
A Truck Drivers Guide to Avoiding Injury When Working Out

Truck driving is a job that is full of relative motions like changing gear, and requires drivers to spend the majority of their working day sitting down. Unfortunately, that leaves us more vulnerable to inactivity, but then also injury when working out than those working in other careers. It really is a bit of a catch-22 situation. A Truck Drivers Guide 


The good news is that by exercising regularly we can improve our health, and by following the steps below we can make working out as safe and injury-free as possible. Read on to find out more. 

A Truck Drivers Guide to Avoiding Injury When Working Out Mother Trucker Yoga BLog

Picture located at Pexels – Licence CC0 


The dangers of inactivity for truck drivers


Before we look at the ways to minimize injury from working out as a truck driver, it’s important to state just how important regular exercise is. This is because those of us that drive trucks are at much greater risk for developing diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. After all our job is all about sitting down in pretty much the same position for 10-12 hours at a stretch. 


Of course, there are several factors that contribute to the increased risk of diseases, such as diet, but challenging ourselves to be more active and exercise is one way that we can effectively reduce our health risks.  


Unfortunately, as you may already know, while working out is great for your health, getting an injury from working out is not. In fact, an injury can not only spoil your chances of keeping up with regular exercise but can have an impact on your mental health and ability to drive as well. That is why it’s so important to learn how to minimize the risk of injury when working out. A topic that is explored in detail, in the post below. 

A Truck Drivers Guide to Avoiding Injury When Working Out mother trucker yoga blog image

How to Avoid Injury When Working Out: 


Begin with a warm-up 


There are many ways to reduce the risk of injury to truck drivers as they work out. The first of these is to do a warm-up before you begin. Warming up is crucial because it helps to prep your body for the workout to come, warming and lengthening the muscle fibers so they are not only less likely to strain, but also will be in prime condition to be effective as well. 


The good news is that warm-ups don’t have to be complicated or use a whole heap of expensive equipment that is hard to carry in your cab. Instead, one of the most simple warm-ups you can do is a brisk walk or jog – perhaps around a truck stop or car park? The amin here is to raise your heart rate and get your muscles warm so you can begin the next phase of your workout safely. 


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Alternatively, another opera warm-up that is ideal for truck drivers is dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching differs from static stretching because you’re not just moving your muscles but your whole body as well. Thereby getting a more thorough warm-up. 


Some simple dynamic stretching that you can try and can be done anywhere including standing side crunches or walking lunges with a twist are perfect trucking fitness exercises. Remember to go gently at first, especially if you have been stuck in your cab for hours, as your body will take a little time to loosen up. 


Use proper form when it comes to trucking fitness for drivers


Another way that truck drivers can help minimize the risk of injury when they exercise is to make sure they use proper form. Proper form is all about doing the exercises in the correct way and positing your body right. 


Of course, this means you need to learn the specific technique of any exercise that you are doing so you know whether your joints should be bent, or locked, and what position each part of your body should be in. 


If you are unsure check out the form guides on youtube or find a certified personal trainer or fitness instructor to help you when you begin. 


Make sure you listen to your body 


You can also help reduce the risk of injury when exercising by getting in tune with your body. This doesn’t mean you have to spend hours meditating though. Instead, just be sure to listen for signs that your body is being pushed beyond its limits. Remember feeling a little discomfort during a stretch is normal, a sharp pain is not, and it’s a signal from your body that you need to stop right away. Trucking fitness can be simple, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!


Support any weak areas with a compression sleeve


Making sure that any weaker areas in your body are properly supported will also help you to avoid injury. For this purpose, many people use a standard compression sleeve. Although, investing in a product like these GO kinesiology sleeves can be a better choice. The reason is that they are targeted support for muscles, tendons, and ligaments, helping you to maintain proper form, and reducing the risk of injury while working out. 


Cool Down Afterward


It’s important to cool down properly after a workout, especially if you’ve been sweating a lot. This helps your body recover and avoid injuries. A good cool-down includes light stretching and/or walking for a few minutes. You can also drink plenty of fluids to replenish any lost during your workout.


Simple cool-down activities you can do anywhere include: 


When it comes to avoiding injuries while working out as a truck driver, you really have to remember to do a proper cool down. Cools-downs will help transition your body from high activity to normality and will ensure that the lactic acid in your muscles won’t build up too much and cause you pain the next day. 


Simple warm-down exercises that you can do next to your cab include a gentle walk or some static stretching of your muscles. It’s also important to make sure you replace any fluids during your cool down so ensure you have a bottle of water or sports drink to sip from too. 


Get enough rest


Lastly, if you want to avoid injury is vital that you get enough rest in between workouts, so your body can effectively build muscles and repair itself. Of course, getting a good night’s sleep in the back of your cab can be a bit of a challenge, so be sure you create the most comfortable environment possible and avoid caffeinated drinks up to 5 hours before you are due to go to sleep. 

And don’t forget that trucking fitness for drivers just like you can be simple. Don’t forget to join Mother Trucker Yoga’s LIFESTYLE JUMPSTART Membership & APP for more great content, moves, and fun!

Trucking Yoga Fitness Mother Trucker Yoga




Truck Driver Health: February Heart Health Awareness Month

This month is Heart Health Awareness Month, and we want every driver out there to be healthy. And to help with that, here are some strategies to consider to improve your truck driver’s health for life!

The human heart is a powerful thing. It’s a vital organ we cannot see but can feel. And unlike other organs in the body, our heart is one of our body’s most central parts. It is the mecca center for our emotional well-being and is often associated with social, mental, and emotional “heartache” or “happy heart” experiences in life. Our heart is central to all we do, feel, and experience. What you eat, how you behave, what you drink, how well you sleep, genetics (but let’s not just go and blame them), and how much you move all play into heart health. There are a wide variety of truck driver health issues and heart disease is one of them. 

Today we will discuss the signs of heart issues and preventive measures you can start taking today to take back your health.


But our heart is more than that; our heart is a vital organ responsible for keeping us alive. It pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout your body to sustain life. An organ no more significant than our fist beats (expands and contracts) 100,000 times per day, pumping five or six quarts of blood each minute, or about 2,000 gallons per day. THAT’S CRAZY! 


Did you know about 2,200 Americans die each day from cardiovascular diseases? That’s about one every 40 seconds. And when not taken care of properly, we are putting our bodies at risk for a slew of complications. 


When it comes to truck driver health issues, drivers are especially at risk for heart disease. In a study posted by the CDC, 26% of truck drivers said they had hypertension versus the 24% totaling the rest of the US working population. It is not uncommon to read about a story of a truck driver who went to bed in his truck and didn’t wake up the following day and climb out. Heart attacks are often the primary cause of this all too familiar scenario.


There are many reasons why being a driver is so hard on the heart, the stress of driving, the long hours, lack of (cardiovascular) activity, unhealthy diet, and a high sodium diet. But other factors may include diabetes, smoking, alcohol consumption, chronic dehydration, and bad cholesterol, which impact heart health. Truck driver health is not just you go going to the doctor to get your card, it’s about what you do each day you are out on the road. We need you and we need you to be a health driver.


Self-care on any level can often be the difference between living a healthy life and not. But even more importantly, waking up the following day or not. Do not be ignorant of this growing health concern. If you choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle, you choose health complications to be in your future you may not have truck driver health issues now, but many times, those issues are only waiting to rise to the surface.

Being a truck driver does not give you a free pass to extended care about your health. I have had the honor of working with thousands of truck drivers over the last four years, and most of them have come to realize that they can have both: a healthy lifestyle and trucking. It’s a choice, and you, my friend, get to choose. 


Know the Signs to improve truck driver health: 

When it comes to truck driver health, you are alone much of the time, which means self-responsibility is critical when you are at risk of a heart attack. You need to know the signs. Just like you need to know how to change a tire on your truck, replace a windshield wiper, or back up. You may be able to ask for help 99% of the time, and maybe you never have yet to rely on those “what if” skills. But for the time you do, why not be ready. 

5 Signs to Pay Attention to for Truck Driver Health and Heart Health Awareness

  • Dull ache chest pains are not to be confused with indigestion, which is often more abrupt and acidic.
  • Rapid heartbeat, it’s essential to know your situation, are there other reasons that could be causing this right now)
  • Pain in the arm and heart sends signals to surrounding nerves to alarm the body owner that something isn’t right. 
  • Jaw and or neck pain, which blood clots can often cause. It’s important to rule out things like clenching oral issues like cavities.
  • Others include irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, tiredness, even depression or anxiety due to the sudden hormonal changes in your body. 


Trucking can be a lonely profession; the next time you are at a truck stop and strike up a conversation, be kind, ask how their day is going and how they have been feeling, encourage them to take care of themselves. You never know when a kind word of encouragement from a stranger is just what the doctor ordered. By understanding the signs, you could save your life or even the life of a fellow driver. 


February is Heart Health Awareness Month, and it’s the perfect time for you to lace up your shoes, grab hold of the steering wheel, and change lanes towards better health. It’s never too late. 

Trucking Health: February Heart Association Awareness Month mother trucker yoga blog

Tips for Preventative Heart Health Care During Heart Health Awareness Month 


  1. Quit smoking. Yes, easier said than done, but as a recovering addict, I suggest starting slow. How about one less cigarette per day? Or how about swapping out a cigarette for a hemp one? There are dozens of programs and nicotine replacements to try out. The most important thing is is “try,” you won’t know until you try.
  2. Exercise. Yes, get up and get moving do a little trucking yoga, or get in a truck driver workout. Simple practices like walking build up heart health and help you burn more calories, get you breathing more profound, and as a truck driver, you have the advantage of getting outside and walking. Sure it might be a parking lot, but at least you are walking! A 200-pound man can burn right around 90 calories from just 30 minutes of a moderate to brisk-paced walk.
  3. Get more sleep. Quality sleep is crucial for our entire body to function optimally. Things like a quality mattress, a sleep mask, making sure you are warm enough and have the right amount of blankets on hand, even headphones to listen to relaxing music can make a mobile environment parked in a truck idling parking lot a bit more tranquil, and your heart will say thank you.
  4. Manage your stress. What can you do starting today to de-stress your life? Now don’t say quit your job, although that might help. What else can you take care of in your life to help curb your stress level? When you stop and take a step back, you can often see the accumulation of little things that create that stress bubble lingering in your life. How about limiting social media? When you feel down, depressed, lonely, or angry, call a friend who will listen and help steer you back to a healthy mindset. Drink a glass of water, smile; it’s hard to be angry or unhappy when you smile (it’s true our brain wants to be happy when we smile). 
  5. Eat healthily. You are surrounded by fast-food restaurants and limited healthy food options. But that doesn’t mean you can’t eat healthily; it just means you have to put in a little extra effort. Try stocking up on nuts, seeds, fruit, and veggies like carrot sticks or celery; they travel well and give you that crunch you crave without the added calories and heart-threatening ingredients. Could you buy a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a fried one? Can you skip the fries and as for a side salad rather? Many fast-food restaurants will customize an order, but they won’t offer it; you have to ask first. No one is asking you to be perfect, and no one is requesting you never eat fast food again, but is there a healthier option available-pick that. 

Truck Driver Health: February Heart Association Awareness Month Mother Trucker Yoga Blog - signs

What you can do today to improve truck driver health issues like heart health:

Your health is in your hands—one of the most empowering things we can do as humans to take back our health. You may have been making poor heart health choices up to this point, and it’s time to make a shift. You can do this, here at Mother Trucker Yoga® we believe that it’s the small simple changes that lead to the big results so you can feel good again™. Don’t wait until it’s too late, take action, and what better time than during heart health awareness month. 

Join the movement and join other drivers just like you who want to improve their health one step at a time.

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CLICK HERE TO learn more about our NEW Membership Platform and APP – Mother Trucker Yoga LIFESTYLE JUMPSTART
Use the code: MTY30 for a FREE 30 days!

Healthy Holiday Survival Guide: 5 Simple Strategies

Between Friendsgiving, Thanksgiving, and the upcoming holidays, the next six weeks might be challenging to stay on track. I know some of you will be home for the holidays, and others will not. But the pressure to “dig in” during this time is everywhere. And I want to share with you some of the best holiday survival tips & tricks so you can all indulge just enough without sacrificing your health. healthy holiday survival

Here are a few of the tried and true tips you can find in our Holiday Survival Guide: 5 Simple Strategies


  • Avoid Skipping Meals To “Save Room For Later”.

Its mentality to “make room” often leaves you eating more than what you have room for. It also sets you up for thinking you can “eat more” than what you typically do. Even with healthy snacks for truck drivers, you can overeat. And when it comes to meals, skipping meal time to “eat more later” is not a healthy approach. If you have a dinner party, still eat breakfast and lunch if that is what you do. Not only will you stop the mind games around the holidays this way, but you will keep your blood sugar stable, and you won’t find yourself overheating due to a blood sugar crash. 


  • Sit Down And Slow Down When You Eat.

For drivers, eating on the go is the norm, so it can be hard for some to shut that approach to food off when you don’t have to. The holidays can be good for a formal dining approach, where you sit down, eat, and have conversations. This can be great to help you slow down and chew your food. Put your fork down between bites and add dialogue throughout the meal. It’s not just about healthy snacks for truck drivers. It’s also about how to approach food more healthily. In most Asian countries, dinner can be up to seven hours long. Because it’s more about conversation and not just about filling up our plates. By chewing and chatting, you can help your body digest what you are eating and allow your mind to catch up with your belly to prevent overeating. 


  • Bring Healthy Dishes To Share, So You Know There Is A Mindful Option To Choose From. 

As someone who has dietary restrictions (not by choice) and tends to lean more on the Pescatarian side, I have had to train myself always to bring a dish to pass, even when I’m not asked. That way, I always have something I can eat. This reduces the eating things that leave me sick for days and helps me avoid binge eating when I get home because I am so hungry. 


  • Build Movement Into Your Day Every Day Throughout The Holidays. 

Traveling may take you out of your daily routine (you know that as a driver), but it doesn’t have to make you sedentary. For drivers and those who often travel, the mindset that comes with it is one you don’t have time for. Or that what you are doing takes up all your time. But in all reality, it doesn’t. Where can you fit more movement into your day? Where can you sneak a quick walk in, even if it’s just 10 minutes? Where can you take the stairs instead of the elevator? Where can you squat, reach, bend and twist? Stop categorizing movement as exercise because they are not the same. 


  • Set Aside 15 Minutes Every Day. 

New habits are created by making it a point to develop new habits. I am not a big believer in elaborate workouts. And as a driver, who has time for that? But everyone has 15 minutes. At Mother Trucker Yoga, I call it The 15 Minute Wellness Method™. How can you move on purpose for 15 minutes? Go for a walk each day, call someone you love, and wish them happy holidays. Stretch and move for 15 Minutes using Mother Trucker Yoga’s Jump Start Video’s inside our app. Bicep curls water jugs until you can’t anymore. Whatever it is, set a timer for 15 minutes and move. Chances are you will exceed that time because you will feel so good. 


And move the new tradition and bring others along, you’ll be surprised how many of your friends and family want to move too after all that sitting and eating. 


We get it! Sometimes our plans don’t allow for the time or space to get a workout in. If that happens, do your best to keep moving. Inviting family or friends to join in can help you get more active and may even start a new healthy tradition. Some of our favorite “just move” tips are:


See our latest blog for these and more of our favorite ‘go-to’ holiday party tips, where I talk more about each of these healthy holiday ideas.
Don’t forget to watch us on STARTUP on PBS this Sunday, November 28th at 12:30 pm CST, where Hope’s entrepreneurial journey and how she is helping truck drivers with health and wellness debuts!

Check your local listing for your area’s exact time HERE

5 Strategies | How To Be Fit Where You Sit?


How to be fit where you sit?

What if I tell you that I am bringing you some health as a token of respect for your hardships? 5 Strategies 

We always hear,

Health is wealth!

But in our busy lives, we rarely make time for ourselves. It’s not that we don’t want to, but in the race of survival of the fittest, we fail to manage our lives in a healthy.

Here I am going to give you some tips to stay fit where you sit.

5 Strategies How To Be Fit Where You Sit

1. Hydration

Hydration is vital in physical jobs, but office jobs also hold a hydration standard. No matter what, your body requires 3-4 liter water consumption daily to regulate its physiological functions.

It keeps your mind and body active and makes you more productive. It does detoxification for you while you are doing your work.


2. Ambiance 

Keep your surroundings clean and fresh. A pleasant ambiance works as an anti-depressant. The positive vibrations from your space will keep you mentally healthy, and mental health is equally important to physical health, if not more. When is the last time you cleaned your truck or vehicle? Consider using essential oils like lavender, peppermint, or citrus oils to help keep your space smelling great. And watch your stress levels drop too.


3. Lumbar Support

Long sitting hours generally reward you with annoying back pain and muscle cramps. The reason for this unwanted gift is our slouching sitting posture. Using lumbar support can solve this problem efficiently. BackShield is an excellent ergonomic lumbar support that helps you straighten your back, correct your position, and relieve you from bothering pain. It is a portable device you can practically carry anywhere with great ease. Keeping yourself fit isn’t just about exercising. It’s also about how you support your body while you aren’t. 

Backshield - seat for truck drivers


4. Intermittent Breaks

Our bodies tend to get tired and stiff after a certain length of time while sitting. Sensing the tension, our body releases stress hormones called cortisol, which causes mental stress and hampers the body’s biochemical reactions.

Taking intermittent breaks keeps you fresh and energetic, saving a lot of trouble both physically and mentally. It can be tough to be stopping knowing your destination is on the horizon continually. But if you take a few minutes each morning to plan out where you will stop and when this will not only lighten the stress load mentally but help you plan your time accordingly. Worried about traffic and delays? What is your backup plan? Check out TruckerPath App to know where to stop and when!


5. Exercise

It’s so easy for your body to become tense, especially when you spend the majority of your time sitting as a truck driver. Most truck drivers’ fitness is focused on an exercise routine, and I’m here to tell you that it’s much simpler than that. It’s about small micro moves you can add to your day throughout your day, every day. 

You can do the following exercises to release any tension or stress in your body:



Gently flex your neck in all directions (forward, backward, to the left, and the right side) whenever in half an hour.


Bend your arms to place your hands on each shoulder to look like wings. Simultaneously move one arm in a clockwise fashion and the other in a counter-clockwise manner. Make sure your elbows touch when they come forward to face each other. It will release the tension from your shoulders.

Another exercise you can do is shrugging your shoulders. Raise your shoulders towards your ears, then slowly roll them down.


If you have a computer job or you clench a steering wheel all day as a trucker, your wrists tend to get stiff and painful. To avoid such circumstances, keep your arms steady and move your wrist ten times in both clockwise and anti-clockwise fashion. Truck driver fitness is about the little things, open one hand pull back each finger one at a time to stretch your joints, and open your hand from a closed-off fist.

Finger Stretches Mother Trucker Yoga Blog 


Working non-stop can easily affect your vision as the muscles of your eyes get tired doing the job their ass off. 

Make sure you blink your eyes more frequently.

Gently massage your eyes and do some vision exercises.

Abdominal Exercises

Long-term sitting leaves your core and back muscles underactive and out of order. This means when you go to use your body your core and back are vulnerable to injury. Do some abdominal and core muscle exercises like chair rollback (sit tall in the chair and gently lean your body back like you are in the reclining dentist chair and then come back up).


Our legs tend to get numb with prolonged sitting and we can struggle with issues like sciatica and clutch leg when driving manual. To keep the circulation under regulation, do some light walking or stretching of legs. When you are in the driver’s seat regularly roll your ankles and think about marching in the driver’s seat by lifting and lowering your knees without leaning your body back to keep blood flow and circulation up to par.

Want the details on how to do these movements and exercises safely and effectively?

Check out our Mother Trucker Yoga Membership Site.

Easy 3-5 minute videos to get you the relief you need fast! Even while driving!

Mother Trucker yoga membership site




Mother Trucker Driver Spotlight – VW Lady Trucker

Today in the Mother Trucker Driver Spotlight, we highlight VW Lady Trucker, who drives for Cetarus USA!

National truck driver appreciation week mother trucker yoga blog

It’s Truck Driver Appreciation Week, and we want to celebrate! And what better way than to highlight some of our road heroes. We interviewed drivers and asked them questions about their lives to help others see how amazing and hard trucking is. Mother Trucker

It’s our truck drivers who keep our great country running strong. Many of these men and women go unnoticed, not because they aren’t important, but because what they do doesn’t live in a fancy building or doesn’t require a cap and gown.

These men and women are out on our roads, carrying all our essential and non-essential products we want and love day in and day out. And here at Mother Trucker Yoga, it’s not just trucking fitness that is important to us. It’s the men and women whom we serve.

Truck Driver Spotlight VW Lady Trucker Trucker Appreciation Week Mother Trucker Yoga BLog

Meet VW Lady Trucker!


QUESTION 1: How long have you been driving?

Answer: 17 years.


QUESTION 2: What do you love most about being a truck driver?

Answer: The freedom!



Women make up 52% of management across all occupations. Within the logistics industry, women compose 31.5% of employees in the warehouse and storage sectors, and within the trucking industry, women make up a growing 6.2%. According to the American Trucking Associations, there is a need for about 60,000 OTR truck drivers.


Recognition Well-Deserved!

Each year Real Women in Trucking gives out an award for “Queen of the Road,” and Trucker VW Lady Trucker (pictured, right) accepting a special Queen of the Road award at GATS in 2019. She is pictured with award presenter Michelle Scolari, among award honorees in the current earlier-year round of this year’s Queen of the Road program.

Real women in trucking award 2019 mother trucker yoga blog

QUESTION 3: Trucking is hard. Why do you keep on trucking?

Answer: Long hours, but I love that paycheck.


QUESTION 4: What is your favorite truck stop?

Answer: I have so many. It’s hard to pick just one.


QUESTION 5: What do you want to say to new and upcoming drivers?

ANSWER: Never give up! Even in the tightest spots!


QUESTION 6: What would make trucking easier for you and other drivers?

ANSWER: Better accommodations for parking and fewer government mandates.


QUESTION 7: What do you do, if anything, to try to stay healthy on the road?

ANSWER: Eat healthy as possible and park far away, so I am forced to get out and walk more.

VW Lady Trucker had a final thought she wanted everyone to know. Always remember to:

Smile! Meet a new friend.




What do you like most about the trucking industry?

Have a comment to share with VW Lady Trucker or our readers?

Please share it in the comments below!


Mother Trucker Yoga® wants to help 1 million drivers change lanes in their health and fitness by 2031.

To get involved with Mother Trucker Yoga’s mission and help drivers just like you incorporate driver fitness into their lives.  Contact us!




Good Stress, Bad Stress and How to Manage It


How to manage stress is not something we are “taught”. But everyday life can be stressful. Good stress, bad stress. Stress, stress STRESS. It’s everywhere. 

Job demands, relationships, life events, and social media drama are daily occurrences. Moreover, it can begin to feel like this is just how life is supposed to be, coupled with the stresses of living over-the-road as a truck driver. These things can often have you feeling like you are traveling down a never-ending, bumpy road called LIFE. It’s easy to see how stress can suck you in and not let you go.

good stess bad stress blog post MTY

While stress can help some people perform under pressure, too much bad stress can negatively impact a person’s mental and physical health. It’s common for most people to focus on the negative side of stress, but sometimes stress can be a good thing. Good stress can motivate a person and help them achieve more goals. BUT how can a person tell the difference between good stress and bad stress?

Understanding Good Stress vs. Bad Stress

Good Stress

Good stress, often called eustress, is stress that pushes a person to accomplish more. It helps a person achieve those hard-to-reach goals. Good stress also helps a person learn new things, adapt to change, and engage in creative thinking. In a situation where a person is experiencing good stress, they always have control over the outcome of the issue.

Bad Stress

Bad stress, often referred to chronic stress, can slow a person down and prevent them from doing the things that they need to do. It can often lead us down a winding road of helplessness and despair. Bad stress can be things like staying in an unhealthy relationship long-term, living with a difficult person, continual high paced (stressful) workplace, taking on too many things, and continuously unable to complete them. That is continually saying “yes” when you should be saying “no.” When the body feels like it is under too much bad stress, symptoms such as excessive sweating, anxiety, headaches, and rapid breathing begin to appear. 

Managing Stress

As a yoga teacher, I encourage others to live a life where they can stay grounded, focused, balanced, and content. However, sometimes I fail to implement these strategies into my own life. I take on too many things, try to please everyone else, and neglect my health and self-care. It’s a downward spiral, and before I know it, my daily life is fueled by bad stress. Can you relate? 

Unfortunately, stress is inevitable. It’s a part of daily life. The good news is that stress IS manageable. To manage the stress in your life, you must relax your body and mind. You must balance the scale and know what your triggers are and what to do to bring yourself back to center. 

What is center? Center is when you feel like you are on point when you feel like you are handling life and thriving. When you sleep well and respond to life’s circumstances with ease, most people that meet with anger or hate are dealing with something much more profound—usually, sadness or hurt. And in not dealing with those emotions and challenges brings about bad stress and unwarranted responses that hurt rather than help.

Here are three ways to manage stress so that you can live a healthier, stress-managed life.

1. Take a Break

When I say take a break, I don’t mean a break where you are scrolling through social media or watching videos on your phone. I’m talking about unplugging and walking away from all the distractions in your life. Do something for five to fifteen minutes that requires very little of you other than for you just to be yourself and to be present. Sit outside, take a quick five or ten-minute walk, play a quick game of “Go Fish” with the kids, or engage in meditation. And sometimes that break is to help your body to heal. Make sure you take a time out so your physical body can reset and heal as well. Check out STIFF Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream to give your body the boost it needs for rapid healing!

Stiff Mother Trucker

2. Put Away Your Electronic Devices

If you think about it, we live in a world where we have immediate access to almost anything we need. Instant information is available to use with the simple touch of an app on our phones or tablets. But at what expense? Being over connected has created a massive epidemic in our world today. An epidemic that has produced anxious stressed and technology-addicted teens and young adults that are not ok with doing nothing or being alone. The only way to break that cycle and bring more Zen into your life is to put the electronic devices down and slowly back away. Have a no-phone rule at the dinner table, limit screen time, keep your device in your pocket or bag when you are out with friends–whatever you need to do to stop looking at your device–do it. You’ll be glad you did.

3. Be Positive

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? If it’s half-empty, it’s time to change your thinking. Keeping a positive attitude, shifting your negative thoughts to positive ones, and keeping your self-talk encouraging are great ways to reduce stress. For example, instead of thinking, “I can’t believe I made the same mistake AGAIN,” think, “Everybody makes mistakes. It’s ok. It is something that I can fix.” Developing an attitude of gratitude toward the people, things, and events in your life is also an excellent way to reduce stress. Write it down or take time to tell the people in your life that you appreciate them–trust me; it goes a long way! Finally, smiling and laughing also helps to reduce stress. I guess laughter is the best medicine. 

AND if you are ready to get crystal clear on your life priorities, health needs, and how to achieve your goals, my Practices for a Positive and Productive Life Masterclass is for you! In this sixteen-week program, we cover three key areas: Breath, Body, and Belief. All three of which are necessary for sustainable success!

Utilizing these three tips will help you begin to walk down the path of life a little less stressed and more positivity. 

Need a bit more encouragement? Looking for a quick listen to help you manage stress? Check out the Positive Positivity Podcast with guest Hope Zvara

Self Care is Your Business MTY Blog

Truck Drivers: Enjoy The Power of Medicinal Mushrooms for Better Health


Medicinal mushrooms have been highly praised for their marvelous health benefits for thousands of years now. Nowadays, people are obsessed with super-food with nutrition and health going the mainstream. Anything that can grant them remarkable health benefits, they buy it without any second thought.

My Grandfather was a bit of a mushroom buff. He’d pull over on the side of the road at the glance of seeing a mushroom to pick. I have heard stories of how he took my mom and her siblings mushroom picking in the woods as kids and then they’d go home and fry them up to eat.

I did not know the benefits of mushrooms until I was much older and even then, did not quite understand the holistic benefits.

But mushrooms are packed with power and if you take the time to understand the varieties and how to prepare them- you can have quite a tasty treat on your hands!

If my Grandfather were only here to see my love for mushrooms and my ultimate favorite, mushroom tea (see below).

Living life on the go either traveling a lot or as an over-the-road truck driver can be challenging. But with a little prep, you can have yummy treats that satisfy your sweet tooth and at the same time feed your body amazing benefits. Welcome to the world of mushrooms!

Top Best Medicinal Mushrooms

There are several different types of mushrooms and it can be confusing to know which is which. But each type has its own benefits.

In today’s world, there are many ways to take in the benefits of medicinal mushrooms. In today’s market, there are capsules, teas, powders, whole mushrooms, and convenient blends to take orally or add to a smoothie or a recipe like the two I am sharing with you today!

Here is my shortlist of Medicinal Mushrooms and what you need to know when shopping for your health.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)

Reishi mushrooms have the most potential benefits among all of them. More specifically, Red Reishi is believed to give the best results, vary in a range of colors though. A polypore self mushroom having a woody texture, as a result, cannot be eaten directly instead used in a soup or tea or can be powdered and used in capsule form.

Reishi Mushroom Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

The presence of terpenoids in these bitter mushrooms gives an anti-inflammatory effect. Reishi is generally used to deal with heart diseases, diabetes, liver damage, and cancer, etc.

Maitake (Grifola frondosa)

Maitake Mushroom is the one that grows in big clusters (the size of a basketball). Although it also grows on trees like Reishi, it isn’t a woody shelf mushroom and can be eaten directly due to its mild texture; making it distinctive of Reishi mushroom.

Maitake Mushroom Mother Trucker yoga Blog

Possessing a great taste, it is used for cholesterol control, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

A study has shown its anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects with positive immune response and no dose-limiting toxicity.

Shiitake (Lentinus edodes)

Shiitake Mushrooms are commonly eaten in Asian culture and are easily recognizable in the super-market. Its effects are very beneficial when given in soups or stir-fries as it helps in lowering the LDL levels (bad cholesterol) in the blood.

Shaiitake Mushrooms possess a phenomenal ingredient called ‘Lentinan’ that is now considered to be of such potency to be prescribed as the third most potent anti-cancer drug of the world.

Shiitake Mushroom Mother Trucker yoga Blog

Shaiitake Mishrooms are also used in the treatment of viral infections like HPV and Hepatitis C, challenged immunity level conditions, and prevention of dental cavities, etc.

They also have one of the highest amounts of natural copper, a mineral that supports healthy blood vessels, bones, and immune support. Just 1/2 cup of shiitake mushrooms gives you 72 percent of your daily recommended intake of this mineral.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms (Trametes versicolor)

Like Reishi Mushrooms, Turkey Tail mushrooms are also shelf-mushrooms and fan-shaped colorful mushrooms as their name suggests them.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

These can be found in any hardwood forest in North-America, Europe, or Asia.

Turkey Tail Mushrooms have a variety of benefits. Research in Japan and China suggests the improvement in the disease-free interval and survival in breast cancer with the help of immune modulation.

These mushrooms improve immune function by stimulating cytokine production and increasing the number of natural killer cells.

Chaga Mushrooms

The Chaga mushroom grows on different parts of the outside of the host trees. It can be found as a dome, a cone, or horn shape with crispy ridges. It’s important to note that you always want to pick the Chaga from living trees. When picking this mushroom it is important to always leave at least 15% of the mushroom on the tree so it can regenerate and grow back.

Chaga Mushroom Mother Trucker yoga Blog

The Chaga Mushrooms have a variety of benefits. The Chaga is rich in B-complex vitamins, potassium, rubidium, amnio acids, zinc, selenium, iron, and both manganese and magnesium and calcium. Talk about a power hitter!

2010 study found that Chaga could slow the growth of lung, breast, and cervical cancer cells in a petri dish. The same study also found that Chaga could slow the growth of tumors in mice.

The Chaga has also been noted to contain many antioxidants that may reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called “bad” cholesterol.

Why take Medicinal Mushrooms?

Medicinal mushrooms are tremendously beneficial for our health. They possess various mighty properties like Antifungal, Antiviral, and Antimicrobial, fighting off any threatening pathogen and protect our health. Rich in Vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, beta-glucan, polysaccharides, and other specific compounds in their species; medicinal mushrooms add extra nutrition to your diet while maintaining intestinal health, fighting off the free radicals, and control the inflammatory process while boosting the immune system.

Overall Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

  • Boost Immune function of the body
  • Promote Heart Health
  • Improve Energy Levels
  • Improve Brain Health
  • Helps in Weight loss
  • Relieve Allergies and Asthma
  • Relieve Stress and Anxiety
  • Fights Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Fights Cancer

Mushroom Recipes:

Dark Chocolate Mushroom Bliss Balls

Makes 36 Bliss Balls / Ready in 45 Minutes

Recipe by: Irene McGuinness


1 cup pitted Medjool dates (about 10-12)

½ cup chopped raw cashews

¼ dark chocolate chips, melted

3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

3 Tbsp Chaga mushroom powder (you can use other mushroom powder as available)

2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted



  1. In a food processor or blender pulse dates until they begin to break down. Add nuts and continue to pulse until crumbly. Add melted chocolate, cocoa, mushroom powder, and coconut oil and pulse until the mixture comes together in a ball.
  2. Line 8-inch square pan with parchment. Using 1 tsp measuring spoon, scoop mixture and roll into smooth balls, then place in a single layer in line dish. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes or longer to the firm. They can be eaten as-is or rolled in or dusted with colorful toppings.
  3. Store in tightly covered container in refrigerator, cooler or cold compartment for up to 2 weeks…if they don’t get eaten too quickly.


44 calories / 1 g protein / 2 g fat / 6 g carbs (5 g sugar, 1 g fiber) / 1 mg sodium


ZuZu’s Heaven In a Cup

This is the best tasting form of hot cocoa with no guilt!

This is my FAVORITE drink on the planet from my dear friend Karen Urbanek who owns and teaches through Holistic Health Educators. Recipe from Karen’s recipe book: Living in Rawality


1/8 cup / .03 ounces Chaga mushroom

About 3-4 spears / .03 ounces Astragalus mushroom

.02 ounces Reishi mushroom

¼ cup goji berries (optional-but so good)

6-8 cups distilled water

1-2 tablespoon honey

3 tablespoons raw cacao powder

23 tablespoons coconut milk or coconut milk powder



  1. Simmer mushrooms, berries, and water on low for 2 hours. Strain.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well with a fork or blend and enjoy.
  3. NOTE: Save the Medicinal Mushrooms and make another entire batch! They freeze well if you don’t want to make the second batch immediately.


Be willing to try something new. Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years to help with various health ailments and longevity. These recipes are fun and easy to make. And trust me you won’t be able to keep any of them in your truck or house for long!

The great thing about the recipes above is they can be eaten and drunken alone or with a meal. Don’t forget to eat your greens! Just as important, make sure your daily diet gets 3-5 servings of dark leafy greens regularly as well!

This is my favorite, you can buy the bag with all the mushrooms you need for the amazing Heavenly drink I noted above!


The amazon links provided are affiliate links. Thank you for supporting Mother Trucker Yoga! 

Remember to always seek the advice of a medical professional before making any major changes to your diet. The information provided here is not to replace the information and advice given by your medical professional. 

What is Plantar Fasciitis & What to Do About It


What is Plantar Fasciitis & What to Do About It


I never had ANY issues with my feet until I was pregnant. Plantar Fasci.. Who? And it was right about that time that I began my journey of diving into the body. Not yoga poses. Not fancy exercises, but how the body moves and why it moves the way it does. How we are an adaptation of our environment over time and things don’t necessarily happen to us, they accumulate within us. What is Plantar Fasciitis


To be honest, you don’t catch plantar fasciitis like you do an airborne virus. Your body moves or doesn’t move, it adapts to the environment you put it in and it responds. When your muscles scream, cramp, tighten, clench, sag, freeze they are responding. The question is, are you listening? 


What is Plantar Fasciitis?


But what IS plantar fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis means the inflammation in the muscular band around the sole, which supports the arch. It is the main reason for pain at the bottom of the heel. And that plantar tendon is then connected to your achilles tendon, which then connects in with your calf muscles, to your hamstrings to then your sacrotuberous ligament and so on (that was a mouth full). My point…everything is connected. Our bodies are not separate parts, we are not parts, we are whole. And when we are in pain, like foot pain, we cannot just look at the area screaming. We must step back and look at the entire canvas and how that canvas moves or doesn’t move. If someone was to be holding a gun pointed at another who would be screaming, the shooter or the victim? The victim is the bottom of your foot, the persecutor is the cause of it. 


In modern busy lives, one is always on his feet. Our heels are constantly under the pressure of our daily life hustles. This pressure ultimately damages or tears your foot ligaments resulting in pain and stiffness under the sole. And furthermore, the long bouts of sitting, tightening of the calves and hamstrings coupled with extreme fitness shortens and tightens those areas causing a pulling and aggravating pain. 


Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

During the later months of pregnancy, women carry a lot of weight on their feet and are more at risk for Plantar Fasciitis.


Men and women between the age group of 40-70 years and majorly women among them are at higher risk for Plantar Fasciitis.


Obese individuals, due to high pressure on their heels and repetitive tensile overload from walking, standing, or squatting, are more prone to the inflammation of the muscle band around their heels.


Certain activities or exercises that include running, dancing on heels or ballet dancing, skating, aerobic dance, inadequate stretching, or walking long-distance without a proper pair of shoes, etc.


Pronation (walking in a way that your whole body weight tends to be on the inside of your foot) is one major cause of Plantar Fasciitis.


Long term sitting with minimal bouts of movement, stretching or activity. 


People with structural foot abnormality (Foot Mechanics) like flat feet, protruded, or extended heel bone or high arches usually suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. Weak plantar flexor muscles and intrinsic muscles of the foot are the bio-mechanic causes of Plantar Fasciitis.

Certain occupations that involve excessive use of feet or dynamic jobs like teachers, factory workers, police, labor, etc. are at higher risks.

Heel spurs were implicated as one of the causes of Plantar Fasciitis. It was later clarified that this is a very weak association and may not necessarily be a cause of Plantar Fasciitis.




Stabbing pain and tenderness in the heel is the typical symptom of Plantar Fasciitis.

The pain can be triggered by a long period of standing.

The pain generally kicks off after exercise as the pain flares up due to increased irritation or inflammation but doesn’t show any symptoms during exercise.

The nature of pain may vary from person to person. It can be dull or sharp, burning or ache in the heel.

The pain is commonly worse in the morning. You will feel a wave of pain the moment you take your first step out of bed. Climbing stairs would be the last thing you want to do as it aggravates the pain to a higher extent.




Statistically, stretching is believed to give the best long-term results at home.

Calf and arch stretch

  1. Sit on the bed with straight legs.
  2. Take a folded towel (or a strap or belt)
  3. Hold the ends with both hands.
  4. Place the balls of your feet in the middle of the towel and pull back the towel/belt flexing the foot (place the towel over the ball of the foot).
  5. Hold this for 30 seconds with a rest interval of 30 seconds and repeat this 3 times. Or hold until tension passes.
Plantar Fasciitis - foot stretch mother trucker yoga blog

Seated Forward Bend with Strap to Stretch Arches, Calves, and Hamstrings

Downward Facing Dog

  1. Start down on all fours.
  2. Take a deep breath in and lift your knees.
  3. Without walking your hands back, press up through your arms and shoulders.
  4. Exhale and draw your belly in and lift your hips high.
  5. Let your heels sink towards the ground and “walk the dog” by alternating lifting and lowering each heel and bending the opposite knee. 
  6. If you are feeling tight, bend the knees (the goal is not to have straight legs, but to feel a stretch).
  7. NOTE: Try Half Downward Dog on the step of your truck. Does your truck step need an upgrade? In need of more grip? >Shop NOW<
Plantar Fasciitis Half downward dog mother trucker yoga blog

Half Down Dog on Truck Step

Plantar Fasciitis Downward Facing Dog Mother Trucker Yoga Blog

Downward Facing Dog

Roll the arch on our Massage Roller Stick

  1. Keep a ball or our massage roller stick by your bedside.
  2. Roll your foot on the ball three times for 1 minute with 30 seconds of the rest interval.
  3. Do this exercise after waking up and before going to bed.
  4. NOTE: Your feet may feel tender due to wearing shoes too frequently and not stimulating the muscles in the feet often enough.

mother trucker yoga massage roller feet

Manual Stretch

Before taking your first step out of bed, stretch and massage your feet manually with the help of your fingers.



  • NSAIDs
  • Stretching
  • Formal physical therapy
  • Night splints
  • Custom orthotics
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Platelet-rich plasma injections
  • Botulinum toxin injections
  • Fasciotomy
  • Topical Pain Relief Cream – STIFF Mother Trucker

Stiff Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream in Hand


Thank you to BUD & TONY’S TRUCK PARTS for being the sponsor of this blog.

Are you ready to try out Mother Trucker Yoga’s Half Down Dog on the step of your truck but you need an upgrade?

Bud & Tony’s Truck Parts got you covered! They have dozens of selections perfect for your rig!

See what they have waiting for your ride! 

Bud and Tony's Truck Parts




7 Rules of Life to Stay Positive

7 Rules of life to stay positive and focused on what matters.

Sometimes we need to stop and remember what’s important. Now I know that seems a bit cliche, but when we…
We can then see life in an entirely different light. And that can mean new opportunities. New friendships, and new efforts put forward. And as a result, we are more positive towards life and what comes our way.
To all our friends out there… It’s about the little things, and the small mental shifts we can make today to help us make better choices and decisions tomorrow!
What is your favorite out of our list here?

Mother Trucker Yoga’s 7 Rules to Life to Stay Positve:

Mother Trucker yoga 7 rules for life blog post

1. Make peace with your past so it won’t disturb your future.

You are the only one holding onto your past with a tightly clenched fist. Loosen your grip, you might be surprised at what happens when you do. By holding onto the past you never get the opportunity to be present which is the real gift.

2. What other people think of you is none of your business.

It can be easy to get consumed with what others thing. But opinions are like a$$ holes, everyone has one and nothing good ever really comes out of them (insert humor). My point, what others think of you doesn’t matter. Most people’s opinions of others or life is a pure reflection of them and how they think of themselves. So focus on you, my friend.

3. The only person in charge of your happiness is you.

We can look to others for inspiration, for support even for ideas or help. But you are the only person who gets to decide your level of happiness. And much of that is determined on how you look at life and yourself in it. It’s what Carol Dweck calls a fixed mindset vs. a growth mindset. If you always tell yourself you will never be happy, then you will never be happy. If you always say you can’t be healthy or fit when you are a truck driver, then you will never be a health and fit truck driver. If you say you are not good at math, then you will never be good at math. If you want to be happy, then choose to be happy. 

4. Don’t compare your life to others. Comparison is the thief of joy.

I believe that we walk one path, and it’s when we try to hop over to everyone else’s and walk theirs too that we get stressed out, we strikeout, and feel left out. Other people’s lives are theirs to live. Yours is yours. And when we compare we rob ourselves of all the progress and uniqueness we have to offer the world. You don’t know their past, their struggles, or what they had to do step by step to get where they are. So keep your eyes on your own path. Look out for help and encouragement, but not to judge yourself or your progress. 

5. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

It is true, time does heal(s) (almost) all wounds. My advice, stop looking at the wound. Look up and see there is a lot of other life to be lived. When my daughter died, I was crushed, frozen, and empty inside. But there did come a point where I had to look up and keep moving forward for her. And in time, the wound of her loss began to heal, it’s still there, but now I have chosen to do something different with it. You can do that too.

6. Stop thinking so much. It’s alright not to know all the answers.

It is my experience that we as a culture like to overthink things. Overanalyze things. But thinking too much leads to a lack of action and a lack of useable solutions. There comes a point where we must stop out of our heads and into the field and give it a try. Move even blindly at times, but the results of that will always be far greater than only having thought about it. Because now you know. 

7. Smile. You don’t own all the problems in the world.

No one ever said you have to carry everyone else’s problems on your shoulders. Smile. Smile often. For one entire day, smile at everyone you see, everyone you meet. And see how different you see the world. But even more, see the ripple effect you can do for someone else who may also be feeling the need to carry things that aren’t theirs to carry. 
These are just seven ideas to help you see life a little differently. It’s easy to be bombarded by the media. To be overwhelmed with everything that is going wrong that we forget to look out and see what is going right. The voices in my head like to keep me stuck, unhappy, and overwhelmed. But over time I have learned to stop listening, or at least drown them out. I suggest you consider doing the same. I am positive you will see more good, more smiles, and more opportunities in life than you did before.

What are other life tips you have that you’d like to share?


Feeling motivated to move more? Looking to stay positive in life? Check out Mother Trucker Yoga blog post on travel exercise.

Going the Distance Challenge for Truck Drivers


Going the Distance Truck Driver Challenge starts July 27th! 

Truck drivers are one of the largest underserved communities. And with truck drivers’ health continually at risk, something needs to change. Other challenges have been displayed to drivers before and mostly they focus on weight loss. And although many drivers could serve to lose weight, that doesn’t mean they are healthier. It’s about the small building block changes that build the biggest results.

For truckers, that number is 14%. Why do truckers suffer from diabetes at a rate of ost 50% higher than the rest of the American population? They have more risk factors, according to physicians. Drivers smoke more; about half of truck drivers smoke compared to 19% of other adults.

The CDC stated that:

By law, drivers of commercial vehicles and trucks are permitted 14 hours of duty per day worked. They are required to take a mandatory 10-hour break before they can drive again for work. As a result, long freight delivery routes often require them to sleep away from home. Life on the road makes it more difficult to live healthy because of:

  • irregular schedules
  • long hours
  • little physical activity
  • limited access to healthy foods on the interstates
  • stress

And that has left our drivers with issues like heart disease, obesity, hypertension, nd diabetes. HOWEVER, most drivers hearing this is nothing new. And it is my belief that we must FIRST address the underlying causes of these issues which are: Air, Food, Water, Sleep, and Movement all in small bite-size practices.

Going the distance truckers health challenge 5 elements mother trucker yoga blog

Interested in learning some tips to feel better while on the road or at home? If so, join us for Going the Distance Health Challenge. This is a 1-month completion challenge for professional drivers. The St. Christopher Truckers Fund has teamed up with Mother Trucker Yoga to show you how making small, simple changes in your daily routine can result in big health benefits. The challenge is based on five elements needed for survival: water, food, sleep, air, and movement.

How is this health challenge different than those you may be familiar with?

First, it is a completion challenge. Each person who stays engaged in the challenge for the full month is a winner and will receive prizes from various sponsors. Second, it is a two-part challenge. The first part consists of a short 5-day challenge. Everyone who completes the 5-day challenge is eligible to move on to the 2nd challenge. This challenge lasts four weeks and each week will have a specific health focus.

What are the benefits of joining this challenge?

We will explain why each task (drinking more water, eating healthy foods, incorporating daily movement, breathing with intention, and getting adequate sleep) is beneficial instead of just telling you to do something. We will offer real support and accountability. We will provide a place where you can ask health questions and get answers. We will cover the five key elements of survival and how to utilize them successfully. We want you to not only survive but thrive!

Who is running this challenge? 

Hope Zvara of Mother Trucker Yoga who has worked with thousands of people just like you over the last 20 years reclaim their physical, mental, and emotional health through yoga and other mindful practices and now primarily focuses on the trucking community. With her expertise in functional movement (everyday movement and lifestyle) and pain, he is a powerhouse of knowledge and inspiration.

“I believe anyone can show you exercise in front of a truck. That anyone can tell you to do this or that, but changing your health has to be more than that. It must take you back to the beginning and show you how to make real change. Help you understand why behind what you are doing and are asked to do and then show you the way.”

And Julie Dillon of the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund. Julie is a TNC (Total Nutritional Counselor), her knowledge on food, nutrition and lifestyle will aid this challenge to inspire and help drivers build a knowledge base as to why we need certain foods and what happens when we eat or don’t eat them. Julie’s ability to break this process down into bite-size pieces will help every driver participating make great strides at the end.

Trucker Challenge with Mother Trucker Yoga

What is the investment for joining this truck driver challenge? 

This health and wellness challenge is absolutely free! Joining our challenge, our accountability group, and learn alongside experts in the natural health, fitness, and wellness arena cost you nothing. Other challenges require you to buy their product or join their subscription. Not here. We are 100% here for you and all you need to do is say YES!

How can someone register for Going the Distance, and when does it start?

Registration will start on July 6th. Phase 1 of the challenge is July 27-31. Phase 2 is August 3rd-28. Participants can register below. You must be a truck driver to win any prizes during the challenge.

What’s Next?

After registering, please join our Facebook Group, for daily/weekly engagement. This is where most, if not all, the information will be shared. If you do not currently use Facebook, create a “mock” profile for yourself and delete it after the challenge is over. While not mandatory, it is crucial for your success in this challenge to have a Facebook account.

We are encouraging everyone to have a buddy to sign up along with him/her to offer support and accountability.

Prizes will be provided by Road Pro Family of BrandsTA Petro, and Mother Trucker Yoga. STIFF Mother Trucker, Bill Weaver Music, Chrome & Steel Radio, Jacks Chrome Shop 

If you have any questions about the truck driver challenge?

Please contact Julie Dillon at:

Julie @ or Hope Zvara at hope @