before.

When considering a loved one, making time for each other is great for truck driver health and everyone benefits from how spending time with loved ones make us feel.

If you are feeling lonely, consider joining our community Accelerate Your Health with Mother Trucker Yoga and come alongside other drivers who want to improve their health and well-being.




4 Skills Every Trucker Should Have To Improve Truck Driver Health


The trucking industry is often more competitive than people think. There can be a lot of individuals applying for the same preposition. Knowing the skills you need is essential beyond standard driving qualifications. And when it comes to skills, drivers should have skills to take care of truck drivers’ health is critical.


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4 Skills Every Trucker Should Have To Improve Truck Driver Health

First Aid


At this point, you might think, wait, I’m going to be alone for most of the trip. While this is true, it is worth considering what might happen if you end up in an accident. If you have a first aid qualification, you could provide vital support to anyone injured. First aid could be a critical skill for a truck driver.

Don’t forget; this does include yourself. It’s easy to forget that skills in first aid will ensure that you can provide primary care for yourself if you are injured too. You’ll know the proper steps to take. You can learn more about this on sites that offer first aid qualifications. Regarding truck driver health, first aid is essential; being certified could save a life or even yours. 


Customer Service


You might also want to consider your customer or client service skills. If you are new to the trucking industry, it’s easy to assume that there are virtually no interactions with other people. While true, you will spend most of your time on the road. You’ll still interact and engage with clients, customers, or colleagues. These interactions will impact how people judge and view your service. As such, you need to know how to interact with people at your final destination and on the road. Remember, your behavior will alter the perception of the business you’re working for. How people perceive you create an energy of how you are treated and when you are treated poorly or negatively, which can alter our mood, state of being, and overall truck driver health status. 

Consider taking a breath before you speak and ask yourself, is what I am about to say necessary and kind? You can be honest and kind at the same time.




You must have patience when you’re a truck driver. There will be many times when you are stuck in traffic or when there are countless factors beyond your control. In times like this, mistakes can and will happen if you are not patient. It would help if you were willing to wait it out and have the mindset that some things can not be changed or fixed by you. This will also help you improve the quality of your driving. 

Consider practicing deep breathing like the 3 and 6 Count Breath to improve your truck driver’s health:

  • Inhale for three counts through the nose. 
  • Exhale for six counts through the mouth. 
  • Repeat this for one minute. 
  • Then observe how you feel. 

Do this whenever you feel stressed, annoyed, or low on patience. Mother Trucker Yoga has audio meditations for drivers to help you with patience! This is just one skill to have to improve truck driver health.

Mechanical Knowledge


Like first aid, you don’t need this skill as a trucker. But it can be helpful to have. Your employer won’t expect you to have mechanical knowledge, but it’s great if you know a little about how your vehicle works for a few reasons. First, it will ensure that you know the signs there’s a problem with the vehicle, which may mean it’s not safe to drive. Catching these signs early will help you avoid an accident. Second, it can ensure that you know what to do if your truck breaks down at the side of the road and may provide you can get it up and running again without waiting for support. 


We hope this helps you understand some of the skills you should have as a truck driver. By learning these skills, you can ensure that you are more likely to be hired for a position. You will also be more effective in any trucking job that you are chosen for.

