Hope Zvara Joins the American Trucking Association’s Women In Motion Board of Directors

In a remarkable stride towards her mission of making a positive impact on driver health, wellness, and fitness, Hope Zvara, the founding spirit behind Mother Trucker Yoga, has recently joined the American Trucking Association’s Women In Motion Board of Directors and the sub-committee for Programs Development. This appointment is an opportunity for Hope to extend her vision, drive her initiatives, and build industry relationships within these three key areas of focus:

  1. Cultivating a safe and productive workplace
  2. Alleviating financial barriers to engaging in the industry
  3. Safeguarding vital routes to entrepreneurship

As a board characterized by advocacy, industry improvement, and connection, Women In Motion is a fitting platform for Hope’s continual efforts to enhance the trucking industry’s wellness approach.

Hope’s enthusiasm for her expanded role is palpable. She sees this as an exciting stage in the Mother Trucker Yoga journey and a unique opportunity to welcome more individuals, women and men alike, into the dynamic world of trucking.

In her capacity on the board, Hope will also focus on pressing issues such as the Trucker Bathroom Access At (H.R. 3869). She firmly believes this matter deserves urgent attention and is essential to the driver’s dignity and health. The lack of proper bathroom access can lead to a myriad of health problems, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), dehydration, mental fog, sleep issues, and cramping.

Hope voices her commitment, stating, “The Trucker Bathroom Access Act (H.R. 3869) is about human decency. Allowing drivers access to facilities isn’t an unreasonable request. It’s a matter that we can address and needs to be resolved. I’m excited to lend my voice to this and other significant issues currently faced by our truckers.”

Her dedication to drivers, her unmatched expertise in wellness, and her unwavering commitment to making change happen will undoubtedly bring essential perspectives and inspiring leadership to Women In Motion’s Board. The trucking industry is set to benefit greatly from Hope’s appointment, as she continues to tirelessly push boundaries and use her influence to foster better health, wellness, and industry practices for everyone involved in the critical work of trucking.




Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2022 Free Truck Driver Health Challenge


With Truck Driver Appreciation Week 2022, September 11th through the 17th, 2022, we want to celebrate.

Trucker Appreciation Week 2022 Free Challenge!

Mother Trucker Yoga has teamed up with St. Christopher’s Trucker Relief Fund for a FREE Health Challenge again this year!

Driver mental health is at an all-time high for truck drivers’ health issues and needs more attention.

Because drivers spend 90% of their day alone and often coupled with erratic work and sleep schedules, a focus on mental wellness is much needed.

Hope Zvara from Mother Trucker Yoga and Julie Dillon from St. Christopher’s Trucker Relief Fund have teamed up again to bring drivers a 5-Day FREE Challenge called Brain Breaks.

Brain Breaks 5-Day Challenge Brings You 5 Ways to Feel Great!

Do you feel like your brain never shuts off? Do you struggle to get to sleep?

Feel stuck in “fight or flight” mode?

We will discuss ways to reduce those stress levels and give the brain a daily reset.

What is Brain Breaks?

Brain Breaks is a FREE 5-day Challenge to help drivers learn simple, easy-to-implement strategies to feel their best no matter what the day brings.

What this means is every driver can feel good no matter what.


Please register below to participate in this FREE week-long program in honor of you, the professional driver!

After registering, be sure to join the Facebook group.

This is where the live sessions will be at 9:00 am CT each day, Monday-Friday, September 12-16th.


Our Trucker Appreciation Week Brain Breaks Focus Will Be:

September 12th-#MondayMovement how to use movement to give your brain a much-needed break.

September 13th-#TuneInTuesday how the power of sound and music can curb any mood.

September 14th-#WisdomWednesday using the ancient practices of breathwork and meditation to improve mood, clarity, and focus.

September 15th-#ThinkAboutItThursday see how using simple visualization techniques can help you see life more positively and help you feel more confident in all you do.

September 16th-#FoodieFriday find out how food plays a role in how you feel and what foods to eat to give your brain the fuel it needs to be at its best.

How to Sign Up:




Mother Trucker Yoga and Hope Zvara Featured on Start Up on PBS


Meet Hope Zvara

From yoga teacher to trucking fitness expert Hope has changed helped change thousands of lives over the last 20 years using her simple step-by-step strategies and what she calls her “toolbox. As the CEO of Mother Trucker Yoga, Hope is seen as a leader in the trucking industry for health and fitness. And has been featured in Forbes, Yahoo News,  and Overdrive Magazine; showing drivers how they can go from unhealthy and out of options to feeling good again with her unique easy to follow approach to health, fitness, and life all while living over the road as a trucker.

Helping others is what I do. And for years I helped those in pain on the yoga mat, but four years ago that all changed when trucking fell into my lap. One of many things I have learned being an entrepreneur is the journey is not easy, and when people make it look like it is, you can almost always believe there is more to the story. My journey has not been easy, but I am so grateful I am where I am. I love my drivers and know what I can do for the industry. 

And a few months ago I met someone who loved my story and what I am doing and asked if I wanted to be featured on the show she produces called START UP. I felt like it was a meant-to-be moment. And I said yes. This process has been both amazing and so hard to WAIT for to come to life! I’m just happy and honored I can help an industry that so desperately needs it.

Where Will the Episode Air?

It first airs on World Network on Saturday, Nov 17th at 1:30 pm CST

And then the next day, Sunday, November 28th at 12:30 pm CST on PBS.

Check your local listings for your exact time HERE 


What is START UP About?

Join host Gary Bredow as he travels across America interviewing small business owners to hear their personal stories and find out what it really takes to start a successful business from the ground up. Energetic, inspirational, and educational, START UP is a fast-paced series that captures the heart and imagination of anyone who has ever dreamed of starting their own business.

START Up is a two-time Emmy nominated show with a reach of roughly 6 million viewers.

How Did START UP Come About?

“The idea for START UP came at a particularly low point in my corporate career. The giant media company I was working for had laid off 85% of my co-workers, and I realized that I would never have the kind of security that I wanted by working for someone else.  However, I had no idea how to start a business.  I wondered how people were able to do things like lease space, get a loan, and essentially create something out of nothing.  I thought that maybe if I heard the stories directly from the people who have done it successfully, maybe it would give me the confidence to start my own business, and essentially control my own destiny. Outside of a small commercial and documentary production company, ironically, START UP was my first truly successful start-up. I have since opened a multi-media production facility and have started several other small businesses.  Without the insight of other successful entrepreneurs, I certainly wouldn’t be writing this today.

I believe that this is the age of the entrepreneur, and as job security has increasingly become a thing of the past, we have no choice but to become self-reliant. Small business is the foundation of growth in America, and it truly starts with one person, with one vision.”

-Gary Bredow

What Other Stations and Networks Will Air the Show?

After season 9 is over, the entire season will go on to be available on Amazon Prime and Create Network.

Don’t forget to set your calendars and DVRs for Sunday, November 28th to watch Hope and Mother Trucker Yoga making waves in the trucking industry.

Mother Trucker Yoga Start Up Show Blog








We are continuing our Truck Driver Appreciation Spotlight. And we are so excited to feature another female driver! MOTHER TRUCKER YOGA DRIVER SPOTLIGHT

Each of the drivers we feature has been interviewed about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. And today is another great share!

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

There are roughly 10% women truck drivers out on our roads. And although that number is small, the women out there are mighty! And today is no exception!

Trucker Appreciation Jamie Estes Driver Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

Meet Jamie “Sweet Pea” Estes!

Although people call her Wild Flower Blazin Mary


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 4 years and drivers for National Carrier’s under the name Cow Gal Trans LLC (love that name).


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: I love traveling and meeting new people.



Truck drivers can clock in anywhere from 80,000 to 110,000 miles annually. Although, there are certainly truckers on load boards who break closer to 125,000 a year. Free Freight Search noted that truck drivers are expected to drive between 285 and 430 miles per day, or 2,000 and 3,000 miles a week (in accordance with the restriction of 70-hour maximum over eight days in the U.S.). That’s a lot of miles.



QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Because nothing worthwhile in life is easy and you can’t quit when it gets hard.

QUESTION 4: What do you want to say to new upcoming drivers in the industry?

Keep going and never give up even if you feel like quitting, with Gods amazing grace there is nothing you can’t accomplish. Don’t be afraid to ask questions be a sponge and learn all you can and never stop learning. Be patient and respectful to shippers and receivers, they have the power to ruin your day if you are rude, stand up for yourself without being a jerk, firm yet polite. Don’t job hop when you get frustrated take a moment to calm yourself, remove emotion from the problem. Communicate with dispatch as much as possible don’t wait until the hill becomes a mountain.
That’s some good advice, Sweet Pea!

QUESTION: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer: I’d have to say mom and pop truck stops you know that hole-in-the-wall places no one thinks about anymore. If not one of those it would be Sapp brothers if I’m in the area or ta/petro.


Sapp Brothers Logo
Find a Sapp Bros. near you. HERE

QUESTION 7: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: There are a lot of things that would make it easier some of them are more parking, better driver education, and more respect for each other we are all out here for very different reasons and I think if we would all treat each other kindly and help each other it would make a huge difference in life out here. Also, more programs focusing on driver health and awareness I could go on and on but I’ll end that here.


That is great advice and did you know Mother Trucker Yoga is teaming up with various players in the trucking industry to help streamline health and wellness for drivers! Make sure you are subscribed to our newsletter to get up-to-date information. 


QUESTION 8: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: I park in the back of the truck stop and right now I’m trying to cook in my truck walk more and stretch more I’m also trying to quit drinking soda and eating processed foods that are my biggest weakness.


Driver Tip:

It can be easy to pick up those processed high sugar snacks when you are stressed and short on time. Try this. Next time you are in the truck stop, get in the habit of eating something healthy FIRST. Even if it’s an apple or a handful of nuts. Even if you still eat the other stuff, you have put good nutrition in your body. Remember, small simple changes!

Sweet Pea had a final thought he wanted everyone to know.

Just one more piece of advice, never think you have learned everything no matter how much experience you have. That’s all for me. Over and Out.

Share with us!

What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with Idella or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!

Read our other Driver Spotlights:

VW Lady Trucker https://www.mothertruckeryoga.com/2021/09/14/mother-trucker-driver-spotlight-vw-lady-trucker/

Flatbed Foodie https://www.mothertruckeryoga.com/2021/10/10/mother-trucker-yoga-driver-spotlight-flatbed-foodie/

Marc Iverson https://www.mothertruckeryoga.com/2021/10/06/mother-trucker-yoga-driver-spotlight-mark-iverson/ 

Idella Hansen  https://www.mothertruckeryoga.com/2021/10/17/mother-trucker-yoga-driver-spotlight-idella-hansen/





Hope Zvara Named in Top 30 Female Entrepreneurs for 2022

I’m excited to share that I was featured in Disruptors Magazine this month! Hope Zvara

I started teaching yoga because it made a difference in my life. So I signed up for my first of many yoga teacher training. That was nearly 20 years ago.

The article is about the 30 Female Entrepreneurs to look out for in 2022.


“Primarily male-dominated entrepreneurial ground has seen some of the most incredible innovations when women have set their foot into the industry. Today, their entrepreneurial ideas have been evolving various business domains in no time and, their leadership has become an inspiration for many budding female entrepreneurs out there. From being founders of successful startups to being heads of global business giants, they have embraced these roles effortlessly.”


Disruptors Magazine has listed down their favorite female entrepreneurs today, who have made their way to success with not just hard work, but their positivity, grit, and untiring love for their businesses.”

I am honored to have been featured.

For nearly 20 years, I have been on a mission to help others purposefully excel, and for the last four years, I have been on a global mission to help truck drivers feel better wherever they are with small, simple changes. Changes that they can easily and quickly make, many from the cab of their truck so they can feel good again.

What I do is not fancy. It’s functional and practical. It’s designed for a driver who doesn’t have lots of space, time or wants to “workout” or exercise on the truck. And although everyone else is telling drivers that they need to exercise, I’m telling them there is another way.

There is a gap between a very sedentary lifestyle and exercise. Most are pushing exercise, but that won’t work. It hasn’t worked for both truck drivers and the rest of America. 86% of truck drivers are obese, and 32% of Americans are obese. I believe the thing that has to change is our approach, and I’m here to help drivers do just that. And that way is FIRST to implement more everyday life movements into their day. A trucker workout is great, but most can find ideas on Google or YouTube. I’m here to show drivers how to move more in their everyday life. What their day is missing that has nothing to do with exercise. But can lead them down that path confidently if they so choose!

Disruptors Magazine Top 30 Female Entrepreneurs for 2022

I love my drivers, and I love what I can contribute to the trucking community. Whether you are a driver, a trucking school, or a trucking company of any kind, I can help. With affordable, practical, and realistic moves and tools, I believe we can get drivers feeling better the moment they join the movement.

Top female entrepreneurs to watch for distruptors magazine 2022

For more information about joining up with Mother Trucker Yoga, reach out, and let’s move our drivers towards a healthier future together!


Catch Hope on Start Up on PBS on November 28th. Where she is sharing her journey as an entrepreneur and what she’s doing in the trucking community! START UP on PBS





National truck driver appreciation week mother trucker yoga blog

Truck Driver Appreciation Week may have passed, but we still want to celebrate! And what better way than to highlight some of our road heroes. We interviewed drivers and asked them questions about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. Idella Hansen

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

These men and women are out on our roads, carrying all our essential and non-essential products we want and love day in and day out. And here at Mother Trucker Yoga, it’s not just trucking fitness that is important to us. It’s the men and women whom we serve.

idella hansen mother trucker yoga blog

Meet Idella Hansen!

People call Idella MaMA ChooChoo on the CB.


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 52 years


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: First off it’s not a job for me, it’s a way of life, and I love all of it from customer service to do the hardbacks.

Idella works for IBI Security Transport.



IBI is a full-service armored transportation company, operating in all 48 Continental States of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. IBI is a privately held company based in Woodside New York. IBI has been in operation since 1966. IBI is a full-service security company, operating Nationwide and in Canada and Mexico.

In 2001 IBI acquired Securicor Valuables Transport, Inc., a high-value, secured, “over-the-road” transportation company. IBI operates this division as, IBI Secured Transport, Inc. This is a national and international operation, with terminals in Trenton, New Jersey, and Salt Lake City, Utah.


Recognition Well-Deserved!

Back in 2017 Idella Hansen was nominated and chosen as citizen driver of the year.

Known for her signature red cowboy boots, her willingness to help her fellow drivers, her community, and her fellow women, Idella Hansen leads by example. Idella’s ability and dedication have earned her the respect of her fellow drivers, and TA-Petro is proud to honor her as a 2017 Citizen Driver.

In 2013, TA-Petro launched the Citizen Driver Program to honor exceptional drivers who exhibit strong citizenship, community involvement, leadership, health and wellness, and safety. To date, 26 Citizen Driver Honorees have been named as the best of the best. Idella is one of five members of the 2017 class.

idella hansen cowboy boots mother trucker yoga blog

“Idella is a pioneer in our industry and is a great example of what the Citizen Driver Award was created to recognize. She exemplifies the qualities of the award by her words and deeds on a daily basis, and continues to be a shining example of safety, involvement, and passion within our industry,” said Rick Ash, 2015 Citizen Driver Award Recipient, St. Christopher Fund Board Member, Former Chairman Trucking Solutions Group, Chairman Onramp to Health.


idella hansen


QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Because it’s in my blood and it’s pays really great, I work for a super company and they keep telling me not yet don’t retire.


QUESTION 4: What do you want to say to new upcoming drivers in the industry?

The first year is the hardest. Be prepared to change your way of doing things.

QUESTION: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer: Kenley95 North Carolina. I love the update and the facilities

QUESTION 7: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: That the rules and state regulations would be more uniform


QUESTION 8: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: Mother Trucker Yoga and Rolling Strong and St Christopher’s Trucker Relief Fund.

Idella had a final thought he wanted everyone to know.

We are the lifeblood of the Country and will be for many years to come, which helps us to do a good job. I will continue to truck until I drive it off the end of the world and beyond


What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with Idella or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!


Read our other Driver Spotlights:

VW Lady Trucker https://www.mothertruckeryoga.com/2021/09/14/mother-trucker-driver-spotlight-vw-lady-trucker/

Mother Trucker Yoga Driver Spotlight – Mark Iverson

National truck driver appreciation week mother trucker yoga blog

Truck Driver Appreciation Week may have passed, but we still want to celebrate! And what better way than to highlight some of our road heroes. We interviewed drivers and asked them questions about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. Mother Trucker Yoga Driver Spotlight – Mark Iverson

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

These men and women are out on our roads, carrying all our essential and non-essential products we want and love day in and day out. And here at Mother Trucker Yoga, it’s not just trucking fitness that is important to us. It’s the men and women whom we serve.

mother trucker yoga feature driver spotlight mark iversion blog

Meet Marc Iverson!


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 10 years


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: Free, my company, the view, and the adventures.

How awesome is that to hear, that Mark loves the company he works for! Even if you are alone all day for your job when in good company it can make all the difference. Mark drivers for the Canadian company Big Freight Systems and Kelsey Trail



2,500 – Number of truck stops in the U.S., defined by the National Association of Truck Stop Operators as anywhere with at least one shower, 15 parking spaces, and diesel fuel for sale. 6,000 – Number of locations that sell diesel fuel, but don’t have other amenities. That’s a lot of truck stops. When it comes to truck driver fitness that is a lot of park lot to cover, let’s get those steps in!


Recognition Well-Deserved!

Mark has driven over 1 million miles! Way-to-go Mark!

1 million miles mother trucker yoga blog mark iverson


If a driver averages 100,000 to 125,000 miles a year, it may take a driver from eight to 10 years to achieve a million miles.


QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Because it is rewarding and it is an honest day’s work. You feel like you have achieved something. My windscreen is my computer screen and I would much rather be driving on the road than sitting in an office at a desk.


QUESTION 4: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer:  Pilot Flying J- I love the facilities and showers are great.

Pilot flying J


QUESTION 5: What do you want to say to new and upcoming drivers?

ANSWER: You will never look back. You are your own boss, you get to travel and serve country/towns and people. You are valued and are an essential driver. This is an excellent career.


QUESTION 6: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: Automatic logs, healthier food (make sure you read our blog on healthy snacks to pack) on the road, and being more tike efficient.


QUESTION 7: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: Plan, stock up, try to avoid tempting truck stop food such as pizza and cinnamon buns! I make overnight oats, cereal etc.

Mark Iverson had a final thought he wanted everyone to know.

Love my job it is something I am good at and have had zero accidents in over a million miles.
Mark we are proud of you too!




What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with Mark Iverson or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!


Read our other Driver Spotlights:

VW Lady Trucker https://www.mothertruckeryoga.com/2021/09/14/mother-trucker-driver-spotlight-vw-lady-trucker/




Mother Trucker Driver Spotlight – VW Lady Trucker

Today in the Mother Trucker Driver Spotlight, we highlight VW Lady Trucker, who drives for Cetarus USA!

National truck driver appreciation week mother trucker yoga blog

It’s Truck Driver Appreciation Week, and we want to celebrate! And what better way than to highlight some of our road heroes. We interviewed drivers and asked them questions about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. Mother Trucker

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

These men and women are out on our roads, carrying all our essential and non-essential products we want and love day in and day out. And here at Mother Trucker Yoga, it’s not just trucking fitness that is important to us. It’s the men and women whom we serve.

Truck Driver Spotlight VW Lady Trucker Trucker Appreciation Week Mother Trucker Yoga BLog

Meet VW Lady Trucker!


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 17 years.


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: The freedom!



Women make up 52% of management across all occupations. Within the logistics industry, women compose 31.5% of employees in the warehouse and storage sectors, and within the trucking industry, women make up a growing 6.2%. According to the American Trucking Associations, there is a need for about 60,000 OTR truck drivers.


Recognition Well-Deserved!

Each year Real Women in Trucking gives out an award for “Queen of the Road,” and Trucker VW Lady Trucker (pictured, right) accepting a special Queen of the Road award at GATS in 2019. She is pictured with award presenter Michelle Scolari, among award honorees in the current earlier-year round of this year’s Queen of the Road program.

Real women in trucking award 2019 mother trucker yoga blog

QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Long hours, but I love that paycheck.


QUESTION 4: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer: I have so many. It’s hard to pick just one.


QUESTION 5: What do you want to say to new and upcoming drivers?

ANSWER: Never give up! Even in the tightest spots!


QUESTION 6: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: Better accommodations for parking and fewer government mandates.


QUESTION 7: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: Eat healthy as possible and park far away, so I am forced to get out and walk more.

VW Lady Trucker had a final thought she wanted everyone to know. Always remember to:

Smile! Meet a new friend.




What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with VW Lady Trucker or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!




Topical Pain Relief Just for Truckers


Topical pain relief just for truckers when they need it most.

Have you ever really looked at topical pain relief creams and noticed what they are made with? I have been in the health and fitness industry for nearly 20 years, and pain is one of the top complaints students have. When I stepped into the trucking industry it was no surprise that pain, physical pain were also a chronic issue for drivers as well. Except for a driver, stopping and getting out of their truck is not always the easiest or even possible.

Having swollen joints from arthritis, inflammation from an injury, or chronic stiffness from lack of movement can cause quite a bit of pain and limit your ability to move. Physical pain is a pain in the butt, and getting relief when you are a truck driver is not always the easiest.

You may already have tried over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, and other pain relief creams. However having used more than 30 different pain relief creams on and off over the years, I constantly found myself liking certain things about this one, and disliking certain things about that one. And don’t even get me started on the crappy ingredients some creams put in- why? Because they can.

Working with truck drivers it became very clear that there wasn’t anything specifically for drivers. And one of the number one complaints I hear from drivers is physical pain, stiffness, tightness, P-A-I-N.

What is topical pain relief?

Topical pain medications are absorbed through your skin. Most people are familiar with creams, gels, or sprays that are put directly on the site of the injury, pain, or joint.

Because the ingredients are absorbed through the skin, it is suggested that wherever you use the cream (gel) you rub in thoroughly and massage into the area of discomfort.

How often should a topical pain relief cream be used?

Harvard suggested that a topical pain reliever should be applied two to four times a day for the best results. And is best when applied near a joint.

Pain Relief with Stiff Mother Trucker Blog MTY

What ingredients are best to look for?

After countless searches, time, and time again Capsaicin (Capsicum) was noted as a front runner for topical pain relief. This was an ingredient I never came in contact with when it came to topical pain relief options in the yoga and fitness industry.

Capsaicin (kap-SAY-ih-sin) causes the burning sensation you associate with chili peppers. Capsaicin creams deplete your nerve cells of a chemical that’s important for sending pain messages. Capsaicin is most effective if used several times a day. When used topically you often feel a deep penetrating sensation that often lasts for what our testers said was hours. You may also notice a slight read area where it was rubbed due to an increase in blood flow.

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine stated “Capsaicin is a powerful local stimulant that, with repeated applications, leads to persistent desensitization to pain. In each of these trials, the use of topical capsaicin produced statistically significant reductions in pain compared with the reductions in pain with the use of placebo.”

Peppermint has demonstrated anti-nociceptive and analgesic actions in multiple studies, especially with respect to its menthol constituent. For pain in a local area, the use of peppermint oil can aid in the relief of both pain and inflammation.

Arnica is a natural is a perennial plant found in the mountainous areas of Europe and North America that produce yellow-orange daisy-like flowers. Since the 1500s, the fresh or dried flowers of the arnica plant have been used for medicinal purposes.

A randomized study involving 204 people with hand osteoarthritis was published in Rheumatology International in 2007. It was found that daily arnica gel was as effective as daily ibuprofen gel, although neither treatment was compared to placebo. There also were minimal side effects with arnica.

Magnesium is an important nutrient. It has multiple functions within the body. These include:

  • regulating nerve and muscle function
  • supporting a healthy pregnancy and lactation
  • maintaining healthy blood sugar levels
  • maintaining optimum blood pressure levels
  • manufacturing and supporting protein, bone, and DNA health

One study done in the Journal of Integrative MedicineTrusted Source indicated that transdermal application of magnesium chloride on the arms and legs of people with fibromyalgia reduced symptoms, such as pain.

WebMD states that Menthol is a “medication” that is used to treat minor aches and pains of the muscles/joints (such as arthritis, backache, sprains). Menthol is known as a counterirritant. It works by causing the skin to feel cool and then warm.

These are just a few of the ingredients I researched and dove into knowing I wanted in my own pain relief cream. But more importantly, I wanted something natural, effective, and free of all the other junk.

When I started to dive into other topical pain relief creams, I really took notice of all the other “filler” ingredients, and working with a master formulated in the beauty industry she assured me that those ingredients do not need to be in there. And often those are used as “filler” ingredients.

Why should you have to read a label worried if junk ingredients are in there? Why should you have to worry that someone is poisoning you, or claiming something is “natural” when only one or two of their ingredients are?

You shouldn’t have to worry and you shouldn’t have to doubt.

First-Ever Topical Pain Relief Cream Just for Truck Drivers.

Mother Trucker Yoga is proud to introduce you to the first-ever Stiff Mother Trucker Topical Pain-Relief Cream made for truckers.

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Stiff Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream MTY Blog

For more articles on pain relief, check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s recent article on back pain: https://mothertruckeryoga.com/2020/02/18/put-back-pain-in-your-rear-view-mirror/

And check out Bud and Tony’s article on back pain contributed to:


Highway to Hope Podcast | Trucker’s Health Challenge


It’s here! The St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund (SFC) Highway to Hope Podcast Episode 6 is out! The trucking community is in need of a health and wellness overhaul.

The Trucking Industry Needs A Health Boost:

The trucking industry is in danger. Karl Sieber, Ph.D. noted on the CDCs website that: “Twenty-seven percent of drivers reported no moderate or vigorous physical activity of at least 30 minutes duration during the previous 7 days.”

And in this episode, Julie from St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, Kim McDonnell from RoadPro, drivers Craig Daniels and Carmen Andersen join alongside Hope Zvara from Mother Trucker Yoga as they discuss the state of the trucking industry and their health. But more importantly what can be done now.  It’s time and every driver has the ability to make some type of change and with the right kind of support, they too can improve their health starting today! AIt’s because of this that Mother Trucker Yoga and SFC are teaming up to create a 100% FREE wellness challenge for truck drivers.

What Is In Episode 6, Part 1 of the Highway to Hope Podcast?

In the first of two Health & Wellness editions of the podcast to be released in July, the Highway To Hope details SCF’s Going The Distance Challenge. SCF Wellness Manager Julie Dillon highlights this new program, explains why it’s different than what they have done before and what others are doing currently in the industry.

Joining Julie as guests on this edition of the podcast are Hope Zvara, the co-founder of Mother Trucker Yoga and Kim McDonnell, the Senior Marketing Content and Community Manager for RoadPro Family of Brands. RoadPro is serving as a sponsor for the Going The Distance Challenge.

Julie and Hope outline the new program and how professional drivers can join the Going The Distance Challenge. Kim, who also serves on SCF’s Board of Directors, talks about RoadPro’s involvement with the program and the company’s support of SCF. SCF Director of Philanthropy and Development Shannon Currier serves as your host. Shannon is joined on the podcast by Greg Thompson, the Executive Producer of the PodWheels Network.

  Where To Go To Listen:

You can tune in and listen to the episode over on the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund website HERE.

You can listen in your truck, on your break, or after you are done for the day and you are getting your steps in. Find out why and how easy it is to take back your health one step at a time.


Trucker health Challenge Podcast with Truckers Fund and Mother Trucker Yoga

Find Out More:

Are you a truck driver? Are you ready to take that next small step towards improving your health? Join HERE

Read more about our Driven to Be Health – Going the Distance Health & Wellness Challenge is Mother Trucker Yoga’s BLOG HERE.