
How Can I Control My Anxiety?

If you are dealing with anxiety, it’s easy to feel things spiraling out of control. After all, one anxious thought often leads to another, creating a vicious cycle of negative thinking that can be hard to pull away from. However, it’s important to note that there are specific steps you can take to better handle the situation.

For example, you could: 

Set aside some time to ‘worry.’ Spending hours every day worrying is not a good use of time – nor is it productive. This is because it often stands in the way of you making positive changes to improve the situation you’re worried about in the first place. However, sometimes, worries can consume our every waking moment. One way to reduce this is by setting aside a little time to ‘worry’ about something. For example, if an anxious thought enters your brain, give yourself five minutes to worry about it. Then, take a deep breath and think about what you’re going to do to resolve it. 


Consider taking supplements or gummies. In some cases, supplements and gummies can be a great, natural way to ease anxiety. For example, Delta 9 THC Gummies contain premium, dispensary-grade THC, a product used in wellness treatments for centuries. In addition to boosting your mood, it could also help you to deal with the physical symptoms of your anxiety, such as muscle ache, pain, and tension. However, as a CDL Professional Driver, be mindful that some companies do not permit the use of CBD products, and many CBD companies cannot guarantee 100% certainty that their products are THC free and not all products are created equal. Always proceed cautiously and consult a well-educated wellness professional or your primary care doctor before taking any new supplements. 


Get excited about exercise. Regular exercise is more than just a step on your health journey. It can also help with anxiety. This is because working out boosts your body’s production of mood-boosting endorphins. As a result, it’s essential that you commit to a regular exercise schedule. If you find it hard to maintain exercise motivation, branch out by trying various activities until you find one you truly love. Here at Mother Trucker Yoga, we believe in starting small and focusing on consistency. Remember, effective workouts can exist out of the gym, whether you join a local sports team or take up running.

How Can I Control My Anxiety? Mother Trucker Yoga Trucker Yoga Image

Give yourself a break. Another way to reduce anxiety is by letting go of perfectionism and giving yourself a break. Remember that taking time off from work and social activities is okay, especially if this time will allow you to take better care of your mind. In most cases, taking a break gives you a chance to clear your mind, process what you are going through, and even help you find a quick solution to your problems. Taking a break also involves ensuring that you get plenty of sleep.


Speak to someone. Opening up to your friends and family or even a professional is one of the most effective ways to combat stress and anxiety. This is because having someone listen to you proves you are not alone. This can help the entire situation seem much more manageable. Talking out loud also helps us to better process our emotions and feelings. Finally, speaking to others means they can share tips, tricks, and coping mechanisms with you that can make a real difference in how you approach your anxiety moving forward. 



10 Quick Ways to Reduce Stress Today

10 Quick Ways to Reduce Stress Today

Living over the road where your home, office, kitchen, and the vehicle is all one can be overwhelming and stressful. Stress can cause headaches, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and negatively affect our immune system. We all know that stress is not suitable for us physically or mentally. However, how do we keep stress from manifesting itself into our daily lives? 10 Quick Ways


Life Is About Choices


The great American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, wrote a letter to his daughter who was worried over a mistake she had made. This is what the letter said:


Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders, losses, and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.


Emerson’s quote serves as a reminder that we must give ourselves permission to make a few mistakes, be imperfect, and “fall off the wagon” from time to time. Accept what you were able to accomplish and leave yesterday in the past. Do not let stress and mishaps prevent you from moving forward. 


An article that appeared in Medical News Today discusses how “overwhelmed and stress, in common terms, is a feeling people have when they are overloaded and struggling to cope with demands. These demands can be related to finances, work, relationships, and other situations, but anything that poses a real or perceived challenge or threat to a person’s well-being can cause stress.”


You may not always be able to control what happens in your daily life, but you can practice healthy habits to manage stress.

Reduce Stress mother trucker yoga blog post

10 Ways You To Reduce Stress and Overwhelm in Your Life:

  1. Get up a few minutes earlier than planned and take some time to be silent, meditate, and visualize how your day is going to be great.
  2. Allow others to help you. If they did not want to help, they shouldn’t have asked. And that my friend is not your concern.
  3. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble, concern, and pain. Ask yourself: “is what I am about to say helping or hurting”? And go from there.
  4. Eat right. Start with one right choice. An apple. A glass of water. No need to bulldoze your life today. Just add in one new food or drink more water and see where it takes you.
  5. Listen to relaxing music or guided meditations (Check out M.T.Y.’s guided meditations made just for drivers). Choose uplifting or motivating broadcasts or shows. Stay away from music, radios, and entertainment that only causes more pain, confusion, agitation, and anger. You can choose what you listen to.
  6. Laugh—every single day. Laugh. Laugh so hard you cry. And better yet, laugh with a friend. Laughter releases endorphins that you desperately need to stay happy.
  7. Surround yourself with people who lift you rather than tear you down.
  8. Take ONE DEEP BREATH before you say or do anything more.
  9. Be kind to unkind people. Kindness matters. Being kind doesn’t mean you agree with them or even want to be their best friend. But if you won’t be helpful, then who will be?
  10. Meditate, pray, practice yoga. When is the last time you unplugged with something that will plug you back into life? Ensure you check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s Online Membership site as drivers just like you can come together and get fit inside and outright from the cab of your truck
  11. 11. Look After Your Back. Getting regular massages and looking after your spine and back muscles will make it a lot easier for you to feel at ease, especially if you’re sitting for many hours a day. If you have any pains in your back, you definitely need to see a good chiropractor and let them help you.


Finding the best overwhelm and stress relief strategies may take some time. Do not give up if one doesn’t work; move on and try another. However, it is essential to keep looking for the tools that will help you manage life’s ups and downs healthily. Keeping stress at a manageable level is vital for your overall well-being. 

Surround yourself with people that support you in your journey and leave those that do not, behind. You will not regret it. Too many people in today’s world have come to normalize stress. Do not be that person. Identify your stress triggers and then take action to dismantle that stress. It may feel like work in the beginning, but in the end, you will feel the effects of a happier, healthier life.

Don’t be that person that wears their stress like a badge of honor and as a result, you are not only unhappy but stuck in life. When I am feeling stressed, stuck, or overwhelmed I get up and get moving. When I do that, I breathe more deeply, my blood circulates, feel-good chemicals and hormones are pumped to my brain and I FEEL BETTER.

The world tries to complicate our health, but I want to simplify it for you. Today, do one thing that makes you feel good. Do one thing that makes you smile. Do one thing that gets you up and moving. I promise you, that you won’t regret it.

mother trucker yoga audio meditation bundle

Check out Mother Trucker Yoga’s Audio Bundle– so you can de-stress and get back to doing what you need to do, and love to do.





4 Poses to Banish Stress Instantly While Traveling


Stress can be overwhelming and even debilitating. It can cause headaches, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, and irritability. Obviously, we all know that stress isn’t good for us physically or mentally. So, how do we banish stress in our every day lives?

As a yoga teacher, I encourage others to live a life where they can stay grounded, focused, balanced, and content. Yoga has helped me a great deal with handling stress and the side effects of stress. It helps to relieve tension by keeping me focused on my breath rather than all the thoughts racing through my heads.

Whether you are at home, work, or somewhere in between, yoga is a great way to find stress relief. So, to help you on your journey of finding ways to banish stress, here are three of my favorite yoga poses.

4 Poses to Banish Stress Instantly While Traveling

Heart Opening Pose Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

Heart Opening Yoga Pose – Shoulder and Upper Back Stretch

This pose not only relieves pain in my upper back and shoulders; I can feel my mind and emotions melt when I do this. This heart-opening pose is one of my go-to poses after a stressful day when I can’t sleep or help relieve the tension of carrying life on my shoulders. As I work to widen my knees slowly, I feel relief to feel such space (even if it doesn’t look like it). The freedom of my body letting go into the safety of the floor for a few minutes is all I need to feel more like myself.

Constructive Rest Pose Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

Constructive Rest Yoga Pose- Reduce Back Pain

Constructive Rest pose is a simple pose to relax and separate from the day. It diminishes back pain and can ease the immediate discomfort mentally, emotionally, and physically life can bring about. Lying on your bed, widen your feet slightly wider than your hips and let your knees fall together and completely support each other. If your knees do not touch naturally, then place a pillow or rolled towel between them so your legs can completely relax. Do this pose on your bed or the floor and focus on your breathing or listen to some relaxing music or guided meditation.

Seated Forward Bend Traveling Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

Seated Forward Bend – Complete Stretch from Foot to Forehead


Stress - Version 2 Seated Forward Bend Yoga pose Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

This pose is often used in yoga therapy to help manage depression. It is also known to soothe headache and anxiety and reduce fatigue. The feeling of bending forward eases the mind. Try to deepen your breathing during this pose and hold for one to five minutes. This pose brings me full circle to the simplicity that I am okay the way I am something we all can benefit from when stress steps in.

Be gentle to yourself so that life can be gentle back to you. Never force yourself into a forward bend, especially when sitting on the floor. With each inhalation, lift and lengthen the front torso slightly, with each exhalation release a little more fully into the forward bend. If you are new to this pose, it helps to hold a strap around the feel. If you are incredibly tight, place a rolled-up blanket under your knees for added support. The more you relax in this pose, the more naturally your body will open up.

You Are Worth It

Don’t overthink it. Sometimes you don’t have the time or the mental discipline to jump up and get a workout in, or strike a yoga pose. I get it. However, what I have discovered is that if you do make the time for yourself, you will see how yoga can help you physically, mentally, and emotionally. You are worth it and you owe it to yourself to make time for you. It can feel that if we work ourselves into the ground that we will somehow win an award. But the only award you will be winning is one of disability and mental uneasiness. I am telling you that it is OK and vital that you take care of you, and you can do that starting with just a few minutes a day right in the cab of your truck. 

If you want to get professional, inspiring, functionally-safe classes all in the comfort and privacy of your own rig. I invite you to check out Mother Trucker Yoga Online Studio Platform. No stress, no hassle, no sitters, and no fuss. This is not just another fitness program showing you moves from their gym where you try to figure out how to make this work in your truck.–it’s a fresh approach all done in and around the cab of the truck! I know that I know you will enjoy it. 

If you are experiencing stress right now, here are some other helpful resources:

10 Steps to Setting Goals as a Truck Driver

Benefits of Meditation- Simple Ways to Start Meditating

The 13th Step of Addiction Recovery